Sylvia Harris



4 years, 20 days ago


Basic Information

Name: Sylvia Harris
Nicknames: Sylv, Rotten Fish, Fish Breath, Fish Stick, Fish Lips, anything fish related really
Age: 20
Gender/Sex: Female
Job: Delivery
Sweet: Härskit Sillit

Personal Information/Background

Height: 5' 7'' / 171 cm
DOB: 13th of August

* Big, pouty lips and a resting bitch face
* Big, roman nose
* Sharp teeth
* Constant slouch that makes her seem several inches shorter
* Thin and lanky with some muscle on her arms and thighs
* Dark freckles all over her body

* Pranks
* Sour food
* The sea
* Cats
* Being active
* Recycling
* Free stuff (stolen stuff is the same as free, right?)

* Fish
* Restrictive clothes
* The police and other authority over her
* Sleeping alone
* Fighting

* Violence - A sure way to make her flinch is to raise your hand at her
*  Broken glass - She’s terrified of cutting herself in glass shards and  has trouble cleaning up broken glass without getting very distressed


Distrustful, arrogant, impulsive, mischievous, chill, petty, loyal, street smart

Sylvia  is a curious case. She’s a laid-back and chill personality with a  mischievous streak, easy to laugh and thinks insults go for pet names  for her friends. Once you earn yourself a nickname akin to “pisshead”  she will never turn you down if you need her. She stands by the people  close to her and would do anything to bail them out, unless she’s  currently sitting next to you, laughing at the stunt you two just  pulled. She is the type to always be down for a party or a prank, and if  you bet her to do something? She will do it, no matter what it is. Any  chance to earn some pocket money is worth taking for her. Sylvia holds  her friends dear to her heart, and if one of them betrays your trust,  they will feel the full force of her wrath. She’s naturally low key  petty but once her faith in your good will is gone, all the floodgates  open. Prepare for a revenge of epic proportions.

Sylvia has a  problem with authority, as her trust it earned, not given lightly. She  has hard time respecting the police or other authority figures,  preferring to deal with things by herself rather than going to the pigs  to seek justice. She shows her full snarky attitude to anyone she  doesn’t like, and generally doesn’t sugar coat her words. She is loud  with her opinions and doesn’t give a crap what other people think of  her.


Sylvia’s mother Jo had her when she  was 17, to a man that skipped out of fatherhood before Sylv was even a  half a year old. He mother struggled hard to provide for her and her  baby, and once she was old enough to not need a constant supervision,  she was left on her own for extended amounts of time. Momma Jo managed  to snag herself a new man and baby daddy when Sylvia was 2, but despite  the girl trying very hard to accept this new man into her family, he  didn’t feel the same. Sylvia wasn’t his kid, so he didn’t feel like he  should take care of her the same way as he did of her baby brother. She  was often smacked away when she wanted cuddles or attention, so she soon  learned that the only attention she was going to get was bad attention,  so she just started acting out to get it. This behavior extended to her  school life, and she spent a lot of time in detention. It was better  than being home, and she also met Kim there. It was a beginning of  Sylvia’s most important and lasting friendship.

The abuse slowly  escalated, and he started hitting Jo too. It took till Sylvia was 9 for  her mom to put an end to the relationship and get that man out of their  lives, but the experience left a lasting mark on the girl. After that,  her mom’s boyfriends were a lot better and more loving and tender, but  she never trusted them anymore.

Momma Jo generally liked her son  more than her daughter, partly because his baby year was much easier as  she had support. That feeling stuck and he was favored blatantly over  Sylvia, causing fights to break up between them and she was always  punished for it. She was starting the fights but in her mind, she was  justified. She still doesn’t get along with her brother. She was the  last one to get served food, so she got used to getting the scraps. As a  teen she started spending more time on the streets than at home,  getting her dinner from dumpsters and other people’s scraps. If it  wasn’t for bonbons and school lunches she wouldn’t have survived.

Sylvia  started dating older guys when she was 14, and had only short pauses  between boyfriends and girlfriends, sometimes severely overlapping. She  was greedy for love, not caring about what would happen to her if she  was just loved and had a place to sleep and somebody to sleep next to.  You could say she was seeking the love she never got from her parents  from the beds of others.

She hasn’t officially lived in her  mother’s apartment since she turned 16, when Momma Jo decided that her  daughter was old enough to support herself and stop leeching off of her  money. So Sylvia, nowhere else to go really, moved in with her boyfriend  at the time. For one and a half years she basically lived with her  partners or friends if she was between partners, till she found a guy  she really liked… And then, an another. She ended up with two boyfriends  at the same time, both older than her, and neither knew of each other.  That volatile situation stewed for way too long and when it finally blew  up, Sylvia called the one person in the world she knew would have her  back: Kim. She took her in, and made her to apply for a job at the  factory. Sylvia can’t believe that her first proper job is a delivery  driver for Dulcet Laeta. Guess it pays the gas.


Powers: None

Candy biology:
Her  blood and tissues are very dark, brownish red and has a strong taste of  salmiakki. Also her freckles are salty salmiakki flavored, as the  flavor is seeping through her skin.

Skills and strengths:
* Dexterous, quick fingers (perfect for stealing)
* Parkour skills, can easily scale a 10 feet wall with a running start
* Iron stomach, can eat pretty much anything

* Has difficulty respecting authority
* Easy to coax into bets, even potentially dangerous ones
* Bails at the first sign of a fight

Transportation: Very beat up old car

*  Her driving license has a typo on it, with her first name written as  Sylvie. She doesn’t have the money to replace it so she just suffers  quietly through the annoyance
* If she was more well off, she would be trendy eco-hippie hipster
* Has mermaid genes from her father’s side, she’s probably 1/6 or 1/8 mermaid