Gaidinia Rose Carnival

3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 3 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 4 months ago

February 2021 event - Rose Carnival

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Author's Notes

It is a long standing tradition for people attending the festival to make a rose.

Cast: Ingrid & Jack

Day 2: Make a rose

It wasnt often that Ingrid and Jack spent time together, after all they were quite opposite to one another, but each year they would meet up with their mom at the Rose Carnival. This was the one time every year where the siblings would try to get along, especially on the day people make roses,  as it was a special time for their mother.

Jack sat down at a table with his mom and sister, closing his eyes as he started to concentrate on his ice magic. Making a beautiful oval sphere of ice, he then holds it out to Ingrid. Their mother watching in awe as her children work together so amicably.

With Jack still holding the ice, Ingrid starts focusing her own magic. Creating a flame in her hands, managing to make it as thin as a pen tip. Using the flame she created, she starts making it delicately melt parts of the ice. A design slowly becoming visible, being careful to not melt too much.

The two of them using their conflicting magic, they end up creating something beautiful. An elaborate carved rose made of ice, the center of the petals being in the shape of a heart. Giving it one more blast of ice magic, so it will not melt, Jack passes it to their mother.

"It's even more beautiful than last year's" their mom says, her eyes tearing up "Your father would be so proud of you two" she sniffles a bit.

"Thanks mom" Ingris says, her eyes tearing up a bit as well.

"Happy anniversary mom" Jack says, giving her a hug.

"Happy anniversary" Ingrid says, joining in on the hug.

"Happy anniversary dear" their mom says, looking at the rose. 

Author's Notes

Ingrid and James' father was a kyanarr who had ice magic, while their mother was a nyanarr who had fire. Their parents met at the Rose Carnival, on the day people make the roses, he even proposed to her there. Sadly when the kids were little he passed away, so they take their mother every year in honour of him.