Halloween Party!

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Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

It's a cool slightly chilly evening in Tanim, and the rooftop of the "Rebels Apartments" is glitzed out for a party. With large beams in place to hang various streamers and bunting across with brightly colored lights in the shapes of ghosts and pumpkins. Several tables sit at the edges of the rooftop, aligned with pizza and drink and of course candy. One corner of the roof seems to be dedicated for photos, as its set up with a prop background of a haunted cemetery and there's several prop items on a nearby table. And it wouldn't be a party without music! One of the bruiseberries is apparently a novice DJ, and has a small set up in another corner of the roof.

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

Ben's already in place, dressed as a werewolf or a grungy furry,  finishing up placing the pizza and drinks as it just arrived before the expected start time. Nice and hot.  --- Ami, in all her years of walking in heels and platforms, still carefully struggles up to the roof because 1. terrified of falling off and 2. the boots she's wearing aren't very flexible, so they're being a bit of a nightmare to take upward steps in. But she made it, and she's sighing in relief.

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Opal is here!! Dressed as a witch because last Halloween she went as a witch and it was terrible so she's trying to, yknow, fix the association. -- Sicily glances around as she arrives on the roof, then links her arm through Ami's and lightly says "I could've carried you up, y'know?" -- Ava's here with Evan! Not a huge fan of parties generally but like she can live with it for the candy. -- Skye's here with Lucie (for now)! Pirate time. The two of them are probably mostly going to chill on the side bc leg. -- Flynn is here bc he lives on the floor directly below anyway and if he was gonna hear it all night he might as well be there!! He's probably a mime. -- Bel is also here, probably helped out with setup; she's wearing a ripped-up and red-painted old baseball uniform she had laying around. Costume that lets her still carry her bat around is a good costume. She steals a piece of pizza from the box Ben is putting down and watches people arrive.

Knoxy/Bethany || Lilith - Evan

Lilith was stuck between costumes for the longest time, but at the last minute went with a lolita aesthetic witch. She realized this way she also sort of matches with Opal so! A plus!  Honestly she was just happy someone had come up with something nice and lighthearted like this, after... everything that'd happened recently. She doesn't really know what to expect but her expectations are 'better than last halloween' so. not a very hard bar to beat. -- Evan's costume could only be described with one word.......... steampunk.  But he's also happy all the same, attending with Ava and carrying his totally scary daughter on his shoulders. -Cali is a very spooky ghost!!!!!!!!! Very spooky!!!! Be afraid!!!!! She's going to steal all your candy!!!

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

Despite still being on painkillers, using crutches to get around anywhere, everything hurting and missing a whole ass leg, Lucie's excited for the party! She struggles up the stairs holding onto Skye, trying her hardest not to trip and fall before finally settling down regaining her breath. --- Kim's here! She's still having to be careful with injuries, but she looks around to check who's here!

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

Sylvia comes dressed as a sexy vampire, with a short and lil cape and boots. It's a lil chilly with her legs so exposed but hoes don't get cold, she's hot in other ways and that's all that matters.

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

Ben huffs at Bel like 'you don't even like olives' before looking over at those showing up. He grabs a folding chair and walks over to Skye and Lucie, opening it up. "Here matey."   -- Ami huffs. "I can walk! Just yknow this is high and maybe I used the wrong heels for this costume-" becoming a mumble at the end there.

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

Seb shows up dressed as a frog. In a poncho. Don't ask about the poncho part, but he's here as a frog! Its pretty much just a onesie, so at least it was easy to put on.

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Bel snorts and says "No, but pizza tastes better when you steal it." She spots Kim and waves!!   -- Sicily laughs a bit and says "Maybe, but at least they look good. I can always carry you down later on if you want."   -- Skye gives fingerguns to Ben and says "Heyy, thanks bro. Lookin' good."

Ari || F-B-M-L-J-Y

Yui came as a princess for Halloween following Seb. It’s the only thing she could manage to rip from her closet on such short notice, covering most of it with a heavier shawl because she indeed,, does get cold. Gg.  ——— Bea kept the cheap af Jason mask clipped to her side while b lining for pizza. Free food bucko she’s taking full opportunity.

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

Lucie wobbles over to the chair and thumbs ups at Ben! "Oh hey thanks!" She sighs and sets the crutches down against the chair, looking around. "You wanna get food... I'm hungry..." She says, tugging at Skye's shirt a little.   --- Kim fingerguns and winks at Bel before walking over! "Heeeyyyy, 'sup!"

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

Marco is most definitely still busy fiddling with decorations in the background, don't mind him. Mostly trying to keep busy because it is colder than he expect tonight and the shitty vampire cape doesn't do much but... bros don't get cold either! --- Riley arrives alone, dressed as some kind of combo of a ghost and a mummy complete with extra bandages around the neck, because they have a dark sense of humor apparently.  --- Aiko arrives a little late because makeup is a time consuming bitch. Don't mind her gently eye emoji-ing at her sister arriving with a boy she's gonna ask for the deets later. --- Olivia is hovering by the food. She doesn't know why she was invited. But at least theres food.

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

Ben fingerguns before walking away, passing Ava, Evan and Cali and stops to hold up a lollipop to Cali. "Here kiddo." he grins then walks over to Marco, poking his side "Yo, you can stop doing that."

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Skye smooches the top of Lucie's head and says "Ya, sure, I can grab something. What kind of pizza you want?"   -- Bel grins and says "Heyyyy Kim, not much. Love the costume, have some pizza." She glances around and says "No Pip today?" In the process of glancing around she spots Olivia and waves at her too.   -- Flynn waves at Riley!!   -- Ava blinks a little when Ben approaches but then there he goes again, okay bye Ben. She settles in where she is, content to pass candy to Cali.

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

Seb's a little uncomfortable considering this onesie definitely wasn't made for him, but he's not distracted enough to not notice Yui shivering. "... You ok? Cold?" He's also probably noticed Aiko eye emojing at them but he's not bringing it up.

Knoxy/Bethany || Lilith - Evan

Cali’s eyes lit up like stars as she took the lollipop! “Thank you!!!!” She called as she unwrapped it and immediately started on it.

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

"Anything with ham, mushrooms, olives, extra cheese, bacon or pineapples. Or all of them, I won't complain either."   --- "Hah, thanks" Kim gets a slice, biting into it. "Nah, she doesn't like loud crowds or parties... plus her back is still hurting. It did get pretty badly scarred up..." And a few bites in she stops and freezes in place, staring at her slice. "............ This is regular cheese, isn't it"

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

"Aye aye, maybe-everything pizza comin' right up" Skye says, giving a casual little salute and heading over towards the pizza. They wave at Kim as they grab plates.   -- Bel swallows her bite of pizza before she says ".....Probably, one sec." she clears her throat and yells "YO, BEN, WE GOT ANY DAIRY FREE CHEESE ON ANY OF THESE OR ARE OUR LACTOSE INTOLERANT FRIENDS JUST GONNA HAVE TO STARVE?"

Ari || F-B-M-L-J-Y

Bea was halfway through a slice already when she noticed the head smooch at lucie. Well that was weird. Wiping the grease off her hands she walks over to where she was sitting. “Yooooooooo bro what was that? There be a new development??” She kept her eyes off the whole leg thing oops.   ——— Yui seemed a little surprised when Seb said something. “Ok? Of course. I worry a bit for the end of the night but a hurdle when we get there.” She tried smiling to lift the concern a little. “Though you seem rather cozy. That must be nice.”

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

Ben turns and blinks at Bel. "....what the fuck is dairy-free cheese? WE GOT CANDY. AND UH, APPLES IN THE BOBBIN FOR APPLES TUB..."

Albo || 🦾 | 🦈 |

Axel arrived late, but he's here! Dressed as an Italian plumber. He's sees there's already a bit of a crowd on this...roof party. Not sure who thought this was a good idea, but we out here. The smell of pizza is calling his name though, om nom! Oh, yelling!

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

Sylvia struts her stuff to greet Seb and Aiko. "Hey there, you doin' good?" she asks casually, restraining her urge to be overly familiar and wrap an arm on the man's shoulders. Not that she didn't want to give the wrong impression, but she was still a bit hesitant with all the new dream scars, even tho they're technically all healed and faded already. Instead she puts an arm on Yui's shoulder.

Knoxy/Bethany || Lilith - Evan

Evan puts his hands over Cali’s ears while she noms.

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

"BEN THAT IS SO FFF-" Bel glances at Cali and continues ".....FRICKIN' SAD." She shrugs apologetically at Kim and says "...Well, we got apples. Apparently. Plus candy."

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

Marco jumps when poked "Wh- ok but finishing touches--" Oh now he's yelling back at Bel ok. "..Bro dairy free cheese is like. Goats stuff right??"   --- Riley interprets Flynn's wave as being summoned and wanders over. "Ah, yes? What's up?"

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

"Oh... If your sure.." He wasn't buying the smile. "But you can let me know if your cold, ya know. I'm pretty warm in just the onsie, heh.." He jumped a bit hearing Sylvia approaching, but got way more stressed about her suddenly hanging on Yui- "Uh, Y-yeah! Pretty good.." He opens an arm to her to try to hang on him instead, feeling this wasnt gonna end well.

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

Ben looks at Marco. "Finishing touches are done man, time to have fun. Your friends are here, you wanna hang with them right?"

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

Kim waves back at Skye and deadpans at her slice. "... Well. Guess I'm spending the night in the bathroom then." And eats the rest. It's ok she brought it upon herself. Probably still gonna go for more pizza anyway.   --- "Oh hey!" Lucie waves at Bea, grinning a little. "Yyyeeeaaaahhhhhh... Huh, that's! That's Skye. We're dating. Hum. Yeah! Yeah. Heh." Lucie's going red. "But it's not serious or anything!!! It's just casual. Yes. casual dating. Totally casual." Yeah Lucie, totally casual.

Ari || F-B-M-L-J-Y

Yui is....uncomfortable to say the least. Even if her shoulders are covered she tries to politely takes Sylvia’s arm off from around her immediately. “It’s lovely. Thank you for asking. Hopefully you can say the same, yes?” The silent thank you to Seb was strong. “I’m surprised you didn’t go to check in on Aiko. You two seemed to get along when you visited before.”   ——— Bea cackled at Lucie going red. “Yeah okay Library totally casual I 100% believe ya.” She moved so she was out of the way, leaning slightly on the chair lucie was sitting in. “I don’t know should I pull the whole dad shit. Treatin ya good, getting the shit, whatever things people do. Not that it’s any of my biz but ya know, it be. How ya holdin up otherwise?”

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Bel pats Kim's shoulder and says "Yeahhh good luck. Stock up on TP before you go in. Or like, you could always run downstairs if you got pills for it, right?"   -- Flynn beams and says "Oh! Hello! Nothing in particular, I was just waving hi, but it is good to see you!" He waves around and says "It's nice being able to talk to a lot of people in an, ah...not-stressful context, isn't it?"   -- Skye comes back over with a few slices of pizza and says "Hey babe they didn't have everything-everything but I, like, swiped toppings from a few other pizzas for you." They grin at Bea and say "Hey 'sup."

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

Sylvia takes the hint of Yui pushing her arm off and moves a step away to Seb's direction, and wraps an arm around him instead. Very carefully. "Oh, she's here? Well, figures if you're here. She seems like the party sister. Anyway, I just came over to check on whoever I saw first, so you'll have to put up with me for a moment before I go get some grub."

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

Marco glances around "Eeeehh, they all seem busy! I'm just vibing, it's nice to just kinda... be here with everyone, right?"   --- Riley blinks. "Ah, my bad! Misinterpretation of signals. You're right, though, I didn't expect this to be so busy-- though my expectations were admittedly closer to just a speaker and a few snacks. Nice to know we all still have some party in us."   --- Aiko is gathering snacks and chilling near the music. --- Olivia has officially parked her ass by the edge of the roof to eat, no talky she angsty.

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

He smiles a bit relieved that Sylvia got the hint, even if she didn't seem stoked to be swapped over to him. "Put up with you?.. I dont mind you hanging around?" Then their conversation made him realize something "I.. actually, I don't think I've met Aiko-.. You've just talked about her a bit-.." and turns to Yui. "Wouldn't hurt to finally say hi."  

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

"We're the hosts dude, you're supposed to like mingle and talk to everyone, make sure everything is fun." he nudges him before blinking. "Also are you gonna be okay? It's getting kind cold, so like, I'm thinking its freezing to you?"

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

It totally wasn't casual. Lucie goes redder and hides her face in her hands. "Mmmmgood yea totally. I dunno man, I'm usually too high on painkillers to know how I'm doing. Leg's healing fine I guess? Crutches kill my arms though."  She looks back up and grabby hands at the pizza when she hears Skye. "Ya that's okay! Gimme, gimme--" She takes a few speedy bites before taking the time to introduce them, mouth still half full as she talks. "Skye, this is Bea, my best friend. Bea, this is Skye, my... partner? Yes."   --- "Yeah I'm gonna have t--" Kim blinks at Bel, frozen for a few seconds like she's processing. "RIGHT, MEDS." And runs back downstairs to get meds.

Ari || F-B-M-L-J-Y

Bea spared more laughing for Lucie’s sake, finger gunning at Skye with her free hand as they walked over. “Dude okay think about it though your gonna have the most buff arms in the planet after this. Breakin door frames n shit. It’s gonna be great.” She was trying to not let her pizza go cold as she paused every so often to take a bite. “Nice to meet ya, broski.” As she finishes a slice.   ——— Yui blinked a bit before she realized. a. “I didn’t realize I’ve never introduced you. Odd if you look at the fact we live together. You would think a pass in the halls would happen really.” She stared at Aiko just dragon hoarding snacks. ..She was jelly. “I didn’t realize I mentioned her so much, apologies for that.”

Albo || 🦾 | 🦈 |

As he approached the pizza, Axel spotted....was that Seb...in a onsie? Damn cozy lookin shit. There were to others with him, one  being...Sylvia?? And the other,  he didn't know the name of quite  yet. Seb! Man, nice costume! You're lookin' well!" He also offered a wave to Yui and Sylvia, grinning a bit. "Little chilly this evening isn't it?"  

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Bel snorts and says "Run babe run," before looking around at the general accumulation of people and wandering over to Olivia by the edge of the roof (she angsty bel talk at least a little anyway). "Hey, naranjita. Enjoying your food?"   -- Flynn smiles and says "We do! Putting it above the rebel apartments was a good choice, since so many of us are here already." He taps his foot on the roof and says "I live right downstairs! So it's not like it's any trouble to go. And even some others are here, too! Such as yourself."   -- Skye gives fingerguns when Lucie introduces them and says "Ayy, same my dude," before leaning on Lucie's chair to eat. "Yeah, Lu, you're gonna be super buff. Gonna be able to lift me by the time you're done with the crutches."

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

"Don't apologize! I don't mind hearing about her, just feel bad for not having said hello yet when we're neighbors..." He shrugged a bit like it was nothing to stress about, then heard Axel calling out at him. "Ayy, Axel! Been a minute, heh..." He sighs "Cozy's one way to put it.. believe it or not I think im actually getting hot in this which.. isn't the best, but I have no right to complain."

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

"Don't worry, she's great," Sylvia grins at Seb. She holds an arm out to Axel. "Yoo! It's only chilly if you let it get to you!" Sylvia was glad she wore stockings, but was still wishing she had worn the thick pantyhose instead of the shiny sexy thin ones. Oh well.

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

"Oh shit, we are? I didn't know that was like-- like part of the job--" Marco sweats. "But otherwise I'm fine for now!! It's like-- ok it's cold but bro you're the one in a torn up t-shirt shouldn't we both be worried."   --- As if summoned by name, Aiko bounces over to the gathering. "Yuuuuuuiiiiiii~! Do you want any candy, I got a plate's-worth-- Oh oh ohhh, who are your friends?"   --- Olivia looks up with a mouthful of Pizza. "Mgh?" Takes a moment to swallow. "That's not my name."   --- Riley laughs. "Mhm, it seems convenient! I'm beginning to regret living further away, it seems nice to be surrounded by people. Much more reliable were something unfortunate to happen-- and the lively company is a bonus, too."

Ari || F-B-M-L-J-Y

Bea nodded like she had started something great. “Can’t wait to just be bench pressed one of these days. Like whole just ya yeet ya know. Throw me like it was your dreams.” She was just vibing with her pizza while tryna give Skye space on the chair lean as well.   ——— Yui seemed happier the moment Aiko came over, picking a small piece of candy off her plate. “Friends? Oh well. You know of Sylvia already and Seb is our neighbor.” She pointed to each of them, very confused by who the large blue man was but that was alright. She seemed more wrapped up in the candy though than introductions.

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

"Dude, I run hot, this is only a little cold to me. You're an icicle. Why don't you go back to the apartment real quick and get a jacket?" he motions with his head.

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Bel laughs and says "Nah. Nickname. Don't have to keep it if you don't want it, though." She takes a bit of her own pizza and swallows before she says "Y' don't really strike me as the party type, though. Just here to check it out?"   -- Flynn nods thoughtfully and says "It is! I think I definitely prefer it to living alone. I'm sure you could move here, too, if you wanted? There's a few spaces open, I think?" He sighs and says "Ah, moving is a pain, though. So it's just what the lesser of two evils is."   -- Skye nods thoughtfully and says "Could shoot for throwing both of us. Start with Bea 'cause she's smaller and work your way up, it'll be great."

Albo || 🦾 | 🦈 |

"Are you really? Huh...Maybe you could share the warmth with someone who needs it? Not me though, I'm could" he laughs. Glancing at Sylvia's arm, hes...not sure  what he's supposed do?? Gives her a low 5. Heck yeah.  The bouncing approach was a surprise...but candy . "Uh, hi! I'm Axel, nice to meet you"  

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

"Dude, what am I now, Pip??" Lucie laughs a little, making sure she's not gonna fall off from the chair before eating her pizza. "Y'all think I'm superman or some shit like that?????"   --- Kim took her meds and came back up to the party! And has immediately gone towards the food again, taking another slice of pizza with her before wandering around to see if she could stick with someone.

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

"Heh, I would if I could but I am not taking the poncho off..." He sighed and tugged at the neck of the poncho a bit starting to sweat slightly, but then seeing another face joining the group. Seb waited patiently as Yui vaguely introduced him and then "H-Hello, nice to meet you! I, uh.. live next door, haha... Yui comes over quite a bit, I'm kinda ashamed we haven't met-.. Aiko, right?"

Knoxy/Bethany || Lilith - Evan

Lilith’s snuck on over to the snacks for a bit, just kind of watching the general atmosphere of the party as she gets food for her and Opal. Cali, being let down by Evan, stands by her and also starts raiding the snacks.

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

Sylvia lets out a laugh at Axel giving her hand a friendly low five. She wastes no time to offer it to Aiko instead. "Speak of the devil," she says. She's honestly just happy to be surrounded by "her people".

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

"Noooooo, and ruin my costume? I'll be fine, dude! Full permission to throw me down the stairs if I start shivering, though, okay?" He paps Ben's face and looks out across the party. "Well if we're supposed to be doing host-y things we're doing a really bad job of it just, like, sitting here talking to eachother. Where should we check in first--"   --- Olivia shrugs. "People tell me I should relax or socialize or whatever the fuck more. Also there's food and I havent had pizza in years, so..."   --- Aiko cackles. "Hey Sylvia, nice to see a familiar piece of ass around here! And nice to meet you, boys, candy is free to whoever wants it-- just leave a little for me, I'm the one that had to hobble my poor old soul over to gather it from the tables." She fake dramatic sighs, before grinning at Seb "Ah, so that's where Yui has been disappearing to! I've been sooooo in the dark, can you believe it? I'm wounded!"   --- Riley ponders. "It wouldn't be a terrible idea! I have a lot to move, but equally as much free time to move it... how are the building facilities? And the neighbours? My apartment has an awful problem with the boiler running out at the wrong times lately..."

Ari || F-B-M-L-J-Y

Bea held her hand out as a see? while her mouth was full. “YoooOOO I like your funny words magic lad! They’ve totally got the idea. I don’t have the weight like I used to so it’s a great start off. Some peak movie work out montage shit. Totally some super hero backstory we just haven’t heard of yet.”   ——— Yui is just sneaking a few more pieces of candy. She said sweet tooth only. “It’s not....that often. Please.” She corrected softly, seeming slightly flustered in the middle of opening a wrapper. She only died a little more at the in the dark comment.

Albo || 🦾 | 🦈 |

Oh? So Seb and Yui have been meeting up?? He cast a curious glance at both of them, noting the embarrassment on Yui's face. Hmmm . He takes a sip of some punch before waving his hand at Aiko. "Im not about to take advantage of your hard work, I can grab some candy later. Or Bob for Apples" He peers at the water filled bin.

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

"Yeah, totally. The peg-leg hero. Skips around on one leg eternally trying to retain a semblance of balance"

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

"Mhmm.." he glanced around. "Dunno. Isn't that cat girl someone you know? Pinkie? Or there's like, groups forming around."

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

Sylvia lowers her empty, lonely hand back down but doesn't stop smiling.  "Really? You guys cool with me cuddling up like this? Just tell me to stop and I will, I can always cuddle up to someone who's single," she assures, hand still around Seb. He is warm and she wants to stay close.

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Skye snickers and says "I have many funny words, green bean." They nudge Lucie and say "Yeah see? Kickass backstory. The balance thing is because else you'd be totally OP from how buff your crutch arms are."   -- Bel waves a hand and says "Eh, parties aren't relaxing for everyone, y'know? The food, though, the food is universal." She takes a bite of her pizza and says "Damn, we gotta get you some better pizza, then, we only got this brand 'cause it's cheaper."   -- Flynn perks up a bit and says "Ooo! The building's not the best, admittedly, that's why we can stay there for free, but I've heard it's been fixed up a good amount, so for the slums it's pretty good!" He taps on his chin and says "It seems like everyone works pretty well in a neighbor way, too? How lively it is depends on which floor you're on, I think."

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

"...? She didn't tell you-?" He was confused by Yui saying it wasn't that often with how much they hang out... was it a bad thing-? "Huh?-" Then as if answering his confusion, Syliva's comments made him go a bit red. "We're not-... I am single-.. so you're fine--" He's embarrassed and the warm af onsie isn't helping. He glances at Axel as a call for help, but he sees that look too...

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

"Cat girl???" Yeah no he's clueless "Why don't you just. Do your party host thing and I'll follow along? Does that work,,"   --- "Nononono, take some!" She pushes the plate at Axel a bit. "I got more than I can eat for a reason! Sharing is caring, honey, and I'm nothing if not caring." She glances at Sylvia as she speaks and grins a little more. "Aww, I'll snuggle with you if nobody else will, sweetie! Loving the totally-not-single implications about the princess and the frog here, though. Not like I was gonna say it first, butttt..."   --- "Ah, you may have convinced me! I'll have to talk to somebody about moving my stuff over-- Wouldn't want to intrude on space that other's need more, but I hope they understand why I may be, ah, not so keen about staying alone right now." Riley laughs awkwardly. "Anyway, enough about me. Anything interesting happen with the science squad while I've been out?"   --- "Pizza is pizza. I've got picky tastes, anyway. Cheap stuff tends to work out better." Olivia finishes her slice unceremoniously. "Are you not a party person too or are you hovering here for a reason?"

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

Snorts and nods before taking his hand and walking over to Kim. "Hey, cat girl, sup? Havin' fun?"

Albo || 🦾 | 🦈 |

"Im actually single, you can hang on me, I don't trust myself at the candy bowl alone"  He offers to Sylvia. Oh hes pretending he wasnt looking at Seb just now. It's fine bro, work your magic. "Unless you'd rather watch me Bob for apples. Neither will be remotely interesting." However, at Aiko's insistence...he grabs...three candies.

Ari || F-B-M-L-J-Y

“Okay don’t you know like every good super hero goes through big boy traumas before they hit the big league. This is just like your ball rollin type shiz. It’s perfect. We’ll get you a comic n everything.” Bea snorted.   ——— Yui went from flustered to almost upset looking, shredding another candy wrapper. “I’m engaged, Aiko. Please.” As little weight as that had anymore it was her singular leverage to try to save herself from this. She didn’t even have the ring on. Lordy. She can’t handle this.

Albo || 🦾 | 🦈 |

The sound of Axel almost choking on his candy at "engaged".

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

"Oh, I've never gone bobbing for apples! I wanna try too!" Sylvia's a little excited about the prospect, and also left Seb's side to jump onto Axel's. "So?" she blurts out to Yui's civil status revelation, and hastily continues to try to save herself. "I mean, all is allowed in love and war, and I think we're starting to fulfill one of those conditions," she blubbers, not really helping. "Just do what your heart tells you to," was her final conclusion. She pats Axel's back so he won't choke.  

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

Kim turns around when called, waving. "Oh heeeeyyyyy, 'sup guys! Yea, just finishin' this slice of pizza to figure out who i can stuck to. I've spotted Skye and Sylvia but they both seem to be busy with groups." She hums before taking one last bite and wiping her hands off with a napkin. "Might go see if I can snag some candy to take back home, though neither me nor Pip really eat much of it."   --- Lucie snorts. "Valid, valid, okay, sure, that works. You convinced me."

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

Ben has 0 clue who those names are. "Ooh tough man. Oughtta just butt into the convo. Why you taking candy home if you guys don't eat it??" he tilted his head a bit, which just looks stupider with dog ears.

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

"I-It's fine-... Really, we're not uh-.. dating-... Is it really impossible for us to just be friends? She comes over to hang out here and there when bored, whats wrong with that-?" He felt kinda bad that Yui was being put under pressure like this.. "A-Anyways! I'm glad i finally got to meet you. You're also welcome over to chill if you ever want...-!" Just realized "Oh-! And.. Axel, I guess I never told I finally moved to the apartments-... a lot went down so I forgot haha..."

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Bel shrugs and says "Eh, I'm either-or, I like 'em when I'm in the right mood for it. Partly hovering here 'cause I'm like semi-honorary co-host or whatever today, and partly just to say hi."   -- Flynn beams and says "Great! I'd offer to share my apartment if you're worried about taking up space, but it's...very tiny, I think, if you have a lot of stuff." He nods quickly and says "Oh, yesyesyess, very understandable! I'm sure it won't be an issue." He bounces on his toes a bit and says "It's been fairly calm, I think! I've been spending a lot of time combing through Vaughn files for anything useful and making improvements to the genetic stabilizers, mainly? I do hope we have another big collaborative project come up soon, though, those are always fun in their own ways!"   -- Skye nods sagely and says "Yeah, that's right, accept your superhero destiny." They tuck a bit of hair behind Lucie's ear and say "Feeling okay, by the way? Not too tired yet or anything?"

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

"Mmm, I mean I'm not really tired since I'm just sitting, but I did forget to bring the meds and I should probably take them with food,," Lucie squints at her hands. "... Can always see how long I can go without taking them before I start getting pains, but."   --- "You are ABSOLUTELY right, however, consider. They are having nice convos and I'm just eating. Also candy's always nice to have lying around to munch on from time to time, it's not like it spoils, so."

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

Aiko cackles again. "C'mon, you're not actually engaged anymore. Arranged stuff means nothing when you're totally illegal now! Should've trashed that ring the moment we got here-- but it's fine, it's fiiiiine, I'm just teasing! You just have to know how easy you're making it when you're both redder than strawberries." She pops another few pieces of candy in her mouth. "And ohhh, I'd love to join you guys apple bobbing but I don't know how waterproof this makeup is! Have fun if you do go, though!"   --- "You could totes go join them! We're all friends here, right?? Even if you're just eating near them-- I like just hanging around people sometimes, y'know?"   --- "Aight." Olivia looks away off to roof to whatever view there may be. "You can go do party stuff if you're in the mood for it, I'm fine over here. Might get more pizza or... something. Whatever."   --- "A-ah, no, I'm not much of one for sharing apartments too closely! Private time is always appreciated, as much as I'm currently missing a little companionship. Thank you for the offer, though!" They appreciate the bounciness, smiling slightly. "I've been wondering about that, actually. There are a lot of candies around that are.. well, technically stable, but struggle with pitfalls that could be potentially negated by introducing the features of other people's abilities-- say with crystals, or regular medication made in a similar way, you know? I've been thinking about doing a survey on people's abilities and candy genetics-- oh crepes, look at me bringing work talk to a Halloween party, excuse my manners--"

Albo || 🦾 | 🦈 |

He manages not to cough  and choke and die, thanks Sylvia. "Oh real? Damn, I'll have to come by more! It's totally fair though,  you went through some shit..." His attention turns to Sylvia on his, "Its an acquired skill that I'm either really good at or really shitty at, depending..." To Aiko he says, "Im definitely doing it, if you want to just spectate to see me make a fool of myself" Oh God, arranged marriages huh....Aiko was giving out all the tea.  

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

Ben nods. "And its chance to make fun of whatever they're talking about." he shrugs. "Or you can play some of the games we got. There's prizes." he grins. "If you like competition."

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

Kim immediately perks up at the mention of prizes. "Oooohohohohoh??? I'm in on those games. Where they at." And she's off to find the games!

Ari || F-B-M-L-J-Y

Bea seemed sad her plate was empty. “Oh I wouldn’t recommend that. Shit hurts like a bitch when you think you can tough out the pain killers. Strong but not that strong.”   ——— Yui seemed to have gone quiet. She didn’t want to leave in concern of it being rude but didn’t really want to be here anymore either.

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

Marco blinks as he watches Kim go. "Huh-- did we do it. Is this what hosting is about."   --- Aiko notices Yui's quietness and takes to cheerfully slapping Axel on the shoulder. "You betcha! Lead the way-- you're coming too, right Sylvia? I'll place bets on who wins!"

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

"....Normally you talk more but I guess she's dedicated dude." he glances around. "Imma be real though, I know like... only my guys and Bel here, I recognize almost none of these people."

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

Seb kinda knew she didn't like talking about all this... And was glad Aiko was moving it along now. Pulling the frog hood down, Seb reached back to tie up his hair and gave a cheerful "I'll join you~" and smiled at Yui. "Wanna watch?"

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Skye pats Lucie's head and says "Yeah no we ain't waiting for that. Want me to go get 'em for you or did you put 'em somewhere hide-y?"   -- Bel finishes off her pizza before she brushes off her hands and says "Aight, I'll leave you be, then. Good to see ya." She turns to go, then glances back and says "See you at the park tomorrow?"   -- Flynn nods and says "Oh, very fair, very fair! Having some privacy is a good thing, too, better to be able to talk to people on your own terms, yes?" He snaps his fingers and says "Ah - that's a great idea, actually! Like creating a heat-ability crystal or medication to help cold candies that have trouble with controlling their abilities?" He laughs and says "Oh, no no, don't worry! It's not a problem talking about work at a party when that work is fun enough."

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

Sylvia grins widely. "Non-waterproof makeup just makes it funnier! Of course I'm gonna come, I wanna try too! I think I got the toofs for it!" She waves at Seb and Yui a little apologetically.  "Don't take it to heart, I'm just teasing. If you guys wanna be friends, then you're friends. Won't mention it again."

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

"Oh oh, whaaat? But so many of them live here! You've got uhhh... Sylvia over there is my friend, I've seen both those purple girls in the halls and the other one too-- Axel is a bro, you might like him-- that one is Lucie, Bea is with her too-- I think the other one is Skye-- you'd like all them too!" Marco grins "Or we could spice it up and just talk to someone random, parties are all about meeting new people, right?"   --- Aiko baps them all towards the apple bobbing. "No no, I'm not wasting my look on a game like that! Besides, you all need someone to cheer you on, right? I can judge who wins!"   --- Olivia blinks. "Huh, yeah. See you there. Have a good nice, I guess." She waves Bel off and gets back to staring off the edge of the roof, quiet and chill for now. --- "Exactly what I was thinking! Plus, there are other abilities that'd be fascinating to see how they intermingle-- can you technically cancel out someone's candy genetics entirely by harnessing the abilities of others? There are so many possibilities, it feels like such a shame to stop after the initial generic battle ready crystals we've created, no?"

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

"Pfft sure. You point and I'll follow this time." he grins, though glances at the apple bobbers, wondering how that's gonna go.

Albo || 🦾 | 🦈 |

Axel is not gonna comment on that. Time to bob for apples, and make a fool of himself instead! Standing over the water and bobbing apples, he goes for it. Misses, and swallows water instead. Good job shark man!

Thanks zoe

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

Marco blinks. "Oh shit uh-- well they all do look kinda busy--"

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

Kim's found the apples! And there's a lot more people nearby! Nice! Competition! She smirks at the others around the tub while holding her own hands behind her back and going for the apples, coming back up with one and victoriously raising an eyebrow at them!

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Bel gives a thumbs up and a "Nice. You too, naranjita." Before she looks around and opts to go annoy her brother. She creeps slowly up behind him (12 stealth), before jumping up onto his back and announcing "Socialize!" She pulls herself up onto his shoulders more and says "Hey retaco what's up?"   -- Flynn nods and he says "It definitely could be possible! We know so little about how abilities interact, it could tell us a lot about candy people as a species, no? It's probably best to start on a smaller scale in case the effects of opposite crystals are, ah...harmful, but still!" He bounces on his toes again and says "Let me know if there's anything I can do to help with that!"

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

Ben was about to make a suggestion with a "How about-" before gagging a minute in surprise and then hunching forward a lil with a slightly annoyed deadpan. "....Hola Belladonna...."

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

Seb was trying not to think about what went on just before, and when it came to his turn at the apples.. boy straight up choked on the water. Did he even try to find an apple or just inhaled the water? Who knows.

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

Sylvia is cackling at people trying to catch the apples, and when she tries, she can't catch any and only bites and swallows some stale vaguely apple tasting barrel water. It's not as easy as it looks!

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

Marco jumps too "Oh fUCK-- oh-- oh hey Bel! Wh... uhh. Enjoying the party??"   --- Aiko is staring at these people inhaling water incredulously. "Push it against the edge! Aim for the stalk! Don't just-- crepes, you don't need to swallow!"   --- Riley nods. "Of course, start with something that makes sense, at least! I think you're onto something with the temperature abilities, I'll run a survey and come back to you when I have data and potential volunteers, oui?"

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

Sylvia shakes her head like a dog to shake off most of the water off her bangs, grinning like a dumbass. Her eyeliner starts to bleed a lil but it only adds to the spooky look, it's fine. "It's polite to swallow," she shoots back at Aiko holding laughter.

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

Seb leaned back to wipe the hair and water out of his face and to clear his throat. "Gaah!... I'd rather swallow it then spit, though-" Sylvia not a word. "Im.. trying again." This time he was actually snapped out of it and easily came back up with an apple in is mouth and mumbled a "Gothh iht!"

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Bel laughs and says "You bet." to Marco, dropping back down from Ben's back now that she's gotten her halloween jumpscare (ha) quota in. "Seems like people have mostly found their way to where they wanna be, huh? Could always join the apple bobbing if you're still wandering, they seem like they're havin' a time."   -- Flynn smiles! "Yes, that's the easiest set of abilities to create a dichotomy with, I think! Common, and easy to identify what the 'polar opposite' is." He claps a bit and says "Please do, the more we can learn the better!" He laughs a bit and says "Ah, and it'll be much easier to brainstorm together if we're in the same apartment building! It's all coming together, I see."

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

Ben huffs a lil and nods. "I wanna see if someone chokes on an apple." he smirks. "It'll be funny."

Albo || 🦾 | 🦈 |

Axel tried again. But OOPS, looks like it was another miss and another swallow. "I mean, i don't want others people to drink my backwash tho...."

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

Kim takes the apple out of her mouth, and now FULL of extra confidence, dives for another apple! And misses. She spits the water out and squints at the apples, lowkey hissing at the one she was trying to catch.   --- Welp, Bea's gone somewhere else probably! "Mmmm... Actually maybe going back home isn't that bad of an idea maybe. Oh, oh, can we just take candy and a slice or two for Adrien? Well. The candy is for me, but."

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

Sylvia cheers for the winners!  "It's okay dude, it's not really what I meant but you're right too," she says and pats Axel's back a lil. She's having the time of her life.

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Skye smooches Lucie on the top of the head and says "Sure." They pop some candy in their mouth before they scoop Lucie up bridal-style and hook the crutches in one hand, carrying her over to the snack table. "Pick whatever ya like, and what Adrien likes, I'll just carry you around so your hands stay free, 'kay?"

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

Sebs gotten one apple and hes satisfied to join the others in watch. He tilts his head at Sylvia, not having been paying full attention to what was being said. "Huh? What did you mean?" He doesn't actually want the answer and decides immediately its better to just cheer on Axel and Kim some more.

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

"Bro that wouldn't be funny oh my god do any of us know CPR,," Marco sweats.   --- Aiko cackles. "You're all disasters, every one of you! Is-- is that girl hissing? Just bite the apples, how hard can this be???"   --- Riley smiles. "I'm glad to have a project to work on, and somebody to bounce it off to boot. I'll have to message one of the higher ups to confirm I can move my belongings over, but that's... a job for tomorrow, I think. For now I'm going to enjoy the atmosphere, Halloween has such a good energy to it, no?"   --- Olivia quietly slinks off, she's had enough of sitting on a cold roof bored. Adios, suckers.

Tiu || Anna-X-Egg-Sylvia-Nic

Sylvia just looks at Seb, grinning widely, and very purposefully and obviously licks her lips. "About swallowing, and once you've got that far, it's only polite," she grins.

Albo || 🦾 | 🦈 |

Axel dove one more time. And manages to snag apple JUST by the skin. It's just kinda...hanging off the tooth but--success?  

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

"I know ABC does that count?" he grins before glancing around and breathing out, seeing his breath. "Oh shit it got late and cold. Probably should wrap this up." he turns to the others and takes a breath. "HEYYYYYY EVERYONE! So, it's late and cold as fuck! The food is gonna get cold, so feel free to take anything leftover that you want! Gonna be calling it there people so we can clean up and everyone can get home safe, aight? Wrap up your last dances and competitions!"

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Bel shrugs and gives a noncommital little "Ehhhh?" before saying "Close enough? I think one of the people over there is on the med team, sooo." She blinks when Ben makes an announcement and says "Oh. Yeah, fair."   -- Flynn nods in agreement and says "It does! It's exactly the sort of aesthetic I like!" He makes claw-hands (with his actual claw nails) and says "Very easy for me to slip into!" He looks up at the yelling and says "Ah! Time to go? Ooo - would you like to come downstairs and look at which apartments are free?"

Iné || 🍭🥓🎮😼🌌🔇

Oop! And up she goes. "Yea okay thanks--" She fills up a bag with candy to take home and takes two big ass slices of pizza on a napkin. "We can reheat this at home, let's go"   --- Kim hissed louder and almost threw the one singular apple she had at Aiko, but stopped halfway through her action when Ben called it off. "Oh, huh. Guess I'm taking this apple." She wandered off to the food tables to grab a handful of candies to bring back home and then just. Went back to the apple tub and nabbed three more apples. "I'll help you cleeeaaannnnn, lemme just get this home, I'll be right back."

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Skye gives a sparkly grin and says "Your wish is my command!" Before calling "BYEEEE YALL SEE YOU AROUND" as they head on down the stairs with Lucie goodbye.

Cat-Bennie || Sebastian

Seb just stared at Sylvia licking her lips and saying something like that so openly before hearing Ben yell. "Ah.. W-Well, guess its time to head out-..." He tries to drain most the water out of his hair. "If ya want, Im fine with any of you coming over to hang for a bit, but shouldn't loiter if they're trying to clean."

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

Marco frowns as Ben shouts to the rest of the partygoers "Awww, c'mon bro, party pooper! Night's s..still young." He's not shivering I swear.   --- Riley laughs. "Ah, I must've jinxed it! Oh well, halloween lasts forever in my heart. If you're offering a tour of sorts I'd appreciate it, but don't feel like you need to! I'm sure I can find somewhere suitable by myself.   --- "Yeesh, down kitty, I was just asking!" Aiko huffs and heads to grab some candy incase Yui wanted extras. "Oh oh, I'd looooove to come hang! I feel like you've probably heard more about me than I've heard about you, and I'm about to fix that crime!" She pokes Seb jokingly.

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

"Night is cold as fuck dude, which means you're gonna go back to the apartment with Bel." he nods his head. "Go on, bud."

Albo || 🦾 | 🦈 |

Axel eats that apple in two bites. "I can hang around for a bit before I drive home." He already has a box of pizza he's totally planning on sharing....totally.  

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Flynn shakes his head and says "No no, it's no trouble! I have some leftover energy to work off anyway, might as well do something useful with it, yes?" He gestures towards the stairs and says "Right this way, once you have all the leftovers you'd like!"   -- Bel taps her bat on her shoulder and says "Ah fuck, I've been volunteered." Before she nods to Marco and says "C'mon, dude, you can help me, like, redecorate his apartment."

rob || D-R-K-M-P-E-A-O

"......I'm grabbing a coat but then I'm coming back to help clean up!!" Marco continues to only be stubborn about the dumbest of things, and runs for the stairs before he can be told otherwise.   --- Riley follows along "No need to worry about leftovers, I don't eat other people's food. Lead the way, my monochromatic friend!"

Bec || Z-P-P-A-K-B

Ben rolls his eyes and looks to Bel. "Go hide the coats so he'll stay down here." and gets to cleaning up.

Blue || B-O-V-S-A-S-F-B

Bel rolls her eyes back in commiseration and says "Yup, on it," before she sprints off after Marco.