Rochelle's Bio

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
18 5758

Chapter 11
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Allies: Ralene

- Affinity between them: Ralene is an ancient Torrinean goddess of starlight. As a goddess, Ralene is considered the divine artist who shapes the constellations in the night sky. She is also a gifted astronomer, guiding lost travelers to look to the stars and find their way home. When Torrine converted to Christianity, the entire Torrinean pantheon was demoted to an organization of holy saints. As a holy saint, Ralene blesses Rochelle with her powers upon completing a sacred trial proving her worth. Remnants of Ralene’s star charts are rumored to be scattered over Torrine.

Enemies: Master Xyro, Entity X, Amber Lowell, Jade Matthews

- Affinity between them:
Master Xyro harbors disdain towards the people of Torrine. His nine generals do his bidding. Rochelle has an evil doppelganger created by Master Xyro himself.

Jade is Atti's psychotic ex-girlfriend from Indiana. Jade automatically hates Rochelle with every fiber of her being just for being with Atti. Jade will do whatever it takes to get Rochelle out of the picture.

Amber Lowell is Rochelle's former high school cheerleading captain turned evil. Amber is snarky and - like Heather Chandler, a mythic B****. Amber bullies Rochelle simply for the fun of it, although there may be something more to her hostility towards Rochelle. After her father’s funeral, Amber had relentlessly bullied Rochelle to the point where she snapped and a huge fight broke out.

Best friends: Alondra Salazar (since 7th grade), Cat Reichart, Zani Abdel-Aziz, Kyra Alberti, Shea Miller, Sunny Abdel-Aziz, Marco Alberti, Blaze Taylor, Kalle Wyndham, Sutton Elliott, Nadir Jhaveri, Antonio Giuliani, Casey Henderson, and Gwen Fujioka

- Affinity between them: Often seen with Cat, Zani, and Kyra. Alondra lives in another part of Wesmos and often video chats with her. Low-key scared of Gwen.

Co-Workers/Colleagues: Wesley Glover, Austin Harley, Bethany Florence

- Affinity between them: Wesley is Darren's uncle who runs a small art museum showcasing local artists. Wesley makes sure Rochelle has commissions to work on. Austin and Bethany are Rochelle's co-workers at the observatory.

Crushes: Darren Glover

- Affinity between them: Rochelle was too shy to profess her feelings for him, but remained good friends with him nonetheless. He attended her father's funeral and offered his shoulder for her to cry on. Alas, Darren's heart is won by another.

Love Interest: Atti Wyndham
- Affinity between them: Their story could be best described like that of Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder/Eugene Fitzherbert from Tangled. They’re both energetic as they support their friends and each other. Atti’s charisma naturally attracts Rochelle, while she radiates a warm aura that draws Atti towards her. The only downsides to this relationship is that Atti can be a little too bold for levelheaded Rochelle, who would rather do things rationally than just charging into the fray. Atti isn’t one to back from a challenge, but Rochelle must be alert of when Atti goes to far. On the other hand, Rochelle’s indecisiveness can be trivial to Atti. Nevertheless, they always push through adversity.

Friends: Aimee Campbell, Tawny Rayner, Jared Coleman, Nate Foster, Chelsea Davis, Anise Gardner, Everly Campbell, Asher Ryan, Dalton Gardner, Keani Mahelona, Shirin Opulencia, Fallon Harper, Desiree Valdez, Ceja Flores

- Affinity between them: Aimee and Rochelle are former high school cheerleaders. Aimee stood up to Amber when Rochelle was bullied by her. She and Everly like the color yellow and often borrow clothes in the same color.

Family: Cameron (father, deceased), Nora (mother), Ellis (step-father) Genevieve (stepsister), Damien (stepbrother)
- Affinity between them: Before his untimely death, Rochelle was especially close with her real father. Rochelle spiraled into a seemingly endless depression on the day of her father's murder when it was reported on the news after coming home from cheer practice. When Nora remarried, she and Gen formed a close bond. It wasn’t easy for Rochelle to accept her new father at first, but Ellis did his best to be there for Rochelle in Cameron’s stead. Nora and Rochelle have been confused for sisters due to their youthful appearances. Rochelle and Damian don't necessarily have much in common; Rochelle is into fine arts while Damian is into science. However, Rochelle has an interest in astronomy, which makes for good conversation.

Rivals: None

Person they are Closest to: Genevieve Kingston