Gaidinia Rose Carnival

3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 3 months ago
11 4355 2

Chapter 11
Published 3 years, 3 months ago

February 2021 event - Rose Carnival

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Author's Notes

Jack's mom went up to Blanca at the festival, quite randomly, and asked her to be his date for the ball. Jack had not intended to go at all, so his mother made the arrangement without him knowing. Blanca was very sweet about the whole thing, and thought it was rather cute that his mother wanted him to have a date and attend the ball. Jack is my character, and Blanca is Faunabun's.

Week 4-p2: Rose Carnival Ball

James was not feeling all that impressed, grumbling under his breath as he struggled to tie his tie. [i]How could mother do this to me?[/i], he thought to himself, [i]I don't even live at home anymore, why did she have to butt in...[/i] Finally getting the tie how he wanted, he let out a sigh of relief, glad to be done with that part of the night at least.

He was wearing a pair of tailored slacks, black with almost a hint of a frost lightly covering them for colour. His shirt was black as well, collared with small black buttons, his tie standing out nicely from it in it's frosted snow type design. The best part however was the suit jacket, coloured and tailored like the pants, having ornate icicle buttons to hold it closed and a boutonnière that looked like it was made of frosty lace.

Though he seemed displeased, he was in some ways getting a bit excited. Tonight he was going the social event of the Rose Festival, the Rose Carnival Ball, something he didn't usually attend due to the amount of people who go to the event. It wasn't exactly his idea to attend though, as it seemed his mother took it upon herself to not only have him added to the guest list but to also find him a plus one.

Taking a deep breath to prepare himself for the evening ahead, he grabs the corsage off the counter and heads out. He had agreed to pick up his date, a girl named Blanca, who his mother had found among the attendees at the carnival. He had only spoken with her briefly himself over the phone, mainly to ask for her address and to apologize for his mother, finding her to at the very least sound like a nice enough person.

Managing to arrive at her home on time he knocks on the door, taking a deep breath to relax a bit. As the door opens he gets a warm smile, greeting her with a polite bow. Though he had been a bit hesitant regarding the whole thing he found Blanca to be quite beautiful. Her elegant floor length gown, made of a fine iridescent silk, had a rainbow of rose petals that seemed to rain down the skirt, giving the illusion of them blowing in the wind as she moved.

"You look... absolutely stunning" Jack says sweetly "I... got this for you... I hope it's alright" he says as he pulls out the corsage.
Placing it on her wrist, Blanca smiles "Thank you~ It's beautiful" she says as she looks at the corsage; the light blue rose, seeming to be covered in a lace design of ice, seemed to perfectly catch the rainbow colours of her dress.
"I'm glad you like it" he says, a hint of embarrassment in his tone, not wanting her to know he had made the ice on the corsage himself.
"I got this for you too" she says, seeming a bit embarrassed as well, as she pulls out a boutonniere for him.
Pleasantly surprised, his smile grows a bit wider "It's wonderful, thank you!" he says, allowing her to pin it to his suit pocket for him.

The two arrive at the ball, their arms linked together as they walk, both of them looking around at the lovely décor. Right away Blanca decides to head to the dance floor though, excitedly trying to convince Jack to dance too. Though he initially starts off standing there like a bobble head doll, she does manage to get him to loosen up and finally start jumping around with the music. After a while a slow song came on, prompting Jack to try to go sit down out of embarrassment, though he is promptly stopped. Taking his hands in hers, Blanca starts to lead them through the waltz that is playing, while he tries desperately to not trip or step on her feet.

All in all the evening went really well, the two having spent a decent amount of time chatting when they would take breaks from the dance floor. Giving Blanca a ride back to her place, he walked her to the door.
"Thank you for such a lovely evening, Blanca" he says with a warm tone.
"Thank you too, I had a lot of fun" she says smiling up at him.
"Until we meet again" he says with a smile, bowing slightly as he takes her hand and kisses the back of it, before heading off to his own home for the night.