setting lore

3 years, 6 months ago
3 years, 6 months ago
2 3161

Chapter 1
Published 3 years, 6 months ago

A place where I can store all our info and brainstorming. I'll try to make some public, and some private. I'll ask first before adding my rp pals to the author list, we all range differently on our private-ness.

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Unlike most warrior cats rp, our setting is set around a city. There are two groups of kittypets, and otherwise strays that lives in the cities, as well as many clans that lives in its surroundings in the forest. The region has a bad stray cat problem lmao. Lots of power imbalance and ressource management stuff going on here

General plot: One or 2 murders happen and all hell break loose ghdcn. There's lots of subplots tho! Everything's all good and fine like usual but then a cat gets killed on the border between the forest n the human town so it starts a war oop

General stuff: The rp mainly involves cats ofc, but there's one dog that's part of the npc cast too. Also some humans tbh, like owners, though a very low focus and time are on them. Humans are inevitably part of the environment so there probably will be a fair dose of interactions, but again, very little focus is on them, we always stay in the pov of the cats. For simplicity's sake the clans don't really have elders or queens yet. We still generally follow the warrior's code thingie. Character death isn't forced upon the players but there are consequences for actions and with how we're going there'll prob be a fair amount of deaths.

alignments sheet:
Feral clans: Gloomclan (the focus), and Floodclan & Duskclan & Moorclan (more background ones so as the setting be less emtpy. In a player's words: they're just for like some border scraps, clan fights, and gatherings but of no true real importance to the other cats besides their actions affecting gloomclan which might affect the other two)
the Elite: The rich kittypet clan. They live in the uptown city and come from rich houses. They're on top of the food chain, they have a lot of power and influence from their standing and spot in society.
Mixclan: A clan in the poorer neighborhood, it's constitued of both kittypets and strays. The living conditions are rougher there and most kittypets in the clan have neglectful owners. The leader is an ex feral warrior clan. Unlike the Elite, many including the leader believes in Starclan, and they followed its rules to make the clan. The warrior's code is followed to a lesser degree than the feral clans though. Fights in this area are common, between mixclan and rabid cat, raccoon, or otherwise. 


overview: A city, a more middle class to poor neighborhood, and a big forest around it. 


The Elite resides in the city, it's fancy and modern and has a lot of shops, cafes, high buildings and is otherwise just your usual busy city. There are important spots such as Zeus(Elite's leader) nightclub and the veterinary clinic. Cats, if not fed fully by their eased owners, can easily go suckup to humans for food in the restaurant areas and drink in one of the place's fountains.
The neighborhood is Mixclan territory. It's a quieter place, mostly just residential houses. There's an abandoned run down house where a lot of Mixclan reside in, it's commonly called the Shelter or the smite house (from human mishearing "smiths' house" bc of its past owners). There are some small ponds from human amenagements like backyard aesthetic or kid's pool, but since it's private property and is often dirty they have to be kinda careful with it. Food is mostly hunted or taken from garbage cans. Most owners can't afford the vet or just don't care so unlike the Elite mixclan has medecine cats.
The park is a neutral zone, where no trespassing can be done. Though Mixclan goes there much more often than the Elite since the lake is a prominent water source.
main map, but still loose, below:


Gloomclan: near the city. A camp that is completely shrouded by trees, sunlight only pouring in during the afternoon. Resides in a small dug out. Surrounded by rose thorn bushes as the main blockage from attacks. The entrance is hidden near a trees roots. Holds in cool air and moisture so the camp floor is cool and damn, can become icy on certain parts during winter
Great tree- a once large tree that was blown over from a tornado, it is broken in half and jutting from the ground, leaders sit at the edge of the broken bark that continues to hold strong even after many years
Leaders den- a den underneath great tree, it is a dug out den. Its walls are surrounded by the roots of great tree and while there is space for a leader, three is a crowd in there
Medicine cat den- a den hidden by some holly bushes in the side of the dugout, here cats go to be healed. Herbs are stored in small dug out pockets in the side of the wall. There is space inside for 6 cats comfortably
Apprentice den- a den under a log pile, it is secured by harden mud and vines holding it together. Is a chilly place to live in during winter so apprentices often group their beds together and sleep in a pile. Is prone to leaks if mud maintenance is not up kept. Has room for 5 comfortably
Warriors den- a den dug under a tree, a wide den meant to hold many cats, its entrance is covered by small bushes to help keep the elements out
Elders den- a den that is made up of the part of the great trees fallen part and bushes, it is a small space only able to hold 3 cats comfortably. The entrance is surrounded by rose bushes and it is an apprentices job to check and clear any thorns and thorn vines as to not let them catch on the elders
Nursery- the most secure den, it is hidden in a wall behind the elders den behind the bushes. A spacious place able to hold 6 cats. The ground is made up of soft leaves an moss


Other clans: not relevant enough to get a map yet lol