leaforia Orvaenta
2 years, 11 months ago
2 years, 11 months ago
6 2957

Chapter 5
Published 2 years, 11 months ago

|| Graphics by Orvaenta ||

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Hey slabfans! We are back! Sorry about the erm... weird stuff that happened yesterday... we had some... issues with our equipment. I'm glad you made it though!

Today we have a very, very popular and dangerous slab! They almost got voted to be the final boss, missing the mark narrowly by 34 slabvotes! Playtime is over now. The real fights have begun. *Cough* Not to umm... take away any badassery from the previous bosses, it's just well, this guy means business - real business. Oh! Umm, we got a commercial coming up~

*Don Rocko appears on screen. 

"You. Want to be like me? Want to be super handsome, rich, and amazing?"

An offscreen voice yells -YES!

"Well, you can't. But you can support my awesomeness by buying my products. All proceeds go to ME. Your welcome."

Don rocko holds up a golden energy drink - clearly labeled DON ROCKO'S ENERGY DRINK FOR SLABS - and winks. The crowd swoons. End scene.*

W-wowee he's amazing isn't he. Phew! What a hottie! Ahem! Back to the matter at hand! 

Your fourth challenger is GLASSITITUS X! This awesome slab has learned the art of levitation and mind beams! How epic is that!? If only I could be half as cool. hehe ;)

The crowd cheers...


A medium-sized slab floats towards you... wait a minute their legs are teeny compared to their body! Their proportions seem... off...

"Hello, slabster. I come to inflict violence upon your physical form."

Umm... okay? Do you dare challenge Glassititus X?

Keeper of the Hats waltzes into the arena with new energy. She feels a little better about this round. Perhaps she can make it. She gives and energetic bow to her queen and the crowd before dropping into a fighting stance.

You rolled 7(+4)

Keeper of the hats crouches down low, before  leaping up and dealing a flawless kick to Glassititus' face!

Keeper of the Hats deals 10(-3) attack. Glassititus has 0 health left.

Keeper has won the round! 

The queen nods in approval. Keeper feels a surge of happiness seeing the small action.

Your slabster has successfully beaten the enemy! The crowd goes wild and start to toss gifts into the ring. You find yourself with a leaf, congratulations!

Beep boop. Keeper hears a small sound. She turns around, and sees Glassititus following her!

"I hear you keep some interesting company. Let me join you." Gasp! You have the cnace to adopt Glassititus! Do you choose to?

Keeper of the Hats nods solemnly and hands Glassititus a hat with the Queen's emblem "Welcome to the Court of Wondland."