Gaidinia Rose Carnival

3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 3 months ago
11 4355 2

Chapter 8
Published 3 years, 3 months ago

February 2021 event - Rose Carnival

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Author's Notes

Was unable to complete week 3 day 1, so there is no entry for it, and week 3 day 2 was a drawn entry of marksmanship (or a lack thereof)

Week 3- Day 3: Traditions

Growing up, Ingrid, always saw how special February was for her parents. They had met at the Rose Festival, and even got engaged there, so this month has always held a hopeful romantic aspect for her. Each year, on the first of the month, she grabs a tea bag sized crimson burlap bag, which she fills with a few herbs, and a feather. She then takes a red candle and carefully melts the wax over the ingredients, before sealing the small bag. Some people probably assume it's a love spell, or perhaps a tool for charming someone, but in fact it isn't something as drastic as that; This type of charm is for luck with love. Wearing the small bag all month, according to her grandmother, is meant to increase the likelihood of bumping into your soul mate. Yes, it's true they could be on the other side of the world, but this charm could be that thing that makes them decide to take that long overdue vacation that leads them to you.

This month is also essentially the only time throughout the year that Ingrid sees her brother. The two of them don't normally get along, her being fire and him being ice, but they both make a point of getting along during the festival each year as they want to still make it a nice time for their mother. Their father had passed away, long ago now, but they still bring her to the event where you can make a rose, which is where they had met all those years ago.

Author's Notes

Hard to say if Ingrid is more of a hopeful romantic, or a hopeless one. She just wants to be as happy as her parents had been.