Blue, Blue, Blue is My World

1 year, 8 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
8 3960

Chapter 7
Published 1 year, 8 months ago

D1: When did your characters first meet? What were their first impressions of each other?

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He smiled as she introduced her companion, repeating the feline's name in greeting with a small wave of his hand. It felt silly, really, for animals did not know the purpose of waving, but he wasn't necessarily going to offer his hand for a strange predator to... sniff. "I'm pleased to have met you both," He said with a dip of his head as he tucked his hands back into his cloak. For once, he wasn't lying. He had found himself enjoying her company more than he had expected- especially in such a crowded place. In fact, he had just realized he had last track of time-

He sighed, an apologetic smile on his lips as he shifted to look back down the way he had come. They would know if he had been lingering for too long. He was here for work...

"For now, I will have to bid you farewell, though," He continued with an apologetic smile. "I fear my chances to get a room are dwindling by the second." He turned to leave, but found himself pausing, his hands nervously finding his pockets. Typically, he was so quick to try to leave a social situation, but there was something about her...

"I... do hope to see you at the festival..." He added a little more quietly. "And have a good night."

And just like that, he slipped into the crowded street, feeling his palms warm. Gods, he was so damn awkward.