Kyra's Bio

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 8 months ago
18 5583

Chapter 6
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Intellectual & Psychological Characteristics

Language Proficiency - English (native), Gaelic (fluent), Italian (expert)

Manner of writing: Small, slanted to the right. Keeps a private journal where she writes about her day, her innermost feelings, and occasional vents.

Musical Instruments: Guitar, piano, auxiliary percussion, Uilleann pipes (Irish bagpipes), penny whistle, ocarina 

Extremely unskilled at: Driving a car - she follows the rules of the road; it's just that she can't catch a break with other drivers on the road that disobey the rules and she panics whenever she is in a sticky situation.

Best Quality: Individualism

Character Flaws: Too altruistic

Disabilities/Disorders: None

Fears/Phobias: Public speaking, Claustrophobia - confined spaces

Quirks: Obsessed with maple syrup, talks to plants, plant mom, rides bike everywhere instead of taking public transportation, terrible liar, bites nails when nervous, shiny eyes in natural sunlight - her eyes are amber, stops and smells the roses (literally), attracts butterflies and honeybees - her red hair is easily confused for a giant rose.