Rochelle's Bio

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
18 5758

Chapter 7
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Abilities & Skills

Logical: Average

Mathematical: Average

Artistic: Practices all artistic media, proficient in ceramics

Musical: Plays guitar, ukulele, and piano. Can carry a tune.

Communication: Pleasant in conversation but can be passive-aggressive when she picks up lies/deceit.

Fighting: She doesn't like to fight, but she can defend herself if need be. She'll channel her inner 'Terry Bogard' when it comes to self-defense.

Investigative: Uses her intuition to gather information internally and forms connections based off those feelings and hunches.

Supernatural: Photokinesis, Chromakinesis, Stellarkinesis - manipulation of color, manipulation of light, manipulation of stars; inherited from enchanted talisman, conflated

Magical: Abilities inherited from enchanted talisman include Photokinetic constructs (limited to weapons), light absorption, light infusion, photokinetic flight, stardust manipulation, stellar energy manipulation, stellar aura, stellar empowerment (via singular star - Polaris), aurora beam emission

Management: Um...don't put her in a leadership position; she'll freak out.

Organization: She doesn't like to organize, but she'll find creative ways to make her workspace aesthetically pleasing so that she doesn't have to spend a lot of time cleaning up everything. At least everything will be in its place.

Planning: Often finds herself planning on the fly, but she can be unpredictable in the process.

Physical: Not exactly the fastest due to her asthma. She can throw some mean punches, however.

Problem Solving: Prone to accidentally creating more problems branched from her solutions. In other words, her solutions can yield unpredictable consequences.

Teamwork: Team player, if anything.

Cooperation: Very cooperative with those she trusts, but difficult with those she dislikes.

Author's Notes

Here's a list of Rochelle's supernatural/magical abilities in greater detail: