Blue, Blue, Blue is My World

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
8 3960

Chapter 5
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

D1: When did your characters first meet? What were their first impressions of each other?

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There was something about her that was enticing- enough to make his mind wander again. Having been surrounded by uptight Order mages for quite literally his entire upbriging, the rather... dangerous appearance of this woman was almost exciting. He wanted to ask her where she got her scars. He wanted to see how skilled she was with her weapon, as he was sure she did not have magic to rely on instead. He wanted to know how she had such a fierce creature at her side and why.

But these were questions that would simply lay dormant in the pit of his stomach, as he could hardly get a word out without his nerves badgering him anyways. Small talk was never his strong suit, but talk in general wasn't either. Part of him wanted to curl in on himself and disappear. The other part... well, he wasn't sure.

Her reponse brought him back to reality, her voice snapping him out of his own head, though it would be just as easy to slip back into its dark crevasses. 

Quil nodded with understanding as she spoke of her displeasure of crowds, a quiet "Me too," escaping his lips, "but we sure chose quite the place to avoid them." Sarcasm, or at least, his best attempt at it. There was a time when Mead had been a quiet, sleepy villiage, crawling only with locals and the occasional traveller wanting to rest before finishing their journey to Faline. Tourism had exploded since then, though, and Quil found himself missing the quiet streets and homey businesses. 

It almost felt selfish to think that way, though, as he was sure the merchants were enjoying the business.

His brow quirked, though, as she mentioned going if he was going... an odd sensation for strangers who have just met, but he supposed he couldn't know for sure. It wasn't as if socializing was his strong suit. However, that put him in quite the situation, as he wasn't planning on going to Faline in the first place. If he thought Mead was bad, Faline could only be the place of nightmares. But he would play the part, with a slight tip of his head and a gentle smile. "I hope to see you there." Was all he could offer, to keep himself from lying too much.

After a pause, the woman stuck out her hand, and he looked to it for a moment before gingerly taking it in his own as she offered her name. Aesira - Sable - he wondered which she prefered. Her hand was warm and calloused, proof that the scars were more than just a fashion statement. 

"My name is Quillon, most call me Quil." He introduced himself as he shook her hand, intentionally leaving his last name out, for the last thing he needed was to breathe his family name in a place that was most likely crawling with other Order mages. He truly wondered how many had actually known his name, and had not just known him as "the Volry boy." Not that he was complaining, as it made his desire to hide that much easier. 

Realizing that he had lingered on her hand for a bit longer than he had intended, he let go quickly, his gaze releasing the blue of her own as he looked back to the cat at her side. "And who's your friend?" Though his nerves had since settled, he could not help but feel a bit uneasy as the jaguar locked eyes with his.