Rochelle's Bio

2 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
18 5758

Chapter 6
Published 2 years, 7 months ago

Character Bio template by Squirrelette on deviantART - While I worked on this on dA, I had to remove some sections of the template due to character limit. Some sections of the template were repetitive or not relevant to the character in question which is why I also removed them for those reasons.

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Health & Fitness

Allergies: Walnuts

Any unhealthy habits: None

Athleticism: Cheerleading, yoga, pilates

Current Injuries: None

Drinker?: No

-If not, why?: Personal

Drug User?: No

-If not, why?: Personal

Smoker?: No

-If not, why?: Personal

Illnesses: Asthma, carries inhaler

Past illnesses: None

Past Injuries: None


Can they cook?: Yes, but only easy things

Diet: Mostly organic and dairy-free

Eating Disorders: None

Eating habits: Indulges in sweets if she sees something she likes. Won’t eat when depressed.

Vegetarian?: Yes

Vegan?: Yes

Gluten Free?: Yes

Energy Level: Moderate to high

Idiosyncrasies(Physical): Frizzy hair at 20% humidity

Running Speed: Slow to moderate

Reflexes: Average

Strengths (Physical): High jumper, acrobatic

Weaknesses (Physical): Asthmatic, can't run fast