Blue, Blue, Blue is My World

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
8 3960

Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

D1: When did your characters first meet? What were their first impressions of each other?

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His hand snapped back at the sound of the cat's deep growl, his weight shifting back with one, small step away as the creature moved to stand in front of the shorter women. Both, now, glaring what felt like hot holes through his very soul. He could feel it now, his heart racing and temperature rising. Out of all the people to run into, he had to choose the one with a companion that could tear him to shreds in a blink. With weight on his heals, he was ready to turn and leave, his breath caught in his throat.

But she murmured something that he couldn't quite make out, and the cat settled. A small breath of relief left his lips, but it was quick to catch once more when her voice sliced through the air like daggers. Again, his heart skipped, pounding hard in his chest. He could feel his veins running red hot, like fire in his blood. Well, it was fire; his magic eager to take over, it's fingers tight around his neck. 

Not now, fuck off.

So instead, he laughed. A nervous chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck aimlessly, messy blond hair wildly out of control as he shook his head. "You would think so," he said, his gaze flickering to the large cat once before focusing on the woman before him. "but dense is a word I've heard to describe me more than once." His lips quirked in a lopsided, half smile, as he took in a breath to settle his nerves. Dense, confused, lost in his own little world. It was tough, paying attention when he had so much raging internally.

"Um, nowhere really, I..." He paused briefly, remembering his role. His disguise as a commoner. "Are you going to the festival?" There was curiosity in his tone as he fumbled with the edge of his coat. Nervous, still, like a tick he couldn't shake. "I think I'm staying the night here and then heading to Faline in the morning. If it's even possible to get a room here anymore. I'm a bit late." The man chuckled softly with a shake of his head. It was a lie, of course, as he wanted nothing more than to go home. He could still feel eyes on him from those who passed by, and those who had saw his mistake.

He took a chance to look her over, though, the woman he had so rudely tried to run over. She was certainly shorter than he, but she did not need height to be intimidating. As if the jaguar at her side wasn't enough, scars riddled her body that he was sure told their own stories... and he was curious about them. Curious about her truly, as he had grown up around Order mages who were far more... propper. Not that she wasn't- no. He hadn't meant to think that she looked bad, in fact, her knee high boots and bracers, coupled with a vest and dagger strapped to her thigh was enough to keep trouble away, he was sure.

And again, he had allowed his mind to wander, and he cleared his throat softly as he pulled himself back to reality, hoping he hadn't missed her answer.