[PMD BTS] RP: The Reason Why

Explicit Violence

Ari explains to Gene why he decided to evolve, which comes with some bad news.

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Kai was picked up off the ground by Creed and Luna. Luna had offered to teach Myrtle formal fighting styles if she was interested before the bounty hunter took their leader off.

Arius looked over at Emil. “Hello Emil, how did fighting Kioshi go?”, he looked back at Gene, his poor burnt lover.

Myrtle begrudgingly accepted Luna's offer, though she had mixed feelings. Luna clearly new what she was doing and Myrtle wanted so much to know how to fight, but she found the Riolu's peppiness obnoxious. But then again she found most people obnoxious so what was one more.

Due to the burns Gene did not hold Ari's hand as they walked, but he was staring when Ari turned to look at him as he was very interested in this new form and taking in every detail. Gene's already dark grey skin was speckled with darker, somewhat reddish black blistering patches along his shoulders and arms. His shirt too had seen better days, but as it was part of the outfit he had evolved into likely it would regenerate once he himself had been healed.

Emil turned to Ari as he was addressed. "Ah, he gave me a mighty good fight that's for sure," he said with a shaky laugh. "Got a nasty Sucker Punch. But hey, haven't had a good fight in some time so I aint complaining," he shrugged. "Do I ah... know you?"

"This is Ari, Emil. My..." he paused, at a loss for what to say. The term 'boyfriend' has always felt juvenile to him and with how close they'd grown it felt oddly out of place. "Partner," he settled on. "You remember, yes?"

"Ah, yeah I just ah... last time I saw ya ya didn't look so--"

Gene turned to glare at Emil then, making it clear the Houndour better choose his words carefully. With how nervous Ari had been to evolve he did not wish for anyone to speak ill of his new form, least of all one of his own recruits.

"Ah... spooky?" he said as though it were a question. Spooky was a good thing right? Very ghosty?

Myrtle was also examining Ari's new form, circling around him as they walked. He looked wicked sick, could she get bones when she evolved?

"Yes, I have also not won a single match against Kioshi in any of the team building sparring matches Duncan makes us do.", Arius said. He floated along, having control over his levitation once more, he was more than happy not to walk anymore!

"Hm- oh you think so? I used a Solemn potion when I evolved.", Arius said as he reached up and ran his fingers over the bones across his had. "I did not know what to expect but honestly, I really like the results.", he shrugged slightly. Arius was also a little taller too, not that it really mattered since he floated all over and seemed somehow even taller due to that.

Arius looked at Gene when he said the word partner. Was that what they would call themselves? Arius was... unsure if that label hurt or not. Was it just a partnership? Where they more? Did that mean they where less than what he had thought they where? Such things played back and forth in the ghost's head. He wondered what Maeve would think of such verbage, perhaps he was over thinking and this was another misunderstanding?

"Ah, well, glad it aint just me then," Emil said heartily.

Gene just smiled and continued to openly admire Ari, pleased as well to see him floating as he used to so often do. As Ari turned to him he felt the smallest flicker of something in him, some sort of stress. Was he worried what Gene thought of him now that he had evolved?

"Yes, it suits you Love," he said quietly, contentedly.

The Hawlucha Dojo was not terribly far from the Swanna Song Inn that they were staying at thankfully as the heat of the sun was exceptionally hot on Gene's burns.

"Thank you.", he said as he floated beside Gene. "Um- do you want me to get Fiona to look over those burns? They look like they hurt a lot...", and he didn't want Gene to be in pain. He loved him after all!

Gene paused for a moment as they entered the inn, considering Ari's offer. "Perhaps... that would be best. I had intended to see Charlotte as she is already... familiar with my status. But to my knowledge her healing capabilities are still rather limited."

He turned to Emil and Myrtle. "What about you two? Are you in need or any healing?"

Emil shook his head. "Nah, just winded. Nothin' major."

Myrtle mimicked him, shaking her head as well with a "nah."

"Then you both are free to go, the rest of the day is yours to do as you please--within reason!" he added as Myrtle grinned eagerly at the possibilities.

Emil turned to Myrtle. "Whatcha think a' checkin' out this Paradise with all the games and jazz?"

"Sure," Myrtle nodded. Howell had shown them both that rock-in-hole game not too long ago. She would gladly whip Emil's butt at it again.

Gene turned back to Ari as they left. "Is Fiona aware of your status?" he asked quietly. As the healer and leader of Team Blackstar it that it would be difficult for him to keep such a thing hidden from her, though she seemed none the wiser when Ari had been poisoned via salt.

“She knows but she doesn’t have much experience with our kind… also come to think of it- I don’t know where Jasper’s room is. She doesn’t spend time in her own… so maybe we will see your healer?”, he scratched his head with a frown.

"That is quite alright, less complicated this way I suppose," Gene said as he led the way upstairs to where Charlotte was staying. He was not aware of any plans of hers for the day so hopefully she would be there. "Charlotte joined us here on the Mist Continent just recently after moving in and has been staying with Frannie. It seems the two of them have hit it off rather well."

He knocked on the door and a soft, well modulated, almost magical voice responded with a "one moment". After several moments and some rustling a woman opened the door. She stood nearly at Gene's height with a horn similar to the one he bore as a Shuppet. But her skin was exceptionally pale with huge Ponyta ears that stuck out from her cotton candy colored hair.

She flinched when she saw Gene, taking in his tattered appearance. "My, do you always get into such trouble? I have only been here but a day and you come home looking like this? Whatever did you do before I got here?" she asked, her voice calm and soothing despite the words, as if the sound itself was laced with magic.

"Well pardon me, I will be sure to rearrange my calendar. Cancel all my plans to be lit on fire," he said sarcastically with an embarrassed pout.

"Oh!" she gasped as she noted Ari standing behind him, a hand flying to her heart in fear. She stared directly into the eyes behind the mask and as she read his heart she was surprised to fine he was a kindhearted, lax soul.

"I was not expecting you to bring the Grim Reaper to my door," she said, turning back to Gene. "A friend of yours?"

Gene turned back to Ari with a smile as he spoke. "Yes, I would like you to meet Arius Shadewood, my..." he paused again as he had before. "... significant other," he said this time, feeling it held more weight than his previous options. As much as he enjoyed the term 'lover' he struggled to use it in front of his recruits. It felt too... unprofessional, somehow.

"May we come in?" he asked, turning back to Charlotte. "I assume our reasons for being here are rather obvious," he said, gesturing to his burns.

She stepped aside, holding the door open for the two of them.

Arius looked curiously at the women before him, tilting his head quite a lot, wondering what the strange sort of energy around the other was. It was sort of like a reborn ghost, but something else too? Although he let Gene speak, being called a significant other made him feel much better than how Gene had called him a partner. Behind his mask, Arius smiled, even if it was hidden.

"Yes, Arius.", he said as he walked forward, partially phasing through the doorframe as he felt no real reason not to. He floated around a bit, looking around curiously. "I am not a grim reaper, I assure you."

"That is good to hear. It is nice to meet you Arius, I have heard quite a bit about you in my short time on the team," Charlotte chuckled lightly with a smile as she shut the door. "It is so difficult to see the fate of those who have already passed. Your tea leaves are always so filled with death Gene. But I suppose that is to be expected..." she trailed off as she encouraged him to sit on her bed.

Gene just shrugged in response. "I do not put stock in such things."

"Perhaps you should," she muttered to herself as she looked over his burns. She brushed his upper arm gentle and he flinched. "It may keep you out of trouble."

"I hadn't any plans to get into trouble," he grumbled.

"Oh? Does trouble only visit you when it has an appointment?"

Gene pouted and looked away. Smart aleck.

Charlotte took one of Gene's hands in hers, turning it over and inspecting the burns before slowly raising it close to her horn. She closed her eyes, concentrating, as the healing magic started to emanate from her. Gene's hand healed quickly as it was so close to the source of her magic. She ran a hand along his upper arms, not quite touching but merely using her arm as an extension of her magic. It was strongest when the patient's wounds touched her horn directly, but she was not about to rub her face all over his shoulders.

Arius watched curiously, floating idly around the room a bit. “Tea leaves talk?”, he said in a confused way. He floated down when Charlotte began to work on Gene’s burns, gently holding onto the other’s unhurt hand for support. He knew he could do little, but he still wanted Gene to know he cared.

Gene smiled tenderly as Ari took his hand, brushing his thumb over his fingers.

Charlotte did not answer until she had finished healing Gene. The heat of his skin was subsiding and he relaxed more fully, the darkened patches of skin starting to peel as if several days had passed. His hair remained the length it was, some of the flowers beginning to regrow.

Charlotte lowered her hand, opening her eyes. "If you are willing to listen they do. There are messages hidden in the leaves of the tea that you drink, and if you can decipher them you can learn your fate."

"Something akin to finding shapes in clouds," Gene explained as he rose from his seat.

Charlotte pouted in response. "Hardly."

“Wait do clouds speak too?”, he wondered. Was it that made up sort of stuff like fortune telling? Tobias had a rather ill take on such things. And Arius was a bit undecided on such things.

“Thank you Charlotte for healing Gene.”, Arius took off his mask to kiss Gene on the cheek gently. “You may enjoy my team leader Fiona. She is a healer as well.”

Charlotte's ears flicked up at the mention of Fiona. "Oh, Frannie has mentioned Fiona to me previous. I would quite like to meet her sometime. It was good to meet you as well Arius."

Gene reached for Ari's hand as he turned to leave the room. "Yes, thank you Charlotte. Already you have proven yourself a wonderful asset to the team," he said genuinely with his usual pep.

Charlotte did not seem so easily impressed. "Be more careful, I pray you will not be in need of me anytime soon," she said as she closed the door after them.

Gene was not perturbed, leading the way back to his room with a smile. "So, there was something you wished to speak of?" he asked, pulling Ari's hand to his lips and kissing his knuckle.

“You can usually catch her early mornings as she tries to get the best sweet rolls from the dining area. She has a huge sweet tooth.”, Arius said as he followed Gene out.

Arius’s face grew troubled as Gene asked. “Yes. Apparently the Order of Shadows is in a huge frenzy. Apparently someone is missing and they are searching for them. They blame the Shadewoods and there is heavy fighting all over. We rarely clash with the order but it looks like they are on a warpath now.”

Gene froze mid step, coming to an abrupt halt in the hallway as he tried to process what Ari had just told him. He just looked at him for a moment, question quickly racing through his head wondering what this could mean for them, for all the Shadewoods.

A pair of Treecko walked past them and he gripped Ari's hand tightly, walking to his room more briskly than before.

"What did Tobias have to say about this missing person?" he asked as he unlocked the door.

“He has no information about them. His informant is- currently under suspicion and it is to dangerous to get more information at this tine.”, he frowned.

“He told me if I was going to evolve I needed to do it now..”, he explained

Gene threw the door open, practically dragging Ari inside as he quickly shut the door again. He leaned against it for support."

"Does he have a plan of some sort?" he asked. "I can make arrangements of us to return to Ethovalon, if needed." Sure they had planned to stay on the Mist Continent until the end of the month, but it was not as though the Order cared for their plans.

He looked up at Ari then, his heart sinking as he considered what the answer to this latest question might be. "Why did you need to evolve now?"

“We don’t need to do much just- know that we need to be careful. I evolved in case I need to fight… I hope we can stay out of this conflict.”, he said softly.

“I don’t know if he had a plan but he looked worried..”, Arius frowned.

Gene sighed in relief, slowly taking Ari into his arms and holding him close. He had worried that Ari may have been asked to involve himself directly. But evolving as a precaution... that he could life with.

He pulled back to look him in the eyes, still wondering what this would mean for them, for everyone. Tobias being worried was never a good sign.

"Do we know anything else?" he asked. "The Order's movements? Which islands they frequent most?"

“They have mostly been around the grass continent, but that doesn’t mean that is where they will stay.”, he said.

“I am- unsure what this means for us. But ghost on ghost clashes are not good for anyone. We just have to be extra careful. Tobias is sending a few shadewoods to keep our teams safe, but he has gone to help secure borders and keep as much peace as he is able.”

Gene stepped away from Ari with an absentminded nod, ran a hand through his hair, and began to walk around the room as he considered what to do. "I'll inform my team immediately," he said aloud, though whether or not it was directed at Ari was unclear. He would need to prioritize Emil and Myrtle's training, and Charlotte had only just joined them now of all times. Would Emil and Myrtle have time to evolve before... whatever fate befell them?

"I had intended to speak with Tobias about Myrtle spending some time in the fold," he said. "I had thought it may be good for her, to spend time surrounded by others of our kind. But now hardly seems like the time. Arceus, what will I tell her? She is already so eager to fight the Order, if she knew..."

"I am unsure what you can say to her. I hope we do not even have to put much thought into it and the Order will settle themselves offshore on some poor island and just exist in their culty little world far away from us and everyone else.", he stretched out his back a bit.

Gene simply nodded, his eyes elsewhere as he continued to make mental preparations. But after a moment he took note of Ari's laid back posture. "Is this... a common occurrence? You seem rather at ease about this," he asked.

"There is always danger, always some big thing. It is a waste to be worried every time the order throws a hissy fit. I just- do not wish to waste my energy on such things. They will do as they please, from this room, in this inn, we can do nothing to help or hurt. So, why bother being concerned?", he asked simply.

Gene slowly made his way back over to Ari, raising a hand to cup his cheek. He just stared at him for some time, his red eyes peeking out from under his new mask. It was difficult not to let his imagination run wild. In truth he was afraid, and while he could not hide such things from Ari he did try not to let it show so much on his face.

"Why bother?" he asked rhetorically with a sad, broken laugh. "Do you expect me to just sit by until a member of my team is taken again? Or until you..." he trialed off, unable to voice his concerns. His eyes drifted lower to where the gems of Ari's feral necklace were embedded in his skin. He let his hand fall to his shoulder, tracing the cracked jewel that sat there. Months ago the Order had left their mark on Ari, what if this time they did not make it out so easily?

"Gene, I want to tell you things. But if you continue to stress out and be dyed in knots about it, then I will stop keeping you informed.", Arius said in a bit of a stern tone. "I do not tell you these things to scare you, but I love you enough to let you know what's going on. And do not be offended, but I highly doubt your small team will be of interest to them in the current moment. We don't even know who-", he paused.

"Do you think they would look for Quinn? I-", he paused. Would he tell Gene he saw a mark of the order on Quinn's foot? It was by accident he had seen it, but still. With how Gene was already acting, telling him his therapist may be tangled with the order was not ideal. Even if Colterra had shown her stuffy old face around. "Because he's a ghost too."

Gene detached himself from Ari and pulled away, appalled by what Ari was saying. "You would keep me in the dark like that?" he asked accusatory, though his voice was small from the shock. "What? Because I'm concerned? Am I not allowed to feel anything in response to Tobias telling you to evolve in preparation for Arceus knows what?"

His eyes narrowed as he noted Ari's pause. "Don't you mean because he is an ex Order member, Ari? Because he was the right hand to Finis himself? Because I was the one to tell you that."

Saying the words allowed did get him thinking, and he calmed a bit as he considered the possibility. "Do... you think it is him? Quinn? That they are looking for?" It certainly was a rather large coincidence.

"To save you from stress and concern? Perhaps. You obsessively worry and I do not wish you to be more upset at situations than needed.", Arius was a bit sad when Gene pulled away. But Gene didn't really handle any sort of news well at all.

"Did you?", Arius tilted his head a bit. It was clear that it was a event that had completely vanished from Arius's mind. He scratched his cheek. "He was...Finis's..... right hand guy?", the ghost rolled this 'new' knowledge around slowly in his mind.

"I do not know.", Arius said. "But if he continued to tell Colterra to leave, wouldn't they know where he was? Then again- we are not at our bases so- maybe?", he shrugged.

"Well I would greatly prefer to be stressed than ignorant, thank you for asking," he said sarcastically. "I have my team to keep in mind. Whether the Order is directly interested in them or not, I am a Shadewood now. And if Tobias calls for me, or them, I will answer. Hiding things from me will not fix that, if anything it puts me in more danger by leaving me unprepared."

Gene pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. He knew he was being emotional, but knowing did not always make it easier to control. Even after months of this new life and weeks after he had evolved he still found it difficult to manage such intense feelings at times. Still, he felt it was justified to be upset now. He kept nothing from Ari, but clearly such trust had been one sided.

"How can you be so blasé about this?" he asked incredulously as Ari just shrugged in response. "Tobias--of all people--is worried, encouraged you to evolve for your own safety, is arranging for Shadewoods to watch after our teams, and we might know the cause of this whole debacle. When did you last speak with Quinn? Is he aware of the situation?"

"I do not know what blatze means.... but... I assume you meal how am I calm...", Arius said, "I simply do not feel concerned, I can not help these lack of feelings. Perhaps it is just more things tied into me being an old ghost, maybe it is because I have always known this day would come, I can not be sure."

"I have not spoken to Quinn, he was not in his room. Nor do I know where he travels to, but I think he is someone who has his own sources if he has been avoided the order for a while. So he may already be awa-", Arius was cut off by a knock at the door.

"Well I... cannot. Cannot be so calm, I mean. Not so easily. I will try, but do not treat me like some child in need of sheltering just for being concerned," he pressed before his stern look became more pleading. "Please. I want us to be equals, a team. You do not need to protect me this way, not through secret keeping."

He turned as someone knocked at the door, looking to Ari for answers as though he may have been expecting someone. Gene made his way slowly to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open just a crack.

"I am sorry you feel that way Gene.", he said in a quick whisper as Gene answered the door.

Quinn was at the door, "Hello Gene.", he greeted in his normal hushed sort of voice.

Gene noticeably paused when Ari spoke, wondering what he meant. Had he made up his mind, regardless of what Gene had to say? Would he be filtering the information he shared with Gene now, controlling what he was and was not allowed to know? At such a critical time? He pushed the thoughts aside for now. They would need to discuss more later.

His eyes widened as the very same Quinn they were just speaking of stood on the other side of the door. He opened it more widely, stepping back to allow him entry. "Quinn, wonderful. Please, come in," he said evenly, though the absence of his usual jovial attitude made it clear something was wrong.

Quinn stepped it side, "Thank you Gene."

Arius floated over, "Hey Quinn we where just talking about you."

"Oh? I doubt myself to be a good subject for a riveting conversation.", Quinn said casually back. "Do you enjoy your new form Arius?"

"I am pleased with it.", Arius said back as he floated over to Gene.

Gene locked the door after Quinn. He tilted his head curiously, watching the exchange between him and Ari. With Quinn's impeccable timing he wondered if perhaps Quinn was in fact already up to speed on the matter somehow, but it was hard to tell.

"What brings you here Quinn?" he asked, interested in hearing his reasons for himself.

"Well- I was out for a stroll, looking to find one of the local tea shops and see what blends they offered when I came across a pair of order members in the square. I headed back, they got into a scrimage with a pair of Shadewoods and I hurried back here.", Quinn said.

"What?! Which Shadewoods?!", Arius's normally calm tone was shattered as he yelled.

"Um- it was a baynette with some sort of scar on his face and a driffloom women with an eye patch? i do not know their names.", Quinn said.

Arius didn't give a moment more before he rushed out of the room, leaping through the locked door and phasing through it would breaking stride.

"I would think he would have waited for directions...", Quinn said simply.

A scarred Banette? Colburn? But Gene's thoughts were quickly put on hold as Ari jumped through the door and out of the room.

"ARI!" Gene yelled, unlocking the door and throwing it open as quickly as he could, but it did slow him down considerably compared to someone who could ignore doors. As he was about to run after Quinn's words caught up with him.

"Where!?" he asked as succinctly as possible.

Arius didn't let anything stop him, phasing through anything and anyone who stood in front of him.

"The old town square in the western plaza. It is mostly abandoned these days since there is a newer, nicer one now.

Gene ran off to catch up before Quinn even finished explaining, leaving his room wide open and the Corsola inside. It was far from his biggest concern. He leapt down the stairs several at a time, bumping into people and pushing them aside in his haste.

Once outside he looked around frantically. "Ari!" he yelled, hoping even if he couldn't find Ari that he would at least be able to hear him. "The western square!"

Arius was nowhere in sight, and it was unclear if he had heard Gene or not. ~ ~ ~

When Gene arrived to the western square, it was clear some sort of fight had happened here. The fountain was in ruins, with long claw marks all over it, and blast marks covering the stone. The water squirted everywhere as the tubing was ruined as well. Several bushes had been flattened and burnt, with rocks jutting out and upheaval the cobblestones.

It might seem like Gene was alone, but a snap from one of the nearby disturbed bushes said another wise.

Gene ran as fast as he could, which in all honesty was nothing to write home about. He was not exactly a star athlete in this form or anything. He stumbled into the square, gasping. When he noted the remains of the fountain he summoned a Shadow Claw in preparation for whatever came next, but it quickly flickered out and his heart sank. He'd wasted a lot of energy sparring just a short while ago, and now he'd run straight into a recent battle zone completely unprepared.

He jumped at the snap, backing away and moving to take cover behind the remains of the fountain.

The bush shook a little, and there was a small, pained groan. But whoever or whatever was in there did not come any closer. Given the state of this place, it was most likely an injured ghost. But it was unclear if it was friend or foe.

When nothing immediately attacked him Gene crept out of his hiding place, moving closer to the bush in order to investigate further. He tried to sense if there were any emotions coming from that directly, anything that could give him a clue as to what he was getting into as he approached.

The closer he got, the more clear it was indeed a injured pokemon. At first all Gene could see was a boot, then a set of black pants, but as the ghost got closer, it was clear who it was. Colburn.

The ghost was severaly damaged, weakly gasping in pained breath. A large, surraded dagger was sticking out of his chest, laced with salt it was slowly burning him from the inside out. His shirt was covered in blood, and he was to weak to even lift his head.

He gave a small growl, "Come b-back to f-fins-sh the j-job?", he clenched his fist. But ghostly energy just sparked over his hand, unable to even form a shadow claw.

Gene gasped as he took in Colburn's injured state, falling to his knees beside him and staring dumbly at his chest. Should he try to remove the dagger? Would that only make him bleed out all the faster?

"Colburn, fuck, it's me-it's Gene. What... j-just hold on, alright?" he said, trying to use Floral Healing but only a few healing petals emerged. He tried again with similar results, feeling faint from the effort.

"Tobias. Tobias, please..." he muttered under his breath, hoping that somehow the Marshadow might hear him just as he had when Ari had been poisoned.

"U...oh... Gene?... he-", he coughed up a bit of blood , "hey kiddo... uh.. sorry... look.. like I got myself into a... bit of trouble...", he wheezed weakly. He reached out, putting a hand on Gene's shoulder.

"C-can..you t-tell Tobias I... t-tried my best?....", he asked softly. He moved his other hand, and grabbed Gene's hand, putting his bloodied megastone into Gene's palm. "Y-you're g-gonna need this k-kiddo....", he wheezed in pain.

I should have brought Charlotte, was all he could think as Colburn placed the bloody megastone in his hand. She was faster. She had healing magic. Or Fiona. Or somebody. Or he shouldn't have let himself get talked into sparring with that stupid arrogant Cyndaquil. If he hadn't used Floral Healing on him earlier he'd be able to--

"Colburn," Gene said in a warning tone. "Colburn, look at me. It's... everything is going to be fine, okay? Just... hold on, okay? I'm going to get someone," he said, rising to his feet slowly. But he was afraid to leave, afraid to take his eyes off of him. What if-what if he faded while Gene was gone?

Colburn gave a small chuckle, "Nah kiddo... I've slayed enough g-ghosts to know....w-what w....one looks like....", he closed his eyes. "It- j-just s-sucks.... a lot...."

Arius entered the edge of the clearing. Spotting Gene and Colburn he ran over. "Gene! Colburn!", he said as he rushed as fast as he could. He fell to his knees beside his brother.

"Colburn", Arius reached for him, but the baynette faded. Arius froze, the only noise was the distant water fountain and the clattering of the blade as it hit the stones. "C-colb...burn?", Arius said as he touched the ground where the other had just laid. Now only a pool of blood remained, which faded quickly too. Disappearing from the world as if he had never been reborn.

Arius had been unable to say goodbye to one of the most precious and important people in his life. The shock of it all was so much, he sat in absolutely silence.

Gene trembled, standing in the shelter of the trees and bushes off the main path and staring at the spot where just a moment ago Colburn had been. Where he had spoken to him. Where he had handed him his...

The megastone weighed heavy in his hands, the blood that once covered it disappearing from his hands and making the once warm, sticky surface cold and hard. He fell to his knees as if by the weight of the stone, staring at the spot where Ari's hand pressed against the ground. He stared at the knife and slowly, shakily, reached for his hand, holding it firmly in place, not wanting Ari to touch the salty blade himself.

"I am... so, so sorry, Ari."

Arius could not speak, he clenched his hand into a fist, bragging the grass and soil, clenching it tightly. Tears fell down his face, but he could not even bring himself to make a sobbing noise.

For a long time, Arius did not move, for hours. Until the sun set and they where surrounded by darkness. He finally spoke when he had no more tears to give.

"This will not go without consequence.", his voice was rough and raspy. Colburn's Shadewood band lay among the smashed leaves of the bush, Arius picked it up as well. He stood up slowly, pulling the dirt and soil with him, clenching the fist full of dirty. The bones across his body gave a slow, chilling rattle.

Gene sat beside Ari for some time, simply staring at the spot, replaying Colburn's last words into his head, burning them into memory. After a few hours Gene began mentally planning again. Organizing training sessions with his team, new regulations for where and when they were permitted to go. A trip of his own to mega evolve for the first time in a controlled setting so that he would be prepared. At one point the thought crossed his mind that Ari might not remember this later, and he hopped very much Gene would not be forced to make him relive the pain.

It felt as though he had blinked and the sun had set, Ari's movements shaking him from his own trance. He stood up alongside him. "No, it will not," Gene agreed. "But for now we need to return to the inn. We need to plan what to do next."

He reached to grab Ari's free hand. "Please, Love."

Arius pulled his hand away as he started to walk. "I am going home.", he said. "I am not going back to the Inn. I need to find Tobias, and the others. Leonna may be missing, or worse. I need to find Wendy, because this is a line the order has not crossed in a very long time."

He clenched the dirt tighter. "I understand if you do not wish to follow. As my path forward is not a pleasant one."

"Nothing could keep me away," Gene said without a second thought. "But... please, come back with me. For just a short while. There are some... arrangements I need to make before I go. Of course I understand if it cannot wait," he amended. Such matters were of the utmost urgency after all. But as a leader he could not so easily run off wherever he pleased. He needed to inform his team, and make sure they were aware of the situation. Especially in Myrtle's case.

"I will not be going back to the inn. I come back for you when the month has ended.", he walked back to Gene, taking his mask off to give him a kiss. "But these matters can not wait. I am sorry Gene.", he didn't want to leave. But he also knew Gene's role as a team leader was a very large responsibility. He loved Gene, respected Gene, and didn't want to leave his side.

"I will have some of the shadewoods grab my things from the inn, and demand some security for your safety.", he promised as he put his mask back on.

"Not even for just an hour?" Gene started to bargain desperately. "Just long enough for me to speak with Frannie? I can leave her with instructions and..." he trailed off, seeing the flaws in his plan. On paper Frannie may be a leader, but in practice he had little faith that she would be able to control Myrtle and Emil in such a dire situation. The realization that he could not depend on her for this began to sink in, that he could not go with Ari.

He swallowed, clearing his throat. "When the month has ended," he repeated in agreement. "I will make arrangements for us to return to Evothalon immediately, you may send the Shadewoods there. At the end of the month I expect to see you before the sun is up, and do not be late," he pressed. Needless to say watching Colburn fade had rattled him. That Ari may meet the same fate, that he would have no way of knowing...

"I will do my best. But I can not guarantee I will be there the moment you wish me to be. I will do what my clan needs, and do as they need.", he lifted his fist with the dirt. "I can not allow this to happen again Gene. I will not.", a single, single tear dripped down his mask. The last tear he could offer for his dearly departed brother. His where where glowing a wild red color.

Gene inhaled slowly. Of course. Of course he could not ask for such things, not when... not under such circumstances. He would just have to hope, blindly, that Ari was okay until he returned.

"Just... come back," he begged, knowing full well Ari could not guarantee his own safety either. "Stay safe. Please."

"It is not my intention to be hurt.", he assured Gene. He stroked Gene's cheek gently for a moment, laying his forehead against Gene's. "Please be safe as well Gene. You are all I wish for my second life, you are my happiness in the form of a person. You are my person, my life, my sunset and my stars. And so much more..." he pulled away and headed out. He paused only for a moment to look at the spot one last time before he walked into the darkness of the night streets.

Gene pressed up against Ari's forehead, terrified of what was to come next. It felt like Ari had only just returned to him and already he was leaving again under the worst circumstances imaginable. He wanted so desperately to go with him, to not leave his side, but there was nothing he could do.

Charlotte's words from earlier rang in his ear. 'Does trouble only visit you when it has an appointment?' Intended or not there was no telling what may befall Ari while he was away.

As he watched Ari take his leave an unspoken question lingered on the tip of his tongue. A question he already knew the answer to. A question that most certainly was not appropriate at this time. So he held his tongue. For now.

Gene warily made his way back to the inn, taking care to avoid any dark alleys or suspicious looking passerbies. He held the megastone tightly and pressed it to his chest, guarding it as closely as he could. Hours had passed and he was in no less of a shock than when...

'Y-you're g-gonna need this k-kiddo....'

His lower lip quivered but he just grit his teeth. He had more important things to do than cry. Three things to be precise.

First thing he did upon returning was make note of everything he could remember in his journal. The weapon, the salt, the damage to the old square, Colburn's last words. From there he started making notes of any advice Colburn had given him as if trying to scoop up sand as it slipped through his fingers. He had been hoping to visit with him again, to ask him for more advice, but now...

Once he made note of whatever he could he went to check on his team. He filled them in on what had happened and made it clear that they would be returning to Ethovalon first thing in the morning and everyone was to take extreme caution when going out into public spaced. He even gave Myrtle her own special warning not to get any ideas of slipping out on her own, and asked that Emil not leave her side. Ever.

And with those out of the way Gene now found himself at Quinn's door, knocking loudly with no care for what time it was.

There was a bit sound of feet and things moving when Gene knocked. The door did not take long before it was openned. However, it was not Quinn but Jia Li who answered. "Oh! Hello Gene", she said in her normal docile and soothing tone.

Quinn looked at the door. "Oh, I was not expecting more company, but you are more than welcome to come in Gene."

"I was actually just leaving", Jia Li said as she side stepped Gene. Although the fold of her dress was the completely wrong way and her belt was hap-hazardly tied on too. "Good Night Quinn.", she said as she slipped on her shoes and passed into the hallway.

Gene's eyes widened as Jia greeted him, the deep seated scowl he had been wearing for hours softening just slightly. He looked away modestly. "Forgive me, but I must speak with Quinn. It is most urgent," he insisted, but was pleased to see Jia seemed to be taking her leave before he even shared his intentions. He passively took note of her disheveled appearance, but hadn't the head space to consider the implications further in that moment.

He slipped into Quinn's room the moment she passed through, closing the door quickly and locking it behind him. "We need to talk Quinn," he said in a threatening tone, his glower returning. He still held Colburn's megastone, he had not set it down once.

"Well- I assumed what is why you are here. You may find this shocking but people don't often come to my room to silently sip tea.", Quinn said as he poured himself a cup.

He casually used his foot to shove something under the edge of his chair.

"So- you have a megastone? Congratulations."

Gene's eyes flared. "You will NOT congratulate me," he demanded, getting right up in Quinn's face despite the pain he knew would come if they touched.

He lowered his voice then for fear of any eavesdroppers. "I went to the western square and do you know what I found? A Shadewood stabbed with a salted blade. A Shadewood I had the anguish of watching fade right in front of me. The former owner of this megastone, a Banette, an ex Order member, a brother of Colterra. I know she had been looking for you, and I know the Order is on the warpath searching for some missing person they believe the Shadewoods to be hiding. So, Quinn--as a former high ranked Order member yourself--tell me, who do you think it is they are searching for?" he hissed, clearly having his own ideas as to who their target was.

Quinn picked up his cup of tea, being hardly phased by Gene even when the other all but sat on his lap to get into his face. Quinn took a small sip of his tea as Gene went on his small, emotional rant.

"Oh Gene, so hasty. Tisk tisk tisk, not a good quality in a leader.", Quinn said with a small shrug. "I have stood toe to toe with Finis himself, so I can assure you your puffed chest and tone do not strike fear in me. I left the order years ago, so why would they suddenly be in a uproar now?", he said back simply. He was being a bit more prickly than usual, but he also didn't enjoy people in his face either.

"Is that all you have to say?" Gene glowered. "A man has been killed and you take jabs at my leadership. 'Too hasty', hmm? Well if someone else here had a better sense of urgency perhaps Colburn wouldn't be--!"

He took a deep breath, releasing a frustrated sigh that sounded much more like a growl. "Why should I believe you? You say you left years ago, yet Colterra has been showing up at the Blackstar base on the regular requesting your presence. And being a team member of Tobias would certainly explain why they believe the Shadewoods have taken you. You cannot simply pretend you are not the obvious suspect."

"I had to register when I joined the team. Do you really think the Order doesn't have members in this organization? That's how she found me and yes she is persistent but I really think that's mostly around the fact she didn't like me terminating our relationship. So I greatly assure you she is around for selfish reasons.", he shrugged.

"When I left they where working on forcing reincarnation. Maybe they succeeded and one of their little projects escaped? Who knows.", Quinn said back.

The fight started to drain from Gene's eyes as he considered what Quinn was saying. Registered? Members of the Order within the GCFS? The thought that they could so easily track down him or Ari, simply skim the records of Shadewoods within the guild and show up at their bases unannounced just as Quinn had experienced. Did the Order realize that Tobias's favorite son was so easily accessible? And if not, how long until they did? If they were so hellbent on retrieving this mission person from Tobias after all...

"F-Forced reincarnation?" he asked, trying to keep up with all of this new information.

"Hm yes. Finis is a very old ghost, but he does not reproduce well. Apparently, the only children he has ever had where two boys. However, they both got very sick and died long ago. He's been doing a lot of experiments ever since to bring them back. I have seen- horrible things Gene.", Quinn looked at his tea. "Finis wants to force a reincarnation of his children- if he has not succeeded already. I don't know what that sort of process would do to those poor boys..."

Gene pressed his back against the door, taking a deep breath. He'd been so full of adrenaline from the days events and of all times he was starting to crash. His hands shook as he continued to press Colburn's stone against his chest. He felt as though he had been thrown completely out of his depth. No sooner had he been accepted into the Shadewood fold and suddenly he was standing in the middle of some undead war. Less than a year ago by all accounts he worked a desk job. He traveled, he shook hands, he spoke well and that was all that was needed of him. Death, though it came up from time to time and possibly even as close as his own factories, it never came into his home. He had never had to watch someone die right in front of him.

Had Vern felt this? This just... utter hopelessness?

No, he could not let it get to him. There was... too much to do.

"Interesting," he said, much colder and lacking in life than usual. "You once worked with him, do you believe these sons could be the cause? Or was there anyone else who would have triggered such a..." he did not bother coming up with a word to fill the void, probably the sentiment was clear enough.

"Well, if you had succeeded and broke the very laws of nature, brought back your children, and then they ran off, I don't imagine you'd be to pleased. Especially if you where a maniac with a whole legion that kisses the very ground you walk on as if you Arceus was nothing more than your lapdog.", Quinn stirred his tea slowly.

"Or- something bigger is happening. But I do not know if it.", he said.

Gene would much rather assume this was related to reborn runaways than entertain the thought that something bigger was going on. He pressed the stone more closely to his chest, hoping that the pressure might hide how his hands were shaking.

"Is there anything else you can tell me?" he asked. Frankly he was at a loss of what specifically to ask for, and he wasn't even sure he could actually process anything else. But he felt like it was his responsibility to know, his responsibility to do whatever he could. He hated being here, stuck with his team and uselessly waiting on the sidelines while Ari was...

He didn't know what to do, but he was going to do whatever he could. And this was all he could think to do. Ask.

“There is much to say and not enough time in the day to do so. But nothing that may help you comes to mind, my connections are outdated at best and wrong at worst.”, he said.

Gene let out a frustrated yet resigned sigh. "Fine, I suppose I will take my leave then," he said, reaching for the door to see himself out.

“If you wish. But with Arius not at your side I can only assume he left to fight. I will be here if you feel the need to speak.”, he said softly. “A new reborn ghost has entered the Inn, I wonder who they are.”

Given that Quinn had made his thoughts on Gene's intellect and leadership clear he had little intention of seeking his counsel any time soon. He was sick of paying someone to pretend to care about him, let alone one more cryptic ghost.

He did pause at Quinn's last comment though, standing in the doorway. "What was that?"

“Does it matter? You do not like the things I have to say. But yes, another ghost entered a while ago… they seem to be in the west wing. Isn’t that where you are staying?”, he asked.

Gene was too busy leaving to answer Quinn, which in and of itself was probably answer enough. He walked briskly back to his room, looking for anything out of the ordinary all the while. He tried to feel for any presence intruding on his teammate's rooms and listen carefully for any sort of noise.

It seemed all was entirely silence, but the closer he got to his room, the more ghostly presence he felt.

Gene swallowed as he approached his own room. He really really did not want to be dealing with this. Had today not been enough already? But apparently trouble does not do appointments.

He took a deep breath, stealing himself, and threw the door open.

There was a women in his room, or rather, sitting on the edge of his bed. She had a long dress on, her hair was a bit wild looking, with a hairband that looked like pikachu ears- almost- they where belt over.

She was humming to herself and reading a book, she had very thick classes on. She looked at Gene when he openned the door. She was small- very short, easily under 5 foot tall. But beside her was a huge claymore sword. It looked bigger than her in all honesty.

She jumped up, her movement so quick but fluid and smooth. “You must be Gene. I have been sent for you.”, she grinned brightly. “My name is Alice!”

Gene jumped slightly when he spotted the woman sitting on his bed. He just stared for some time, taking her in. Her glasses, her book, her gigantic sword. He stepped back in surprise as she got up, but quickly realized he was just... jumpy, and exhausted.

"What a coincidence, my... in another life my sister's name was Alice," he said with a tired smile. "You are... a Shadewood, yes?" he asked. Probably he should have led with that but... he was really struggling.

“Yes I am. I am from Tobias’s personal guard.”, she said as she held her hand out and her sword flew to her hand.

“I do not think there are coincidences in this world.”, she said with a smile.

“Oh is that the Jerry guy?”, asked a second voice which finished with a very loud belch.

A sabeleye slipped out from the shadows. He was heavy set with gems for eyes, yellowed teeth, shaggy hair, and smelled of booze and bad choices.

“This is Gurky!”, Alice added.

“I’ma here fer Colburn’s Meh-gah stone.”, Gurky said in a deep dialect draw.

At the mention of Colburn's megastone Gene seemed to wake up. He gripped it tightly, hesitant to give it up. And even if they were fellow Shadewoods did that really mean he could trust them on that alone?

'Y-you're g-gonna need this k-kiddo....'

"Why do you want it?" he asked sternly. "He gave it to me on his deathbed, I've no intention of parting with it so easily."

“Cuz if it gotza break and yer dumb ass triesta meh-gah evolve you’lla pop like a damned balloon.”, Gurky said back.

“Uh- I can translate I know Gurky is hard to understand”, she offered.

“Dahmit women I don’t needya tah speak fer me!”, Gurky pouted.

"A pleasure to meet you too I am sure," Gene said back sarcastically. "Why would it break?"

Gurky looked like he was about yo scream. Alice jumped between them.

“Gurky don’t.”, she warned him. “Look. Gene we don’t know the condition the mega stone is. If you try to use it and it is damages you could really get hurt.”

Gene's glare softened as Alice explained. Slowly he uncurled his fingers from around the stone, inspecting it. Everything in him screamed not to give it up, that this was all that was left of Colburn. But as usual he knew absolutely fucking nothing about anything, and was at the mercy of these other ghosts who just always seemed to have the answers to everything. Why? Why was it that no matter how hard he tried it wasn't enough? Why could he be good enough? Strong enough?

Why couldn't he have saved Colburn?

He held out the stone to 'Gurky', completely and utterly defeated.

Gurky took the megastone and rolled it around in his claws slowly .

“Yep. Dis is Colburn’s. There’sa the dent from when Wendy and he met.”, Gurky pointed to the slight blemish on the side of the stone.

“It is crackted.”, be pointed to a fractured point that was hard to notice at first. “But it’sa usable. Probably crackted in his final fight”, Gurky handed it back over.

“Oh good. So it is functional.”, Alice said.

He nodded, “I’m leavin. To busy tah stay around.” The Sabeleye shifted into the shadows and crept out quickly with shadow sneak.

“He is a good guy. Deep down.”, Alice said.

Gene eagerly took the stone back, not expecting Gurky to return it at all. He held it close, looking for the marks Gurky had pointed out, the scars that made the stone Colburns.

He nodded absentmindedly as Alice spoke, not caring enough to argue.

"Do you... have any updates, by chance?" he asked hopefully. "From Ari or Tobias? About what they plan to do next?"

"No. It is not my job to know, as I am not currently assigned to either of them.", Alice said back simply.

Gene visibly deflated, dragging himself over to his bed to sit down. Hunched over, held up by his elbows against his knees, he cradled Colburn's megastone in his hands.

"Who are you assigned to then?" he asked with little interest but still wanting to stay informed.

"You.", she said simply. "I am your personal guard. Arius sent me.", she said as she watched him go and lay down.

Gene gave no indication that he heard her, not moving at all. "Did they share anything else with you?" he asked eventually.

"No. But I am aware of the Order making a fuss again.", Alice said as she sat down beside his bed on the floor and just faced the door. "I have been curious for a while, you are quite the topic around the clan."

Gene couldn't help glancing at her this time, as he did so enjoy that he was a regular topic of conversation be it good or bad. It was hardly news or surprising given what... given what Colburn had told him previously.

"And? Am I what you expected?" he asked, turning Colburn's stone around in his hands.

"The roses are new.", she said simply. "But I suppose I would have to know more of you to know further. It seems Tobias's despise of you dissipating so quickly was a hot topic. Tobias can be mad for decades at a time.", he said without looking at him.

"Yes, to be honest I was surprised as well," Gene said, finding that he was... rather eager for anything to get his mind off the days events. "I believe that was more Ari's doing than my own. From what I hear they had a heart-to-heart concerning me, though I know little of what was discussed."

"Yes, Tobias and Arius have a strange relationship. Very little is known about what makes Arius so special to Tobias. He has no qualities that sets him apart, he does not do as much as others, strength, size, ability, utility, he lacks all of these. And yet he is still favored about all else. it is a mystery even to us.", Alice said.

Gene was surprised to heart Alice found Ari to be so plain, so average. Were the others immune to his charm?

"Do you mean that? I must confess your assessment surprises me. I am not so well acquainted with the other Shadewoods, but I find it difficult to imagine not favoring Ari. Though I suppose I am rather biased," he acknowledged. And Ari was certainly not lacking in size, though he would not argue that point. A small smile worked it's way onto his face.

“When compared to others he simply lacks. He is charming and amusing but that is about it.”, she shrugged. “Unlike Alister”, she gave a longing sigh.

"Alister?" Gene asked, recognizing the name. "He is a Shedinja, no? If so I did have the pleasure of meeting him just briefly."

“Yes. He’s the best, strongest, and most handsome. He’s kind and sweet, thoughtful, and wonderful”, she just went on and on about him.

"Hm-mmm, well he certainly does sound fantastic," he said plainly, trying to humor her despite his exhaustion. He rested his chin in his hand. "How is he, given... recent events?" he asked with more concern.

“The news of Colburn will be given out carefully. Some members are- not going to take it well. If that is what you are indicating. If not, you need to clarify.”, she said.

"I..." Gene paused, pulling the stone closer to him reflexively. "Yes, but in a more... general sense. Was Colburn the first in... whatever this is that is happening?"

“No. He is not the first. He is the fourteenth.”, she said simply. “The order is just the newest in a long line of groups to clash. There is never peace.”

"F-Fourteenth?" Gene stuttered. "Is that... please clarify, when you say the Order is merely the latest opposition do you mean to say that Colburn was the fourteenth that the Order has taken, or that of all these conflicts he was the fourteenth... ever?" he asked. He knew not how long the Shadewood clan has existed, but he imagined far longer than he has been alive and to lose fourteen members in all that time was less than he imagined, tragic as it was. But if in this more recent of conflicts raised by the Order if fourteen had already been slain before Gene had even been aware... the thought made him sick.

“Fourteen for this conflict.”, she said simply. “Loss among us is just as hard as with the living.”, she looked at her sword. “He is a needless casualty. But we are not meant to be alive, defying nature as we are…perhaps it is simply nature getting even. Who knows.”

Gene's eyebrows furrowed. "From where I stand we have just as much right to be here as anyone else. It is not as though we chose to come back. If Arceus or what have you decided we ought to be here who is to say if we are unnatural or not?"

He stood up from his bed, walking over to a small table and chair where his notebook sat. "When did this start? And who else have we lost?" he asked as he flipped through the journal for a fresh page.

She just watched the door. “To each their own. I am simply tired of picking sides.”

She looked at him when he got up. She shrugged, and told him all she knew. Tobias had once lead a blood thirsty clan, but over time had grown to seek peace. That the order had only appeared a few decades ago but many different groups where before them. Some looking to destroy, or create a new world. Some still more apocalyptic goals. But all had eventually been stomped out by Tobias. But he had lost countless along the way.

Gene was surprised to hear how much Alice had to share, but he was not about to turn away such information. He took notes as she spoke, like a diligent student. But as fascinating as this all was the days events had taken a major toll on him. As they discussed he started slouching more and more over the table, lowering his head to rest it on his arm, until eventually he fell asleep in his seat.

Alice let him sleep, and simply went back to her task. Guard Gene. She sat on the edge of his bed and just watched the door. It was a quiet bight between them.