Blue, Blue, Blue is My World

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
8 3960

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

D1: When did your characters first meet? What were their first impressions of each other?

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Author's Notes

Word Count: 776


It wasn’t often that the woman found herself in Mead. She wasn’t a huge fan of the crowded streets, often nearly calf deep with mud. More than that though, were the openly curious stares she and her…unusual companion gathered. Rather than break the small minds of many who gathered and went about their daily routines within this once small, now tourist-full place, she had left Kaz at home. Probably a good idea, too, as he was definitely the more…temperamental of the two males. They were her pride and joy, the sires to all of her most recent litters she was training, and they meant the world to her. Fawn padded on large, silent paws by her side, piercing gaze warily watching the crowds.

He wasn’t big on large gatherings of people either, but he was a bit calmer and more collected about it. Besides, he knew the better he behaved, the more likely the odds that he would get something special out of it. Usually, a thigh bone or other juicy morsel. Well worth the hassle in his mind. Some would argue Sable should leave the beasts back at her home, rather than bring them out and about, but she dismissed such comments easily. They were her partners, halves to her whole, and each outing was approached as a training exercise of sorts.

Not to mention their mere presence was more than enough to ward off troublemakers. As they walked, Sable’s hand often rested upon the jaguar’s back, not guiding, nor really pressing, but a grounding touch, calming, though whether more so for her or for Fawn, she couldn’t say. Though she didn’t often go out into society, at least, places like Mead, that didn’t mean she was dressed anything less than her best. Supple, moveable tights covered lean legs, down to knee-high boots. A simple blouse hung past her hips, gathered in by a vest about her midsection, and bracers on her forearms. A dagger, sheathed to her left thigh, her long, thick hair, pulled back into a simple style, meant to keep wayward strands from impeding her vision.

Fawn kept at her right side, and they wove through the crowd, those that didn’t, or couldn’t, move aside to get away from them, with ease. She passed first one market cart, then another, and another, all of whom run by hawking merchants, all seeking to peddle their wares off onto some unsuspecting sop with no eye for quality. Now that Mead was oft inundated with tourists from far off places, it had left its rather humble beginnings behind in favor of angling for as much currency as they could possibly get their grubby hands on.

She had paused, mostly because the crowd had stalled, as it often did, putting her behind a tall man, evidently looking for something…someone? Messy blonde hair was barely contained beneath his hat, and the signs of wear and tear were, for one attuned to finer details such as herself, easy to spot on his clothing. Someone else who didn’t leave their comfort areas that often? Without much warning, the man stepped backwards, as though to turn around, and certainly didn’t check before doing so. He careened right into her, sending her stumbling back a step, fortunately saved the irritation of falling on her rear by Fawn’s quick thinking, pressing his muscled shoulder against the backs of her legs.

Eyes snapping with pale fire, she glared at the man as he spun around, having caught himself on a nearby cart. Fawn on the other hand was not so quiet in his displeasure, and growled low in his chest, ears angling back as he moved to stand beside, and slightly in front of, his mistress. Before she could get a word out, he was already apologizing, his expression wide-eyed, and she found herself caught off guard by the sight of his crimson eye. The other eye was marred by old scars, this, and other, details coming to her as she took them in, scarred lips flattening in displeasure. Before she even acknowledged the other, she looked to Fawn, her hand, calloused by work, but slender, smoothed over his head, a low sound leaving her as she met his gaze. “Calm now, sweet one.” She murmured, and Fawn, grudgingly, settled down somewhat, no longer growling but eyes still narrowed.

“As crowded as these streets are, I would recommend checking your surroundings next time.” She said finally, having taken the time in between his words to gather herself, rather than chew his ear off. He had apologized, which was far more than most would offer. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”