The Life Of Highschool Gays

3 years, 7 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
9 17866

Chapter 8
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Some random writings for the Highschool Gays, featuring dragons

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Spidey Kiss

Curling his clawed hands around the post, a fair skinned demon with curling white horns smirked from up high. He had a great vantage point from his position, watching various people walking and nearly tripping over themselves when his long rope-like tail tilted their foot just a little too high. With the dark night sky keeping him hidden, he wore mostly black clothes since he was expecting to go out today and not get caught.

A three day weekend, all the kids out on a school field trip together, no one home to make a mess or scree with happiness. It was horrible. He loved all the noise, slept well with the racket, and enjoyed running around in the chaos of trying to get five little demon children to take a bath. Well, if it were too quiet at home, he figured he'd cut loose and paint the town red. He was stronger and far more agile in his demon form with complete control of his tail, the drawback being that he was a lot more reckless in it as well. The problem with his demon form being that he lost his cares, living for fun and in the moment. It was a grand time he wished he could indulge in more often, but he had the smalls to take care of and be a good influence for.

The demon in him said to hell with that, it was time for fun, the human in him always won out though for the beloved siblings. Letting loose was good for him too though, he knew, currently amused enough with the small prank, but he might run off soon to see what other trouble he could get into before the moon went down.

“Darling, I told you, my appointments are canceled until further notice.” Chattering away on his phone, Adam was trying to waste away his time as his favorite person wasn’t answering his phone. He could have a few guesses to the why, but he still pouted about it. More so as he listened to this very upset female on the phone, who was only getting eyerolls.

“I’m going to hang  up now.” Adam told his phone that suddenly exploded with noise, but he clicked the end call button and turned his phone down to silent. If anyone of importance called, he’d get the noise all the same, but otherwise his past lovers could be left to the void of no answers.

“You seem to get those calls a lot.” The long lizard trailing next to him noted, deeper but softer than his booming small fire dragon who loved to bellow out his desires as ‘dragon god’. She was a much gentler dam, even if her back was lined with flames that liked to spike when she became upset.

“Yeah, I’ve been getting them since i’ve started dropping people. They just don’t compare to that pretty blond, even if I haven't slept with him yet.” Lost in his own thoughts, he paid no mind to that feeling of said person becoming closer, maybe having a few gay thoughts of his own that he knew would send those undesired gay tingles at Rayden. Oh the calls he got for that one, but he couldn't help it, Rayden just left him full of desires.

Perking up at the sound of someone coming closer, Rayden crouched on the top of the light. They were talking to something else lighting up the night with their fiery back, illuminating that blood red hair, those ruby eyes glowing in whatever dim shadows were left to it. He definitely remembered those eyes, having a hard time forgetting since they had glared down at him. That was all behind him though, as he understood and accepted that he had been in the wrong. Adam even going easy on him then too.

The closer they got however, the more he started picking out those familiar gay tingles, raising an eyebrow when the pair came close enough that he could hear them talking about dropping people for a pretty blond. Grinning that nice pointed smirk, Rayden brought his tail back up, still grown long to help him reach the bottom. Instead of snaking it down to trip the newest victim however, he wrapped the end around the post, leaping down from his vantage point to stop perfectly upside down in front of Adam's face. "Spidey surprise~!" he called, grabbing their face to kiss the fiery redhead for a second before his tail pulled him right back up like a bungee cord.

Of course he wasn't about to stick around after that, soon leaping his way from post to post in escape.

“Why don’t you just ask Rayden out then? Seems troublesome to lust after someone that’s not even yours.” The literally flaming alligator told her rider as he rubbed the back of his head, starting to look up as the streets starting to fill with others out for a nice time in the night atmosphere.

“It’s not that easy Mitsuko, he’s kind of a ass.” Just as he finished his words, the nice blond swooped down and stole a kiss. Leaving Adam with even more gay tngly feelings. “I swear to god Rayden.” Huffing as he ran under him, Mitsuko pinwheeled after the pair of them, not minding the odd looks she was getting at all.

Well, it seemed the quiet night was done, who knew what Adam would do when he caught up to him.