Gaidinia Rose Carnival

3 years, 4 months ago
3 years, 3 months ago
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Chapter 5
Published 3 years, 4 months ago

February 2021 event - Rose Carnival

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Author's Notes

Day 6 was a treasure hunt so no entry was made.

Day 7: The Rose Tale

A long time ago there had been a man, an earth nyanarr, who had been so in love with a woman that he decided to set out on a life long mission to show his undying love to her. Once every month, through his entire life, he would create a rose for her with his magic, each one filled with the love he felt for her. Each month it was like their love bloomed anew, falling in love all over again with each new rose he would give to her. She never knew what she could do to show her love in return, as his gesture was so grand that she knew she could never match it, but to him just knowing how much she loved him, and her knowing how much he loved her, was the greatest gift of all to him. They say that the last thing he ever did in his life, was make her one final rose which still to this day remains as symbol of their love.

Author's Notes

The story that Ingrid and Jack had been told about the 1000 Roses as children.