The Life Of Highschool Gays

3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
9 17866

Chapter 7
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Some random writings for the Highschool Gays, featuring dragons

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It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

The kids safely dropped off at Adam's house with his parents, the two teenage boys had all Christmas night to themselves to enjoy the holiday. Though he wasn't exactly sure what the other had in mind, it waaaaas Christmas. Rayden had felt bad enough asking his parents if they could send just a bit more back for the kid's presents. He hadn't bothered with his own, much less one for Adam, so the least he could do was go along with whatever they wanted to do to celebrate. Including less huffing than usual for that stolen kiss under the mistletoe.

Tail unwrapped from around his waist, the long ropey appendage was currently entertaining Darkness in the backseat of the car. The dragon changed his size to be a little smaller than one of the kids as his boney arms slapped at the wiggly tail. Sometimes he was able to grab onto it, but Rayden had enough control over it to slip free without batting an eye.

Leaning his arm on the car door, he looked out into the chill outside. The kids loved the chilly weather and bright water flakes that fell in droves. Rayden, not so much, his affiliation as a fire rider apparently leaking through enough that he preferred baking under the summer sun. Or maybe that was an older dose of demon blood than the kids, eh, who knows.

Jumping suddenly when he felt little pointy teeth stab through his tail, he turned back to point threateningly at Darkness. "Hey now, you know better. If you're gonna bite, do it gently." The dragon had bitten his tail clean off once, they were just lucky it could grow back. Sighing at the apologetic kisses, he leaned back in his chair. "So where are you whisking us off to again?"

With his eyes straight ahead, Adam only turned slightly as he saw the other jump from the corner of his eye. He was a reckless demon, wanting that heart pounding fun, but he didn’t want to crash in snow and get stuck outside for a long period of time without heat. That didn’t sound fun at all, so he was being more careful as he waited at the traffic light despite no one around.

Rai was zooming around as well, mostly between seats in a game of ‘the floor is lava’ mixed with ‘attack the limbs’, chasing Darkness’s tail and noodle like body as he flopped around after Rayden’s tail. It was cute, and he wished he had a camera to record, but alas he wasn’t one of those idiots that would record and drive. Even less so when the persons he held dear were in the van.

“My house, it’s rather quiet aside from the other dragons but I think you’ll enjoy it. I left your gifts there and thought you could enjoy some quiet time without the kids. And the kids deserved some fun time with a pair of adults who will happily spoil them to no end.” Turning onto a street, the houses were lavishing, not very large like his mother’s and father’s house but decent in size and easily suited for a small family if pressed. Small snowmen and igloos were built out front of houses, a few children outside playing now that christmas dinner and family time was done, but Adam kept driving to the end where the house at the very end was fenced in and the snowy lawn was untouched. Pulling into the driveway and pulling out a key to press a button for the garage door to open, Rai started screeching happily and slammed into the windshield. It wasn’t often that Adam went home for long periods of time, but when he did Rai was so happy. It was always warmer than Rayden’s or his parent’s house due to the dragons preferences, and the house was decorated with his belongings and toys that were also mixed in with Bloodlust’s toys as she too liked to play.

“We’re home! Look at the home!”

Raising an eyebrow, Rayden thought they had just dropped the kids off at Adam's house. He didn't know this kid was stupid rich enough to have his own as well. "I guess.. you didn't have to get me anything though, I wasn't even able to get you something.." Which wasn't to say he didn't look, but even while window shopping for the kids, nothing caught the bright blue eyes as something the other would want. When it came to making a list in his head, the only things on it that Rayden could see Adam asking for were different lewd positions to put him in.

Darkness got slightly distracted by all the kids running around once they were in the neighborhood. No longer chasing his rider's tail or being bouncy for Rai as he moved to press himself against the car window. He didn't particularly mind the chill of the glass himself, tapping his smaller fingers on the glass excitedly. The dragon could simply yeet himself out there to go after the children, but he was pretty sure that wouldn't end up as a good time for anyone. Instead, he was patient enough to wait until they had pulled up to Adam's house before he phased through the door, leaving the Rai behind since he was part of the mortal realm. As soon as he was out of that door though, Darkness immediately started rolling up a snowball in the untouched snow. Which might look a little strange with only a trail of snow without any footprints, but what could you do.

Stepping out of the van too once they arrived, Rayden made his way around to Adam's side for him and Rai to emerge. Figuring his partner might just surprise him, he went out on a limb to ask, "If I could happen to get you something, what would you have liked?"

“I figured you weren’t, so it’s fine. I have a more expendable income and all.” He did after all have some income that didn’t come from his parents, even if at times he wished he just was a spoiled rich boy that lived on his own and didn’t have the militia to go to for appointments. All the same, it was great for this time of year when money was tossed around without thought.

Pulling the keys from the ignition as Rai snuggled into his warm jacket, Adam was a but slower at getting out of the car but eventually did to meet up with Rayden who was leaning on the warm hood as he zipped up his jacket and looked around, eventually touching a button to turn on the lights before the garage door fully closed and left them in the dark.

“Darkness ran away, we can’t forget him or he’ll get cold!” The jacket told Adam, having him check and indeed, the nice black cloud had floated off and was rolling up a snowball in one of his many hands.

“We won’t, don’t worry. Let’s just get inside.” He locked the door out of habit of being near his parents house with the car, the area just as nice and all but was out in the open and not sealed away in a garage where someone too could slip in but also face the wrath of a point object.

“Better not! No cold for the cold gods!” Joining Rayden by the front as they headed in to eventually call Darkness in, Adam was already starting to undo his scarf and layers as they headed in, all too ready to get them all off in the safety of home.

“Well there are the obvious lewd answers I could give, but I just would like some time with you. Maybe a few kisses without you huffing, anything really works. I buy my own things out of desire so the sentiment is always the reason gifts are important.”

At least Rayden seemed to know Adam well enough to guess that such things were still on their mind. It was nice to get more than that though, even if it just made things harder. He wasn't very good at that fluffy sentimental shit. Sighing as he followed the other inside, he mused out loud, "I guess you're not as stuck up as I thought you'd be. Pretty hot. Nice to the kids." Humming, it was probably a bit misleading about which part he was agreeing to the way Rayden praised the red head while peeling off his own layers. Giving them that nice once over didn't help, but he tended to flirt in those nice ways without realizing it.

Darkness was juuuust finishing up the snowman to guard the house from the outside. Sadly he didn't have a hat or carrot nose to put on them. He did however, poke a face into their head with a nice smile. Pleased with the work, he bade Adam's call to come in from the cold. It wasn't like the freezing cold could harm him, but Darkness still enjoyed the feeling of being warm, it was like being alive!

Fading through the garage door followed by the wall, he re-emerged into the warmth next to the riders. While he did help his rider to get the gloves and jacket off, he got flailed at for trying to be a good boy and peel off all the layers. Getting Rayden down to a sleeveless undershirt, he was poking at the pants when he finally got the message that they weren't getting ready for bed.

With a shake of the head, the blond wasn't sure what went through his dragon's mind sometimes. They were adorable and very much loved to help, but sometimes they tried to go a little overboard with it. "So we just gonna chill and watch a movie or something? It'll be kinda weird not watching Rudolf for the sixth year in a row."

Kicking his shoes off finally, Adam loved being able to wiggle his toes as he pleased. Rai was tossed onto the side stand where he sat, munching on some of the peppermint Adam left by the door for when people came over, which wasn’t often but still it was a good thought. The coat was hung up onto a rack, waiting a moment to hang up Rayden’s as well as he dusted some random snowflakes off of him that still hadn’t melted on the car ride over here.

“That was the plan and all, let you open your gift from me, sit down and watch some movies, just a rather chill night like the land outside just covered in the white fluff that very much would love you to freeze.” Clicking on a light and summoning Rai to follow, the small fire dragon yeeted himself onto his rider’s shoulder, nipping at his hair as he turned on the living room light and also the kitchen light.

Sitting off to the side was a silver bag that was grabbed, the decor was simple, raised also silver snowflakes covered the bag and glittered in the lighting. The tag hanging off of it just said “Rayden” and was held out to the other.

“Well, you have fun unpacking that as i go make popcorn, make yourself comfortable on the couch if you’d like.” And leaving him too it, it was off into the comfort of the kitchen that’s light was now turned on.

Inside the bag was very much not what a child would want, but were gifts he assumed Rayden would appreciate. Socks, a few shirts, a few very nice collars/chokers, some jeans that were stylishly ripped, boxers, and various other clothes that Rayden surely needed as his newest clothes were also from when Adam was playing dress up with him. At the bottom were a few nicer gifts that not just anyone would get, one more of a joke and one of curiosity. Nice male lingerie, of course Christmas themed, perfect for the occasion, and a small black box that was unmarked aside from an engraving of a diamond ring. Inside the box a simple golden ring with one bright blue and one red gemstones that were as close as he could get to their eye colors. Inside the ring was just a simple carving of Rayden’s name, simple but very much a custom piece for the blond.

“Do you think he’s going to keep the ring?” Rai asked, laying on the counter as hew chewed on a bread tie left there.

“Don’t know, we’ll find out with time.” Making a few bags of popcorn and grabbing some drinks from the fridge, Adam was curious as well.

Darkness drifting in a small circle around his rider, he grew a little smaller. Going from child sized to cat size, he laid himself across Rayden's shoulders, nuzzling into the slightly rough hair. Sure, a little more conditioning would make it nice and soft, but nooo, had they liked to stretch things out where they could. Soft shiny hair wasn't a necessity for school. Getting those nice strokes along his tail for being a good noodle, he settled down on his perch.

Comfortable enough in the warm house without sleeves, tilted his head at the bag, it was a bit bigger than he thought it'd be for ooone gift. Tossing a quick thanks at Adam, he watched the other head off for the kitchen before flopping over the back of the couch to lay on it. Darkness screed gently, wiggling out from behind his neck to lay across the back of the couch instead. Watching him pull out and refold the clothes on the nearby table, they both stared quizzically at the Christmas lingerie before Rayden started laughing.

He couldn't help it, the first thing that came to mind was all those stupid costumes Adam liked to buy for cheap off the internet. This was definitely high quality, but Rayden was a memetastic boy that wasn't shy in the least as he striped down on the other's couch. Getting Darkness to help him adjust and tie whatever he needed in the back, just for the occasion letting his hair down too. Letting the dragon poke his head in and pull out the last thing, the box made him hard squint because of that engraving on it. As far as he knew, Adam still slept around with those oh so pretty popular kids. Rayden might give in to those kisses from the flirty asshole, but he sure as hell wasn't gonna marry him.

[6:42 PM]

Part of him expecting confetti and streamers to blast out of the box, he carefully opened it at arms length, blinking when nothing popped out. Thankfully it wasn't even a diamond ring. picking out the jewelry to examine, of course he was thinking that it'd fetch a very pretty penny...

The more he looked over it however, the harder he squinted, eventually putting the engraved ring on his middle finger. It was definitely real knowing Adam. But.. fuck it. He supposed it'd also make a good threat to punch someone with too...