[PMD BTS] RP: My Ghost Where'd You Go

Gene has not been himself since he took a calming nature mint. Ari and him have a talk about it and he decides to reverse the effects.

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Gene sat at his desk, working as per usual. At the bright and extra early hour of two in the morning, which was becoming the usual as well. Occasionally he would work in bed beside Ari, but he did not wish to disturb him. As the weeks passed and he became more accustomed to the numbness of this new nature some of the benefits of the change were waning. He was having a difficult time sleeping, a restlessness stirring in him seemingly out of nowhere so he busied himself until it faded. But not even work held his interest anymore, the game of numbers and unexplored lands and gaining new members felt... oddly empty.

Which was how he found himself spacing out, staring out the window as the moonlight glinted off the nearby buildings.

Arius had not been taking this new Gene well. He forced a smile when Gene came around, but when he was gone Arius truly felt alone. No, even with Gene here he felt alone. His kisses lacked- anything. It was as if all of Gene’s personality, charisma and individuality was replaced by a imposter. Arius hardly spoke, just spending his time in silence in bed, even when Gene was there. The only person who he spoke to consistently was Charlotte.

He looked at Gene, was it even worth it to ask him back to bed? Gene was in the room with him but he felt the other was further away than ever. Could he really live like this? Clinging to the memory of Gene and accepting this- this void in return?

He gripped the edge of the sheet, but just cast his eyes down. His hair was more of a greyish-blue these days. Once again, lacking it’s vibrant dark color and having a sort of shine-less ashy look to it.

Gene failed to notice that Ari had woken and continued to simply stare out into the night. He leaned closer to the window, and closer still until his forehead pressed against the glass. Hesitantly he reached up a hand and drew idle shapes on the window as he often had draw into Ari's skin, though it had been some time since he'd done so last.

He sighed a long heavy sigh, his breath fogging up the glass. He realized he enjoyed the peacefulness of being awake at this time, of feeling as though for just a moment that the world was still and there were not a thousand and one things that required his attention.

Arius looked at his hand, he needed to say something. This, was wrong. It felt wrong. He couldn’t be happy like this.

“Gene… we… need to talk…”, he said softly, his voice growing louder as he spoke.

Gene's hand froze when Ari spoke and he turned to see that he was in fact awake. He felt... something in him, but since his change he struggled with sensing the feelings of others, as though he was recently reborn all over again.

"What about?" he asked innocently, thinking that he should get up and go to bed but his legs did not answer.

“Gene…. Are you… happy?”, he asked as he looked over at the other. He looked like Gene, smelled like him, walked like him, but didn’t feel like him.

“Is being… ‘calm’ all you wished it would be?”

Gene considered for a while, giving another big sigh before pushing himself to his feet. He sat on the side of the bed, partially turned towards Ari but also partially away.

"I... no," he confessed after some time, looking down at his hands. "No, I... am not happy. But we all have a price to pay, no? In this... whatever this is?" he asked, glancing to Ari's bandages chest. "I know it is... not the same. Not what you went through. But it is all I have to give."

“I- don’t understand how you thought it would help. You don’t act like the man I love, and even when you lay next to me it feels cold and empty.”, he looked away. “I’m not happy either.”

Gene seemed to curl in on himself, his shoulders hunched, his hand held tightly in his own. "I could not stand to let you go, to know you were off fighting in this war. I thought that... if I could not be at your side if I could send you recruits or supplies or... anything."

He reached up, shakily running a hand through his hair. "But I..." he tried to say, but stopped himself. Who was he to say Colburn's death affected him so when compared to Ari he barely knew him? Who was he to say he feared for Ari's life when Ari was the one risking it himself?

He turned to Ari, his brow puckered in concern. "You... you are not?" he asked, concerned.

“No… I came home… wanting to just relax beside you. But you aren’t- my Gene. You look like him but- it’s like your… insides got scrambled up…most of the time if feels like you are a stranger.”, his eyes where watering but he rubbed them.

“And knowing you did it to yourself because you thought it would help me hurts more than this throbbing gash in my chest….”

Gene's eye's widened in distress, but it was still a muted distress just as all his expressions and emotions were. He reached for one of Ari's hands, wanting to hold it tight.

"Ari I... I thought..." he trailed off, at a loss for words. He felt the smallest twinge of panic, imagining the desperate wreck he had been when he took the nature mint. He knew not how Ari could ask for someone like that, someone so powerless to help him when he needed it most.

"I thought you would prefer this new me. I was... I am ashamed to say, but I did not handle the stress of... everything very well," he tried to explain. Overworking himself, mega evolving, attacking Emil, just to silence the nightmares, just to make himself believe Ari would come home. And who was to say just cause he was home now that he would not be taken away again? Even now these thoughts plagued him, he knew not what they would do if this calming nature left him.

Arius pulled his hand away, not wishing to be touched.

"No Gene. I love you, I loved you... as you where... I wouldn't have fallen so hard for you if I didn't. I can't.... understand you anymore, because I don't even know if you understand yourself. And it feels like- all I do is cling to who you use to be. Bitter irony... but... the Gene who wandered into my base looking for answers, who sat beside me on sleepless night, who loved me like no other. But- this- phase is- not you.", he said before going quiet. "I want my Gene back...."

Gene's hand froze as Ari pulled away before slowly pulling his own back to himself. His fingers dug into his own shirt sleeve, holding it tight, but this was the only sign of his distress.

"The Gene that was constantly falling apart? The Gene who you could not confide it? The Gene who even after months of work barely had anything to his name?" he asked plainly and honestly, with only resentment towards himself. In truth he was afraid to go back. What if Ari was right? What if he did only cling to the Gene he had been when they first met, and even the Gene he had been just before the mint--struggling and panicked--was not the one he wanted? Not to mention having to live with all those emotions again. Even if he felt unbearably empty now at least he could breathe.

"You mean the Gene that actually cared? The Gene who made personal connections? The Gene who could smile and fell something? You mean the Gene that did the best for everyone? The Gene who was a leader who continued to climb the ranks and build his team?! Yeah. That Gene.", Arius said back. "Changing your personality doesn't change your circumstances. You're still the team leader here, all it does is cripple your ability to enjoy your second life. When was the last time you smiled Gene? The last time you enjoyed anything?! Was it before your mint? Probably.", Arius said in a huff.

"If this is all about you not liking my solemn appearance I'll reverse it. But this- emotional mutilation to yourself is- is hard to watch."

Gene just listened for some time, his eyes drifting away from Ari's to stare at his own hands as he contemplated. He thought he might cry; his throat tensed up, his eyes were blurry, but he did not really feel the... whatever it was. Sadness? Relief?

Ari's offer to undo the effects of the Solemn potion grabbed his attention. "No, it is not that. Please do not change yourself for me, I... I will get another nature mint. First thing in the morning," he assured him.

"I am sorry," he said simply. Sorry for putting Ari through this, sorry he couldn't just be a better partner, a better leader. He was not used to this... this uphill battle filled with trials. Everything had come so naturally to him in his last life but now... now he just felt like a failure. And it seemed even the nature mint could not fix that.

Arius reached out for Gene's hand, grabbing it lightly. "Gene.... I... think you are to hard on yourself... you expect so much in short periods of time... you have...come so far and done so much... I wish you could see yourself how I see you..."

Gene stared at their joined hands, unable to look Ari in the eyes. "Perhaps, but it is not enough. Not enough to protect my team, not enough to keep you safe." He was well acquainted with setting his sights on impossible goals and reaching them anyway. Because he needed to. Because failure wasn't an option. It was a mindset that he'd begun to shake since adopting this new life, and yet one he sank back into so easily in a moment of crisis. It was second nature to him, and with such high stakes he could not afford to fail.

"Will you... go back?" he asked hesitantly. "When you are well, is that... what you want? To keep fighting?"

"I wish to be with my clan and keep them safe, they are my family, and I love them dearly. But it is clear- that you need me more. So no, I will not be returning. Besides, Tobias was very upset when he learned I was out and about and even more that I had been so... unexpectedly injured...", he touched the bandages on his chest.

"I honestly and not even sure why I am still here, but... it does not matter I suppose... I think you are in a bad mindset, because you are enough Gene."

Gene knew not what to make of that. Was he that much of a basket case that Ari felt he was more in need than Shadewoods actively being attacked by the Order? As far as Gene was concerned his mental state was a luxury they did not have time to deal with. Still... he was far too selfish to push Ari to go.

"I do not wish to take you from them, though I... admit I do prefer you here," he said, still unable to meet Ari's eyes. "Can you live with that? Being away from them in such a time of need? Though I suppose Tobias has made his stance clear as well from the sound of it..."

"Then I will...stay..", she assured Gene. "But do..please reverse... this I just want you back to... the Gene ... who stole my heart", he said softly. "There is always danger, always some conflict, there is no final peace for Shadewoods. If not this, than something else... please... do not dwell heavily on it..."

Gene simply nodded in response. He was quiet for a moment as he tried to process it all before eventually curling up beside Ari and returning to sleep.

- - -

The next morning Gene left immediately as he promised he would, leaving Ari alone until Charlotte came to check on him. She smelled strongly of lavender as she always showered after her morning jog and before tending to his injuries. She eased the door open quietly, not wanting to wake him if he were not already up.

Arius found himself unable to sleep, but he pulled Gene close, wrapping him up in the blankets as if this would save Gene from all the horrible things inside and out. He felt like he had critically failed Gene, but what could he even do for him now. Arius just spent his time paying quietly, listening to Gene's soft breaths, and running his hand over Gene's hair slowly.

Arius looked over at the door, since he could not read well, and there was very little to do, he had taken to 'drawing'. Which was more akin to a child doodling than an adult, but he was getting really good at stick figures now.

"Good morning Ms.Charlotte.", he greeted simply. Fiona had gotten him a nice blank sketch book and some colored pencils to pass the time, and he was having some sort of amusement with them. Fun would be an overstatement, but it was better than nothing.

Charlotte smiled as she opened the door more widely. She did so enjoy that Arius had taken to referring to her with a title. "Good morning to you too Arius. How are you feeling?" she asked as she made her way to his bedside.

"I am... fine... Gene and I spoke... he has decided to try to reverse his nature mint...and I..just hope he finds what he is looking for...", Arius looked at one of the doodles he did of Gene. It was not good, but he had drawn Gene's long hair and roses in them, and most importantly, his smile. Arius missed Gene's smile the most.

Charlotte's ears perked just slightly at this information. "Oh? Taking mints one after another can be very taxing on the body, but perhaps it will be a good lesson for him. He should not be resorting to such 'quick fixes' for his problems," she nodded to herself. She'd made her stance on Gene's previous use of nature mints clear, that it was unnatural to alter one's psyche in such a way, but he brushed off her warnings.

"Would you mind sitting up for me?" she asked as she began to unroll the bandages.

Arius silently agreed, "What do you mean by...taxing?", he questioned as Charlotte asked him to sit up.

"Okay", Arius shifted, wincing as he did so, using his arms to push himself up. It was nice to be given some movement, but he already felt tired again. He moved to the edge of the bed, swinging his legs over so Charlotte had easy access to his chest.

"Uh- do... you think this is going to...scar?", he asked in a small voice

Charlotte explained further as she unwrapped his old bandaged. "Well, it puts stress on the person taking it. Taking something to change one's personality on such a fundamental level can come with a whole host of side effects. It is difficult to say for sure how someone will respond to mints since there are so many natures to choose from. One pokemon with a certain temperament may respond very differently from another. But such symptoms will pass in time. His body should be best equipped to take a mint of his original nature, but whatever changes he already began to go through will now be undone. And since mints are so potent and fast acting the changes will likely be dramatic at first."

As the wrappings fell away and his chest was visible she could see that the wound was healing but there was far too much damage to imagine it would not leave it's mark on Ari forever. "Yes, I believe so," she said in a somber tone, understanding that this was likely not the news that he wanted.

Arius listened in silence, thinking back to when Fiona took her mind. Shifting from timid to brave had been so hard for her, to the point her and Duncan got into verbal pissing matches over the simplest thing. Duncan was to rock headed to back down, and Fiona with her over inflated new confidence wouldn't either. Now things had settled down a lot, and Fiona seemed much happier and there was peace at the base, but sometimes the two still clashed.

He couldn't stop the disappointment in his face as he looked at the wound. So much tissue damage, it was going to be very big, and worse, extremely noticeable. "Can..... anything be done for it... not to leave a scar?" He thought of Gene, how the other use to draw shapes on his chest. He now felt horribly deformed, he'd never be able to be without a shirt again...

Charlotte gave a small sigh. "I can apply a gel to the wounds that may ease the scarring, but I do not want to give you false hope. With such a large injury I suspect it will help very little. I'm sorry," she said genuinely. To suffer such events was already a tragedy, but the carry a physical reminder of such events... she could only imagine.

Arius looked down at it, "Oh... okay then...", he said in a broken hearted tone. This was not what he wanted. Sure he had death marks but he could hide them with small necklaces and wrist pieces or something small like a bandage. But this- this would always be viable if his chest was. It covered all of his chest. "That is... unfortunate...", he felt his eyes get watery and he blinked it away. Crying wouldn't fix it.

Charlotte pulled some of the gel from her medical bag and applied it to the cuts, knowing full well it would not do much. "It may require a bit of work, but you could apply cover up over the scars if even you wanted to hide them," she mentioned as she began wrapping them up again. "It is not fully proof, it would easily wash off in rain or water, but if you simply want to wear a lighter shirt for a day or something it may be an option."

"Do you have any scars Charlotte?", he asked her as she put on the gel. Really, he only ever spoke to Gene or her, and he was already very aware of all that Gene's body had on it.

"Alright then.", he moved a big so she could easily wrap the bandages over his torso. "It has been raining so much these days... I wonder how fire types like Emil are handling it."

Charlotte considered for a moment before sharing, unsure if she wanted to at first but she saw no harm in it. "I have some larger cuts on my legs from running, but that's all really," she said as she pulled the roll of bandages around Arius's torso and pulled them so they were snug.

"Yes, Emil was running errands during the last storm and has come down with a cold," she said. "For fire types like him they are very susceptible to the damp weather, but he should be fine in a few days."

"Do... they bother you? The injuries on your legs?", he questioned softly.

"Oh uh- poor Emil, I did not realize he was sick. Well, he does have a pretty doctor to care for him, so I'm sure he will be fine", Arius smiled at Charlotte.

Charlotte's eyes widened, her cheeks blushing ever so slightly at the compliment. Was he hitting on her? But he was dating her leader! How scandalous! Not to mention highly unprofessional.

"That is... very kind of you," she said simply, leaving it at that. She was not unaccustomed to being hit on while working as it was not uncommon for patients to have a soft spot for those treating them.

"And no, they do not bother me. They are very small cuts, hardly noticeable," she explained. Really of all the things about her legs that bothered her this was the least of her concerns.

"There is nothing wrong with giving a compliment. Fiona says that girls usually have inappropriate guys making comments to them, but a kind comment usually makes their day. Between me and Emil, it sounds like you'll be busy, assuming something else doesn't creep up.", he put his arms down as she was done.

"I see", he said as he considered the words. So Charlotte's scars where small? He supposed it didn't really help him then. He thought of Grimshaw, who was a walking advertisement for scars. But the absol was not really a talkative type.

"Do... you like it here? On the team?", he asked.

Charlotte's eyes widened even more, surprised to hear Arius speak of such things so openly and plainly. "Oh well... yes, she's right. Compliments can be... very nice when they are given with good intentions." As she said this she caught Arius's eyes, using her ability to read the heart to judge his intentions for herself. But she found no hit of selfish motives there. So then it was unlikely he was attempting anything behind her leader's back. That was... for the best, most likely.

The topic of her own thoughts lead neatly into his next question. "I am... unsure. I do enjoy Frannie very much, but I've not bonded very well with my other team members really. But I am happy to be in a new town, and I have more opportunities this way than I would otherwise have. So yes, I suppose I do like it. What about you? Have you been on your team long?" she asked, carrying on this line of conversation over the other.

"Yes, I have been with my team for a while now, you haven't met them yet, but our team leaders are Fiona. She is an angelic togekiss, she's pretty, smart, butttt she is pretty stuck to her opinions. Duncan is- a big guy, a real brute type, but I think he was originally the muscle between them. We have all sorts on our team, from Hue, he's a blind litwick to Quinn who is a therapist, and uh- Jia Li, she makes these really unique dresses and stuff... uh- we have jerks like Ivan and so on. Grimshaw use to be on our team, but he split to make his own bounty hunter team.", he laid it out.

Charlotte listened as Arius explained, picking up on several names she'd heard tossed around since joining the team. Grimshaw in particular stood out to her. "That brute was on your team?" she asked. "Well, that's rather fortunate for you then that he is working elsewhere now." Clearly she was not a fan of the Absol after her mission to the forest with him.

There was a loud thump from down the hall then, followed by the sound of some smaller items clattering to the floor. It sounded like it came from the direction of the bathroom, probably someone stumbling around out of the shower or something. Charlotte turned at the noise, but dismissed it just as quickly.

"I've heard Frannie speak well of Jia Li, but I've yet to meet her for myself," she said. "I am very curious about these dresses she makes."

"I mean... Grimshaw might be a bit stand offish but.. he didn't deserve to be treated like he was by the team.. I... don't remember why... but, everyone was so cold to him. Well- except Fiona. He and Fiona spent so much time together I thought they where together-but- she's with Jasper. Oh well.", Arius shrugged lightly.

The noise drew his attention. "I wonder what's going on outside...should we go check it out?", he asked as he slowly stood up from the bed. "Oh uh- yes, Frannie and Jia Li are friends. I think you would like Jia, she is soft spoken but a women of many talents. Oh- and Cassius. He sort of does everything around the base like cooking and cleaning but he seems to like it"

Charlotte listened as Ari explained some of the inter-workings of his team, though with more and more details it was harder to keep the string of relationships clear. But she looked concerned as Ari slowly got to his feet. "I would not worry, it's probably just someone making a mess of the bathroom. You should sit, don't push yourself," she said gently, trying to ease him back on the bed. "Are you in pain at all? Would you like any medicine?"

"I can bear it.", he put a hand on the wall. "Besides, I've been in bed for so long, a little bit of walking surely won't kill me.", he assured Charlotte. Plus, he was worried about a sharp spike of fear he felt for a moment. Maybe they broke something expensive, or important.

"Well I suppose I won't stop you," Charlotte huffed. "I can go have a look around, if you are concerned about the noise," she offered.

Arius gave a nod, "Whoever... did it was rather afraid and I am concerned for..them.", he scratched his cheek.

"Afraid?" Charlotte asked as they exited the room, moving at whatever pace Arius was more comfortable with. "How do you know that?"

"I'm of the misdrivous line, fear is sort of our thing.", he said simply. Arius was very very slow, taking a small step or two before having to stop, and it took him an annoyingly long time just to get to the door, and honestly, he was already working up a bit of sweat just from the effort. He couldn't even float at the moment.

"Oh, I did not realize," Charlotte said. While she was familiar with ghosts of both the living and dead variety her experience with ghostly abilities was rather lacking still. She waited patiently for him to join her, not wanting to make him feel the need to rush.

He finally made it out of the bedroom, his stomach gave a small growl of protest but he shook off the feeling. The spike of fear had really awoken his hunger, but moreso, his curiosity. He walked with Charlotte beside him to the bathroom.

Fortunately the bathroom was not all that far of a walk from Gene and Arius's bedroom. Though upon reaching the bathroom Charlotte found that the door was locked, which should not have been all that surprising. She knocked lightly on the door. "Hello? Anyone in there? Are you alright?" she asked, but there was no answer.

Arius frowned a bit, looking at Charlotte. "Uh- Gene? Is that you in there?", he asked.

Still no answer. As they stood in the eerie silence Charlotte considered for a moment. "Myrtle is very good at getting into places, I could ask her to check on whoever's in there. Assuming it's not her," she suggested.

"I mean... I could...phase through the door I guess.", Arius said. He knocked on the door. "We are concerned, if you do not open the door we will enter, uh- whoever you are..."

Arius's knocking was met with silence still.

"Are you sure you're well enough?" Charlotte asked. "I know very little of reborn ghosts, but I imagine walking through a closed door in your condition would require a lot of energy."

"Guess I'll find out..." Arius said as he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, phasing through the door of the bathroom. Well- mostly, one of his arms got stuck in the door.

"Oh great", he yanked his arm, but it was trapped.

"Yes, great. Now it would seem there are multiple people trapped in the bathroom," Charlotte sighed. "I will fetch Myrtle, and the spearmint," she said, moving around Arius's trapped form and heading for the stairs.

Arius looked around, and spotted Gene on the floor. "Gene!", Arius said in alarm and tried to reach down for him- well- except he couldn't with his arm caught. A sharp spike of pain burst from his elbow when he tried to yank his arm forcibly through the door. "Gene!? Gene!", Arius called for him, getting more panicked and certainly not handling being so close and so far from him.

Gene was lying on the floor of the bathroom, a drop of blood sliding down his forehead. A similar bright red spot decorated the corner of the counter where he had likely hit his head somehow. He seemed to have landed on his right arm, his wrist bent at an awkward angle. He did not respond at all to Ari's yelling, but his chest did rise and fall as he breathed through his open mouth, his breath smelling strongly of mint.

Myrtle popped up through the floor of the bathroom just a few moments later, barely finding room to squeeze in between Ari and Gene who she couldn't just phase through. Idiots, what were they doing in here? But then she took in Gene's appearance more. What were they doing in here?

Choosing to sit on the sink near the door she handed the spearmint Charlotte had given he to Ari.

Arius grabbed the leaf, not even giving it a second thought as he shoved it in his mouth, continued to panic. It tasted so bad he felt every hair on his body stand up, he let out a sharp coughing fit, nearly gagging on it. But, true enough the door rejected his arm which was going to heavily bruise. Arius unlocked the door and knelt down next to Gene, letting out a small, distressed sort of whining noise.

He tore off the edge of his bandages so he had something to put against the bleeding of Gene's head. Arius was unable to find words. This was not how today was suppose to go.

Myrtle used Growth while still sitting on the kitchen sink. She leaned over to place a hand on Arius's shoulder to pull him away. "I move him," she insisted. Arius was in no place to do anything unless he wanted to rip open his wounds, idiot.

Charlotte appeared in the door then now that it had been unlocked, gasping as she took in the sight.

Arius gripped tighter onto Gene for a moment, but, he was not stupid enough to even try to life him. He wished he was a ghost with better telekenetic abilities, but his line was- well- not exactly stellar in such things. He moved so Myrtle could collect Gene, but he found himself struggling to even be able to get up.

Once Arius was out of the way Myrtle stepped closer to kneel beside Gene, taking great care to scoop him up gently. Not that she cared or anything, she was just a decent pokemon when she needed to be. It's not like she was just gonna leave her leader to bleed out on the bathroom floor.

Charlotte helped Arius get to his feet. "Let's get the both of you back into bed, we need to get his head bandaged and his feet elevated."

Myrtle wasnt really sure about the second half of what the sparkly pony girl said, but the 'go to bed' part was simple enough.

“Okay….”, Arius said, even if he was still very distressed. He followed after them as fast as he was able to, really worried. What if Gene broke his head!?

Myrtle patiently walked behind Charlotte and Arius, but only because there was no other option as they took up the entire length of the tiny hallway. But eventually they managed to get back to Gene room and she set him down on his side of the bed.

"Put his feet up," Charlotte repeated as she helped Arius back into the room.

Myrtle didn't really understand what it was Charlotte wanted, so she held Gene's feet about a foot about the bed with a questioning look, one in each hand.

"What I mean is put a pillow under them, or something," she explained.

Arius sat on the edge of the bed, handing all his pillows over for whatever might be able to help. Desperately.

Myrtle blindly assumed Arius knew what he was doing and just proceeded to shovel pillows under Gene's feet until he looked like he was sitting in a chair aside from the fact that he was lying on his back.

"That's..." Charlotte began to say when she looked up from her medical bag with a roll of bandages. She was going to say they did not need so many, but really there wasn't any hard in it.

Gene started to stir then, giving a small grown and scrunching his eyes shut. He reached up to rub his head but hissed in pain when he moved his hand.

Arius looked over, “Gene”, he said softly, grabbing Gene’s hand and patting it lightly.

Gene flinched as Ari patted his hand. "Ah! Don't touch it!" he hissed, trying to move his hand away. He blinked a few times, trying to take in his surroundings and was very confused by the position he found himself in.

"I don't suppose someone would like to tell me how I got here," he said with a bit more attitude than usual.

"You're welcome," Myrtle grumbled with exactly the same amount of attitude as usual.

"Arius found you knocked out in the bathroom, and you are very lucky he insisted on us investigating I'll have you know," Charlotte said sternly. "What were you thinking, locking yourself in a room alone before taking something like a nature mint?"

"Well obviously, I was thinking how I could most inconvenience everyone," he said sarcastically, letting his head fall to the side instead of just staring up at the ceiling. He spotted Ari then, sitting beside him, and his eyes widened slightly with a light that had been absent for some time.

"Clearly," Charlotte huffed as she grabbed a few more things from her bag.

Arius dropped Gene’s hand instantly, startled by him. He was silent completely as they further exchanged. He didn’t know what to say or think.

Charlotte moved to Gene's side of the bed, during his face away from Ari in order to shine a light in his eyes. "Do you remember anything?" she asked.

Gene pouted, squinting at the bright light in his face. "It really was not so eventful," he said. "I took a mint and I..." he trailed off, a small twinge of panic stirring in his chest as he recalled the rush of emotions that flooded him then, of everything that had been locked away for so long. Instinctively he reached to dig his fingers into his shirt but hissed again when he tried.

"Is your wrist bothering you?" she asked.

"No, why would you ask that?" he asked sarcastically.

"Do not be a brat," she said simply as she reached for his hand, gingerly pressing against his wrist and eliciting a similar respond. "It is likely sprained, I will need to set it."

"Wonderful," Gene sighed. It seemed sarcasm was his new favorite language.

Arius watched him for a moment, he dare not speak up to ask him if he was okay. Charlotte had warned of this, and Arius had asked for this.

“It’ll be okay Gene”, Arius offered softly. Even this emotion was so much more than the other had in a while.

"Will it?" Gene whispered to no one in particular before glancing at Ari. Even though Ari had assured him the previous night that this was what he wanted Gene could not help doubting. If Ari could see the wreck he'd become, would he still feel the same?

Myrtle groaned, rolling her eyes at these two saps before fading away through the floor. Clearly they were not in need of her help anymore.

Charlotte pulled up a chair to Gene's side of the bed so she could sit while she worked. She dabbed the blood away from his forehead before covering it with a large bandage. "Aside from the obvious, how are you feeling?" she asked.

Gene's eyes narrowed, clearly debating responding in a snarky manner but thinking better of it. "Just a headache," he said.

“Yeah”, Arius said back with a bright smile.

Gene glanced back at Ari, the faintest sliver of a hopeful smile appearing on his face.

Charlotte was quite as she wrapped his hand, though Gene winced as she worked. "What happened to your unicorn magic?" he asked.

"It does not work on such injuries," she said. "Bones are delicate and take time to heal."

"Exactly how much time?" he sigh exasperatedly. This was his dominate hand they were talking about, he couldn't afford not to have it for very long.

"I would say about a month," Charlotte said simply as she continued to wrap.

"I'm sorry, a MONTH!?" Gene gasped, sitting up in spite of the pillows still holding his legs well above his head.

"Yes, and that is provided you don't do anything stupid like try to work while it heals," she added.

"I... that is out of the question," Gene insisted. A whole month? With the debt they owed the loggers his team was just barely scraping by, not to mention the recruit applications he needed to review. Could he even train like this? Could he do anything like this?

"Gene," Charlotte said, breaking through his trace. "You fainted. Be grateful it is only your wrist that is sprained. It could be more severely broken. You could have suffered a serious head injury. I suspect this has much more to do with your addiction to work than the mint. Chronos is in town, there will be no new missions for the month anyway. As your healer I implore you to rest. You cannot continue on like this."

Gene said nothing, just staring at Charlotte in silence as he tried to process what she said. He wanted to argue, but it wasn't as though he could just yell at his arm until it fixed itself. He settled back on the bed and just stared up at the ceiling with a sigh.

Arius looked between them. “It’s fine Gene, think of it like uh- a staycation”, Arius said trying to make the other feel better.

“This is just one more thing unable to have a quick fix”

Gene let his head fall to the side to look at Ari with little amusement. "I have never much enjoyed the concept of 'stay-cations'," he said.

"Maybe you could learn to appreciate them," Charlotte said and she finished with his wrist. "Arius, how is your arm?"

Gene glanced at Charlotte for a moment before turning back to Ari. "Your arm?" he asked, not understanding what she meant.

Arius looked at his arm, it was already starting to shift color with heavy bruising all around the arm. “It is not broken. I will survive.”, he offered back.

Gene's eyes widened at the distorted color. "I should certainly hope so, but what happened!?" he asked, rolling onto his side and abandoning the pillow footrest in order to get a better look.

Charlotte was largely unphased. "Would you like some ice at least? It will stop it from swelling."

“It got stuck in the door when I phased through the door. I uh- say you on the floor and panicked…”, be looked at Charlotte. “Can I get some water too?”, he asked. “But uh- yes- ice please.”

"Of course," Charlotte said, going to fetch the ice and water as requested.

Meanwhile Gene pushed himself up into a sitting position beside Ari, taking care not to use his injured wrist in any way. He reached out with his non-dominant hand to run his fingers gently over the bruise, feeling how the skin swelled beneath his fingers.

"Forgive me for worrying you," he said, not only concerning this most recent incident but this entire nature mint episode.

“Do not be sorry. I love you, and you are worth it.”, he took his free hand and held Gene’s hand. “How are… you feeling? Not the head… the rest of you?”

"What, my head does not count?" he teased. "Though really the headache is the most noticeable. I imagine it more a side effect of the mint and not, well..." he paused, gesturing to the bandage on his forehead. He could practically feel his pulse in his temples.

"But for the most part I feel... fine? When I first took it there was... something. But it seems to have passed now," he said, not really having an explanation for it, the sudden burst of feeling.

“Okay”, Arius looked at Gene, even if he was hurt, that charm in his eyes was back. “Can… I… hold your hand?”, he asked for permission this time. He didn’t want to upset or hurt Gene anymore.

Gene gave him a bemused smile. "The functional one or the broken one?" he asked.

“Uh…. Okay… sorry….”, he said and just pulled away. He laid down in the bed, unsure of what more to say. He just looked at the door, waiting for Charlotte to get back with water.

"Ari?" Gene asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He scooted closer, holding out both of his hands to him. "They are both yours if you want them, just... take extra care with the bandaged one," he joked, wiggling his fingers just slightly that stuck out from the wrapping. "He's very sensitive."

Arius just curled up, laying his head on Gens shoulder. “I think I just want to lay my head here Gene…”, he kissed Gene’s neck gently. “Just for a few minutes”, he said softly.

The skin of Gene's neck warmed under Ari's lips, his pulse picking up ever so slightly. He slowly settled back against the headboard, allowing Ari to lean on him as much as he wished.

"I suppose that is fair. After all it seems I did claim all the pillows," he teased, looking to the tower of pillows near the foot of the bed that had been supporting his feet. He gingerly draped his injured arm around Ari.

Charlotte had actually returned with ice and water a moment or two ago, but overheard their conversation and was too entranced to interrupt. She wondered how a relationship such as Gene's and Ari's worked, assuming that men were always stoic. She could not see how a pair of two could be anything but casual at best and cold at worst. The tenderness she heard between them surprised her. She waited patiently on the other side of the door for a lull in their conversation.

“You may take it all Gene, my pillows, my blankets, the very clothes from my body. If it brigs you comfort, or happiness, or feeling better. I would trade all the comforts for you my love.”, he kissed Gene gently.

”And one day soon I can show you how evolving gave me a inch or two in far more than my height.”, he said suggestively. “I’ve dreamed of our embrace, to be one once more. You have made me a slave to your needs and I am all the more willing.”, he kissed Gene’s neck gently.

“But even laying here, with your very Gene smile and comments, I am beyond happy.”, he sighed contently.

Gene pressed firmly into the kiss, reaching up to cup Ari's cheek and moving his hand back to play with his hair when they parted. "You are all the comfort I need," he sighed.

He swallowed as Ari kissed his neck. "An inch or two?" he laughed. "My, you're certainly given Duncan a run for his money. I don't suppose you happened to ask this lover of his how he does it, have you? Seems I may need the advice more than I realized. And as much as I may long to be joined with you and explore this new body of yours, I have no intention of opening up your wounds."

"Are you intentionally making me excited knowing that I've no way to take care of it myself?" he teased. "You're certainly giving me motivation to learn to use my other hand."

Arius smiled, joy swelled in his chest as he leaned into the hand.

“I can’t help it, sorry my love. But uh- I guess we can go speak to Rah-Kah of team freefall, he is small and Duncan seems so large. Who knows. Are you really concerned?”

“My chest is hurt but- both of my hands do work”, he teased.

"Arceus no, I am merely teasing," Gene chuckled. He could not imagine having a sit down with someone and actually inquiring how they managed to take so much dick at once. "Mostly," he amended.

"And do not apologize," he said, running a finger along Ari's jaw and guiding his mouth back up to meet him in a kiss. "I am eager for all you have to offer. And I may need you to lend me a hand sometime soon."

Figuring that now was the only chance she was going to get for some time unless she wanted to listen to a real show Charlotte decided to announce her presence and knock on the door.

Arius leaned in, kissing Gene and really getting into the kiss. He jumped when there was a knock at the door. “Uh- come in Ms.Charotte.”

Gene snickered against Ari's lips when he jumped in surprise, giving him once last quick kiss before pulling away.

Charlotte pushed the door open, a pitcher of water in one hand and a bag of half-melted ice in the other. Her face was a tad red, but she played it off like she hadn't heard a thing.

"Here you are Arius," she said, handing him the ice before pouring him some water.

"Oh, Charlotte. While you're here, could I trouble you for some painkillers?" Gene asked.

Charlotte considered him for a moment, trying to piece together what she'd heard from the other side of the door with what she knew of her leader. After a moment of being lost in thought she quickly regained her composure and produced a bottle of pills from her bag. "Of course," she said, handing him two.

Arius took the ice and put him on his arm which- as expected- was a bit swollen from the tissue damage he so kindly inflicted upon himself. The moment water was offered to him he took it eagerly and drank almost the whole glass in a few short gulps. He listened to Gene and Charlotte.

"How long is his head going to need bandages?", Arius asked.

"Only a day or so. His fainting likely cause him to fall and hit is head, as opposed to being the cause of his fainting. It's just a bad cut, which is very fortune," she stressed again as she took Ari water glass to refill it.

Gene pouted at her before taking the painkillers. "Might I steal some of your water?" he asked Ari and Charlotte handed him the recently refilled glass.

"Yeah, I do not mind.", Arius said simply. Gene was- sort of back to normal, and so as selfish as it was he was rather pleased to be able to just lay and cuddle and talk to him.

"Thank you," Gene said as he took a few sips to wash down the medicine before handing it back. The throbbing was becoming more difficult to ignore.

"Is there anything else either of you need?" Charlotte asked. Before I leave you to whatever it was you were doing she added in her head, resulting in a small blush.

Arius drank a bit more before setting it to the side and proceeding to snuggle back up against Gene.

"No thank you Ms.Chrlotte.", he said as he laid his head back on Gene's shoulder gently.

Charlotte nodded, averting her gaze as though she were intruding on a private moment. "I will check in on you later this afternoon. In the meantime you should rest, both of you," she stressed as she saw herself out, closing the door behind her.

Gene sighed deeply, pressing his cheek to Ari's hair. "How are you Love, really? I feel as though we have not... spoken in some time," he said. Obviously they had exchanged a word or two in the previous weeks, though they were admittedly few and rather limited in scope, pertaining to mostly physical wellbeing or immediately pertinent information. In short, not really conversing.

"I am at peace now.", he said simply. "My physicall pains mean nothing to me with you here...back... it feels like... you where so far away from me, even when he sat side by side. But your...cheeky smirk... it was so desperately missed."

Gene reached over with his good hand to grab one of the pillows, tossing it behind his back before leaning against the headboard and pulling Ari to lay with his head on his chest. He let his own head fall back pointed towards the ceiling, his eyes closed. He carded his fingers through Ari's hair as he often did, paying close attention for any changes in texture or thickness as he'd so rarely had the chance to touch him since his evolution.

"Oh, so my smile means more to you than my sanity? Good to see you have your priorities in order," he joked, his usual sassy nature amped up by the mint.

"Your body has suffered little, that is my top priority", he joked softly. Arius's hair was smooth, with a slight dampness to it like he had showers hours ago, his hair was also much thicker now.

"I care for all of you Gene, I am- sorry to have caused you so much concern.", he said softly. "I acted so suddenly and selfishly after Colburn died... I just... felt like my world shattered and I didn't know what to do... or how to help my clan..."

"You mean running off to die with your family? Yes, how terribly selfish," he joked sadly, trying to swallow around the lump forming in this throat. He didn't realize he'd curled more tightly around Ari until he finished speaking, the hand in his hair now cradling his head to his chest.

"I should have been there," he whispered. "I should not have let you go alone."

"Gene I- would have not wished to leave your side and my love for you is blinding. I know it. Plus, you have people here to need you too for leadership and guidance...", he sighed softly. "We are here now.. that is all the matters..."

Gene knew not what to say, not wanting to argue the point. He hugged Ari tightly, moving so that both arms wrapped around him while keeping his injured hand free. He buried his face in his hair, feeling the cool dampness on his cheeks. He trembled, his chest tightening as memories of visiting Ari in the Shadewood hospital came to mind. At the time he'd been disturbingly clear-headed, but now with such calmness gone the weight of it hit him hard, the reality of the situation they were in. Ari had come home, yes, but barely. No one else who was with him was found. It was all too easy to imagine fate taking a slightly different turn.

He sucked in a breath, but his lungs still felt empty. His grip on Ari tightened still, his eyes wide and wild, feeling as though at any moment some unspeakable horror was about to happen. His skin tingled, hyper aware or any little speck of dust or dirt that touched him and assuming it was salt. He couldn't breath. He felt crazy. But still his pulse throbbed in his neck as he was gripped with such intense paralyzing fear, not unlike the burst of feeling Ari had felt from down the hall but a short while ago.

Arius shifted a little, the fear rolling off Gene was very much noticed by him. He clenched his jaw and swallowed lightly, trying to ignore it as Gene was all but drenched in it. "Gene?", he said softly. "Do not be afraid, I am here my love", he said softly to the other.

The panic did not fade, Ari's words not really registering. Gene's gasps became shorter and faster, his grip tighter, his eyes more frantically darting around the room. He could hear his heartbeat hammering in his own ears. What was happening? Even something as little as that simple unknown only added to the fear. He didn't know what this was, for a moment was not even sure where he was, trapped by this physical reaction to his thoughts.

Arius sat up, holding Gene's shoulders. "Gene? Gene listen, it's okay. Gene, say something", he said in raising concern. He grabbed their blanket and wrapped Gene in it, holding him as best he could without pressing his chest to him. He just whispered over and over that he was fine, and things where going to be okay. Even though at this point he had no idea and little faith in his own words.

Gene opened his mouth like we was going to say something, but he couldn't find the words, still gasping. He curled his fingers tightly in the blanket, tears pricking at his eyes. He couldn't pay attention to anything other than the sound of his own racing pulse or the tightness in his chest. Was he dying? Was this a heart attack? Could ghosts get heart attacks?

Arius shifted a bit, wincing as he pulled Gene to his chest pulling the other into his lap and just wrapping around him. He just continued to try to assure Gene, and honestly, the idea of calling for help was slipped entirely by his worried mind. "It's okay Gene", he continued to say over and over.

After a few more moments Gene's panic began to subside, his tunnel vision fading. His breathing gradually returned to normal, his voice returning. "A... Ari?" he sighed, rubbing the tears from his eyes. He took a few deep breaths and found that the air filled him more comfortably than before. He relaxed in his arms, still a bit shaky and confused but otherwise alright.

"Shh", Arius stroked Gene's hair gently. "Yeah? Are you okay Gene you uh-you started... freaking out....", he frowned a bit.

Gene eased under Ari's touch, focusing on his own breathing. "Yes, it's... it's passed," he sighed, resting his head against Ari's shoulder. "I... everything is so much stronger now after... after being numb for so long," he tried to explain.

"It is... probably temporary. Charlotte said there is sometimes side effects from taking nature mints and- surely reversing one with another has its own effects.", he stroked Gene's hair gently. "But I'll be here for you, every step of the way, and when you need me..."

Gene's head was still pounding, filling with too many feelings like he was recently evolved all over again. Ari's tenderness touched him deeply, the kindness and forgiveness he gave so willingly that Gene did not deserve. But how could he waste time this way when there was a war going on? Who was he to take this time and care for himself?

"Ah, the benefits of a bedridden lover," he said, trying to be playful but the undercurrent of bitterness was still there.

"Yes, it means you know exactly where I am when you need me", Arius kissed Gene's head gently. "It is... strange being evolved. I feel stronger... taller, but the world of emotions is so different to me now... I can feel how... intense emotions are around me... like... knowing how hot a fire is almost...", he mused to himself.

"What is it like? Being a banette?"

Gene pressed eagerly into the kiss, relishing in Ari's lips against his forehead. It was comforting, and even as the hollow shell that he had been in the previous weeks he missed his gentle touch.

"It's horrid," he said in a combination or a laugh and a groan. "As a Shuppet I was only attuned to the feelings of others. I suppose I have a wide range in that regard, feelings things such as anxiety or envy or anger or mourning, as well as being sensitive to the intensity of it. Though to me each feels like... a storm? A cloud of energy that surrounds a person that has a life of it's own. As a Banette I still feel this, but it is as though I always have a storm of my own," he said, eager for the change in topic and to talk to Ari about absolutely anything.

"In all the commotion I'd not thought to ask of your evolution. Please, tell me more I would love to hear," he said, looking up at him with wide-eyed interest.

"Hm... it is... just like my ability to feel emotion has widened. I can sense more than fear and anxiety, a warm, bubbly sort of feeling. I can feel the happiness or others, not just the negative... like... seeing the other side of the same coin. I am sorry your own evolustion has it's own struggles."

"Yes because it is all your fault," Gene laughed.

His eyes widened with curiosity. "Fascinating, I did not realize such sensitivity came naturally to Mismagius. If there are any pleasant emotions I can sense I've not come across them. Does this mean you are capable of feeding on more than just fear?"

"I... think so? It... fells different.. and honestly I have never tried before.", he shrugged. "I was just so curious to find this new ability. So strange, I feel like one of those fancy rings that change color with emotion.", he mused.

"Well I am always open to experimenting. Won't you have a taste of me?" Gene said flirtatiously. "Or is whatever I am feeling at the moment not resonating with you? Can you sense the difference in these 'happy' feelings? I know I struggled to tell one emotion from another when I first came back."

"You are... different... what I feel from you is different from the world around you. You stick out to me.. I wonder why...", he said softly. "Maybe my love for you changes how you seem to me? Muted... less appealing to feel... I can't describe it well, sorry.", he frowned.

"Less appealing??" Gene said with a mock gasp. "And here I thought I had the most enticing fears."

He paused for a moment, considering his next question. "Is it only me that is different in this way? What about other reborn ghosts? Or Tobias? Do they feel at all different from your everyday mortal pokemon?"

"No, only you. Others are the same, although I can sense the intensity of their emotions.", he replied back. He hoped he was being clear, but honestly, he didn't feel like he was one bit.

"How curious," Gene mused aloud. "Then again perhaps it is not all that odd. Perhaps it is some ghostly instinct to not feed on those you're closest to? Still, I would expect at least Tobias to be the same in such a case..."

He reached up absentmindedly, running his finger along the edge of Ari's bandages near his collarbone. "Are there any other changed you've noticed since taking on this new form?" he asked.

"Hm...", he ran his hand over his death mark, it was dulled, and in all honestly, it blended into his skin quite a lot now, it only glowed when he was doing ghostly things. "My death marks are- much much less noticeable, they look almost like regular marks...but they did glow when I walked through the door. Who knows, ghosts are hard to know...", he shrugged.

Gene took note of the death mark on his neck then, noting the dull color. How had it escaped his notice before? Was he really so out of touch after taking that first mint?

He moved his fingers from Ari's chest to the cut along his neck, tracing the once bright blue creek in his skin. "Are they still sensitive?" he asked. "Could they be... healing? Have you ever known a ghost who went through such a change?"

Arius shuttered as Gene ran his finger over the death mark. "I assure you it is still sensitive", he said. "Well.. our death marks are how we died, connecting the two lives we live and lived. Some ghosts death marks are hardly noticeable at all, mine was so bright because - well- maybe because I was dead for so long? Who knows... Tobias doesn't pay it much mind, he never has really."

"Just checking," Gene grinned, moving to instead trace the jewels embedded in the skin where Ari's neck and shoulders met.

"Will you no longer cover them now that they have dulled?" he asked.

"I am unsure... the... mutilation to my chest will probably draw far more attention...", he said as he looked away. "I do not wish to think of such things... not now... when the idea of going outside is still so far for me."

Gene paused for a moment. He'd not considered how the physical presence of this new scar might weigh on Ari, but given his feelings on his death marks Gene felt he should have anticipated it. And with how far Ari's bandages reached Gene doubted this could be so easily covered up with just a bracelet.

"Forgive me, let us speak of other things then," he suggested. "I adore your new earring, for one. Did you always have your ears pierced?"

"Hm? Oh uh...", Arius reached up and ran his hand over it. "I do not know where it came from, I evolved with it... you... I do not think you have seen my feral, but I have a really cool hat and this is on it. Like a feather or a mane or something.", he said, perking up at the change in topic. "I was surprised the crack bead stayed.", he ran his fingers over the bead that did not shine like the others and had its own dullness.

"Ghost are so fragile it seems."

Gene reached up, pulling Ari's hand away from the broken gem to instead hold his hand in his own, brushing his thumb over his fingers. "Perhaps, but you are here, with me. And for that durability I am ever grateful," he said, sitting up to press a kiss to his lips.

"No, I've not had the pleasure of seeing you in the wild yet," he said as he pulled away. "I look forward to it. Perhaps you can see my mega evolution as well, sometime. Once I've... had a bit more practice."

"How is that coming along?", he asked, "Mega evolution, such a thing is beyond me but... I am sure you look amazing", Arius smiled.

Gene looked away. He'd been so eager to get Ari's mind off unpleasant topics he inadvertently led right into one that he'd rather not discuss. Still he... should probably know.

"It is... a lot," he said. "It is a rush unlike anything I've ever experienced, but it is... all consuming. For Banettes in particular our cursing power fueled by emotions is heightened, to the point where lashing out at companions is... expected."

"I left my mark on Emil," he confessed, unable to look at Ari as he explained. "He seems not at all perturbed but... I need to learn to control it." Before all this had happened he thought he might speak with Colburn about it, once he was ready. But it was far too late for such things now.

"Well... he is a dark type, so at least he resists it. Apparently Grimshaw also has a megastone and is having trouble, or- he use to? I am not sure as I do not speak often to him. Maybe speak to him about it?", Arius suggested. "Or we can see if any of the other shadewoods who can mega evolve can come and see you?"

"Yes perhaps I should speak with him about it," Gene nodded. "Or if there are any Shadewoods available that would be most beneficial. But it is not pressing, as I'll likely say in this form for some time," he said, glaring at his injured hand.

"I am not sure off the top of my head, besides... well- nevermind. He is really rought around the edges, he's a grumpy sableye who checks the megastones and stuff for the clan.", Arius said

"Gurky?" Gene asked incredulously. "We've met, he stopped by after Colburn... well, you know. We did not start off on the best foot. He wanted to inspect Colbrun's mega stone and I was... hesitant to give it up."

"If he is the only one who comes to mind I think I'll try my hand with Grimshaw first," he said.

"Oh yes", Arius laughed, "He is very... unique. Gurky spends almost all his time alone deep underground so he does not have great personal skills. But he uses a megastone.", he said.

"Of course he does," Gene said with a shake of his head. Twould be just his luck. "I will... consider reaching out to him once I am fit to train again."

"I am going to fall so far behind," he signed running a hand through his hair and inadvertently plucking one of the large roses from between his horns. He stared at it for a moment before reaching up and tucking it behind Ari's ear.

"Yes well... it can not be helped so there is little point in worrying right?", Arius let Gene put the rose in his hair.

"Do you like it? Your... spring form?", Arius asked as he gently traced the edge of the petals with his finger.

"I do," Gene said simply. "It is a comfort, and I feel much more at home in this body. What about you? Does your solemn appearance spark any sense of familiarity?"

"I... enjoy it greatly.", Arius said. "I feel.. at peace.. I have a horn again... in my feral form, I feel closer to Vihar..."

"That's wonderful," Gene said. "What is... your relationship like with him now? Do you have visions from his life still? Or not since the coma?"

“Sometimes… not often… but when I sleep sometime I am in a room, and I see him across it. We sit, my memories play behind me like…. Some sort of vision… as does his… it is a silent exchange always…”, Arius said

Gene knew not what to make of this. He was grateful he was not so detached from his past self that they visited him in his dreams for updates on his new life. Ari had said he considered Vihar a separate person from himself, but so separate that they were two distinct, living entities?

"And... how do you feel about this 'exchange'?" he asked. "About Vihar being privy to your new life? And have you learned anything interesting in return?"

“It is… strange… I will admit. But it is somehow comforting. I get to show him all about you, and he seems… pleased? I am learning more of him, about his own life…in small pieces.”, he said.

"Well I am glad you find fulfillment in this. It does seem rather eerie to me, but as ghosts ourselves perhaps it would be too much to ask to live lives devoid of the 'eerie'," he laughed with a shrug. "On the topic of Vihar though, you did say you would teach me the words to that song from his time, no? As I will not be going anywhere for a while this seems as good a time as any."

“Oh? Sure.”, Arius said as he explained each word, so that Gene could get how to say it. Sure it wouldn’t be done at once, but that was fine.

Gene repeated back the words as Ari explained them. His pronunciation was a bit off, his own accent coming through at times, but he seemed to be picking it up well enough. It wasn't his first time learning a new language after all, and from what he'd heard it only got easier the more you learned.

"So I know how to pronounce the words, somewhat, but what exactly am I saying?" he asked Ari after repeating the lyrics a few times.

Arius explained each of the words, as best he could, but with the gaps in his memory it was admittedly a bit hard in places to explain it fully.

“Gur Nevahr”, Arius said with a smile. “I will always love you.”, he said his forehead against Gene’s and just gazed into his eyes.

"Gur Nevahr?" Gene repeated, smiling with a hint of wonder. "Tis a shame I cannot take notes, I may ask you for a refresher," he said quietly, not feeling the need to speak up when they were pressed so close together.

"Gur Nevahr," he repeated more confidently, his words brushing against Ari's lips before he met his in a tender kiss.

"It sounds so nice coming from your lips", Arius chuckled lightly. "You really are such a fast learner, do you enjoy learning new language?", Arius questioned.

Gene grinned cheekily at the compliment. "I enjoy learning about you, but yes languages too to a lesser degree. With my fathers line of work it was required, though I do enjoy making use of it whenever I can."

"Do you have any other useful phrases for me?" he asked suggestively tracing the seem of Ari's sweatpants where they hugged his thigh. "Or something you'd like to hear me say?"

“I can think of many phrases”, Arius said with smile, “I am glad you have found some enjoyment in it.”

Arius blushed as he felt Gene tracing along his thigh.

“I-uh-f- sure”, he chirped out.

"Oh? Is that so? Well, give me another then," Gene teased, running his fingers farther along the seem and then away. "Or are you too distracted?"

“Gene you know what you are up to.”, he said as his hip tried to follow the fleeing fingers. “But we should not. Neither of us are well.”

“Who knows when one such as you beside me.”

"Well look at you being the responsible one. But you do have a point," he teased before letting his hand fall away.

"My apologies, you are just so... endearing when you are flustered. I cannot help myself from teasing you," he smirked. Even after all this time and all they'd done together he did so love how he could make Ari stutter.

"So, back to the lesson then? I promise to be on my best behavior," he said earnestly, before smirking and raising an eyebrow playfully. "Professor Ari. I say, I do quite like the sound of that."

"I just know my chest hurts already, and moaning your name is going to be far more pain than pleasure. It is a give and take, sadly today is much more take. Plus, I wouldn't enjoy it and you would feel bad, so...", he sighed. "Sorry."

"I have never been much for... uh... smarts? Ivan has some fancy words for it, aca...something...", he scratched his cheek. "Honestly, I feel like I am missing a lot of the language as a whole, and what I do know is just... whispers from Vihar's memories..."

Gene tilted his head slightly, looking up at Ari in confusion. "Ari I... I said I've no intention of hurting you through such activities and I meant it. I've just... missed touching you, in all ways not just love-making. But you are right, the chances of such behavior leading elsewhere is admittedly high. Forgive me, I will keep my hands to myself," he said with an apologetic smile, placing his hand in his own lap.

"Oh? I did not realize," Gene said in response. "Though on the topic of languages, I did wish to speak with you about devising one of our own. Or perhaps referring to it as a 'language' is rather generous, but some way to tell each other sensitive information while we are out in public. Say... if I recognize someone from my past, for example, and do not want to make a show of it."

“Do not be sorry. But you just turn me on so much, just being beside you makes me so hot and bothered because your so unfairly habdsome” He kissed Gene gently.

“Do you mean like… signals?”, he questioned. “I um- we can try, and I will try really really hard to remember.”, he promised.

"Hmmm, I know the feeling," Gene sighed contentedly as they parted. After so long of feeling nothing at all the buzz of simply sitting next to Ari was electrifying.

"Precisely," Gene nodded. "If I see someone I used to know I could pluck one of my flowers, for example," he said, pulling one of the smaller buds from his hair and spinning it in his hand. "Is there anything that comes to mind for you, something you'd like to be able to say without speaking? If there was someone you knew was with the Order perhaps?"

“Say without…. Speaking?”, he tilted his head. He had no idea what that even meant. “I don’t know what that means like…. Like draw a picture?”, he questioned.

"I mean not with words but with a cue or a signal, as you said. Something you would want to discretely tell me without drawing attention. I used to have such signals with my siblings," he said with a small laugh and a distant look in his eyes. "Ways we could tell each other when at a party if we were fed up with the person we were speaking to. So then one of us might come over and pull them away without appearing rude. Some sign such as playing with jewelry or scratching your ear, some movement that was out of ccharacterfor but was mundane enough to go unnoticed. That sort of thing."

“Oh uh- sure we can make a signal.”, he scratched his cheek. “Okay I just- am afraid… what if I forget? Or what if I do it without thinking? I do not have much faith in myself remembering…”

"That's alright, we can see how it goes," Gene said. He reached to place a comforting hand on Ari's arm, but then he remembered and put his hand back in his lap, pressing his lips together to hide his smile.

"Just be sure to pick something you would not normally do. Something like... chewing on your hair? I dont recall seeing you do that before."

Arius was not sold on this idea at all, but Gene seemed very determined about it. "Sure", he said simply, just giving up in trying to express his point. If it made Gene happy, Arius would simply have to try his best.

"Splendid," Gene said, clearly still very much on board for the idea even if it was not full proof. "So, what would you like 'chewing on your hair' to mean then? Do you want that to be the signal for an Order member nearby, or is there something else you have in mind that you'd like to say?"

"That sounds... fine?", Arius took the edge of his hair and stuffed it in his mouth. "How about this?", he questioned.

"Tasty?" Gene snickered. "But yes, that will do. It's a bit odd, but at least you will ne unlikely to do it for any other reason."

His eyebrow furrowed then with a groan, pressing a hand to his forehead. His headache was getting worse.

Arius frowned a bit, "Do you need some ice for your head or something?", Arius asked as he spat the hair out and sat up with a wince. He took the ice off his arm and offered it to Gene.

"Hmm?" Gene asked, openning his eyes just barely to see Ari offering his bag of ice. "Oh, no. That's very kind, but I don't think this is the sort to headache that can be fixed with ice," he explained.

“Oh… can you use your healing move on it?”, he asked as he put the ice back on his arm. He wished he wasn’t injured and could help. But he could not…

"I do not know. I've never attempted it for this sort of thing. But I..." he trailed off, suddenly feeling very anxious. Instantly it was like he was kneeling in the plaza again, watching helplessly as Colburn faded, trying and failing to heal him because he had already drained his powers.

"...I-I'd rather not," he said, gripping his shirt sleeve tight, his eyes elsewhere as he absentmindedly added, "It's not worth it."

“Okay…”, he said softly. He slowly settled back in with Gene, stroking the other’s hair gently.

Gene forced himself to lay beside Ari, but his fear was quickly rising again. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to tell himself that it wasn't real and focusing on his breaths which were short and shaky. He bit his lower lip, his eyebrows furrowing in obvious distress as he tried to let it pass. He had the thought that he should say something, start some new topic to distract himself, but he was far too consumed by this fear to think of anything.

“Hey Gene, if you were not a leader and could do something else, what job would you do?”, Arius asked as he felt Gene’s fears creeping.

"I-I-I uh..." Gene stuttered, trying desperately to think around his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't keep his eyes closed, too afraid of these unseen horrors that his mind was so sure were there. He sat up, frantically looking around the room for some source of this panic though of course there was none. After a few moments it started to fade again, and only then did he realize he'd been gasping. He rubbed his hand over his face and into his hair, streaking his forehead with tears. He pressed a hand to his chest as if trying to stop his heart from breaking free.

"What uh... what was it you asked again?" he asked as he tried to compose himself.

Arius had gone silent, watching Gene and knowing ultimately he could not help him.

“It…. Is not of importance… sh-should I go get Ms.Charlotte?”, she asked softly.

"No, I... I'm alright. I think it is passing," he sighed as he rubbed his face and took a deep breath. "There is very little she can do for me anyhow. She attempted before, but the only relief she could bring was sleep and often even that was short lived. I really did begin to wonder if I would revert back to being an insomniac," he said with a sad chuckle, and then remembered how Ari described Colburn going through that exact same process from stress.

"I expected it may start up again after another mint, but I did not anticipate this many..." he paused, twirling his hand. "Instances, in such a short time."

“With time, you will be fine Gene”, he smiled lovingly and held Gene’s hand gently. He sat up, “oh I forgot to ask you if me evolving effected your ring.”

Gene gave a tired yet tender smile in response, holding Ari's hand more firmly before lying back down beside him.

"Not that I noticed. I was very surprised to see you had changed. Were it not for that little comment of yours I may not have recognized you either," he said with a smirk. He turned his hand in Ari's so that the ring was more clearly visible, looking for any lasting changes in the stone.

Arius took Gene’s hand and looked it over. The stones looked completely untouched. “It looks good, I was worried but didn’t think about it for a while later.”

"Worried? What for? Did you fear it caught fire or something?" he laughed.

He looked down at their hands then, drawing circles in Ari's palm. "On the topic of rings... were I in the market to buy one for a certain someone, do you think they would have any preferences?" he asked, moving his eyes up to Ari's. Before all of this he had considered trying to chip a megastone whenever he got one, but as it seemed Colburn's already had some cracks he dare not risk it.

"Well... what it the stones would have shattered of disappeared when I used the main stone?", he suggested simply.

"Preferences?...no.. as long as it comes from a special someone, there is no preferences", he smiled softly and kissed Gene's wandering finger.

"Then I dare say the smith you saw about this ring would have swindled you. Still, that is a curious thought I'd not considered myself. I am pleased it has held up through your transformation," he said, reaching up and wrapping a strand of Ari's hair around his finger.

"And what a handsome transformation it was indeed," he grinned slyly, giving Ari's hair the faintest tug before remembering his promise to keep his hands to himself and releasing him with a shake of his head. "You know, when I first saw you I imagined a good long romp in the sheets was in order just as you gave me when I changed. But I suppose it will have to wait a while longer," he teased.

"Yes, but be assured, I will make it worth the wait", he said teasingly"

Arius rolled a bit and looked at the ceiling. "I can do a cool trick too.", he held his hand up and a skull shaped mask appeared in his hand. "Not as nice as flowers unfornately."

"Of that I have no doubt," Gene grinned, rolling onto his stomach so that he was prompted up on his elbows and his side pressed firmly into Ari's.

Gene watched curiously as the mask appeared in Ari's hand. "Are you saying you would have preferred flowers? If so I daresay you took the wrong potion for that," he said with a playful smile, reaching out for the mask to examine it for himself.

"Yes but... I also got a cool hat.", Arius waved his hand in the air and his hat also appeared, the edges of it made of bone, he put it on his head. "Look Gene, I got a horn", he said teasingly.

"My, you've turned into quite the magician haven't you?" he laughed. "I never took you for the hat-wearing type, but then again I'd not considered you in a mask either," he said as he turned said mask around in his hand before holding it up to his own face, peering at Ari through the eye slits.

"As if you we not horny enough already," Gene laughed. He pulled the mask away from his face and moved a hand to cover his smile. "I am trying to be good, I swear, you just make it too easy," he said. Was his own horniness just another side effect of the mint? With so many other factors involved like Ari being away and newly evolved it was hard to say. "I am please to see you are happy with the results, Love. What a dashing Mismagius you've become," he said earnestly. "Certainly no puss monster to be found."

"Yes I suppose I have", he said with a shrug. "I also never thought of myself as one for hats but- I guess that choice was made for me right?"

"Yes I am honestly so very happy with how I look. Even with the changes to my hair color I think... I feel whole? Like a small connection to my last life was made, and it is deeply satisfying for me.", he said with a smile.

"Was Vihar the hat wearing sort? I can only assume he approves of this new look as well, seeing as you have taken on more of his likeness," Gene observed, noting the muted reds and blues that were signature to Keldeo and not at all present in the average Mismagius.

"Uh... I mean... not really? They didn't wear many hats back then... or so.. I think?", Arius shrugged. "But that is all fine I guess", Arius said as he leaned back and let the hat disappear.

"Oh? How interesting, I'd not considered it before," Gene said simply, cataloging this new tiny bit of information in with the rest of Ari's ancient past. "Do you ever find yourself longing for things from that time? Or is it too foreign to you?"

“Sort or? Like… passing ideas come to mind and I know they are from a world lost. It is hard to describe, Vihar and I are so different…yet still connected.”

Gene nodded thoughtfully, twirling a stray strand of Ari's hair around his finger again. "Is there anything in particular you missed just while you were away?" he asked. If he was going to be on an involuntary holiday perhaps he could at least make the most of it and do something enjoyable with his... with Ari.

“No… just a constant feeling of things being wrong or- missing.”, he shrugged. “Like- sometimes when I am eating I get that feeling.”

"When you are eating?" Gene repeated, tilting his head. "Has your sense of taste diminished again? Or are you referring to feeding?"

“Not really? But like- I’ll eat a cookie but it tastes off. And it’s like I imagine it made of things from long ago. Like… think of stone flatbread when I am eating a piece of bread? I can’t describe it well.”

"Interesting," Gene muttered as he played with the lock of hair. "Is there anything that is noticeably the same? Something that does not feel so out of place?"

“Smells… places… it comes and goes… I do not know when or why it happens. But I always feel slightly out of place. Clearly ghosts like me are, less than normal I suppose…”, he closed his eyes. “But I am happy none the less to have a second life”

Gene turned to lay on his back, sitting up so that he could drape an arm around Ari's shoulders. "As am I," he said, pressing a kiss to his hair. "You certainly make dying worth it, and while I would much rather not be out of commission I admit there is no one else I would rather be stuck in bed with."

"Are you hungry at all Love?" he asked then. "It is still early, have you eaten at all? I can fetch us something."

"I am hungry but I can deal with it.", Arius said. Admittedly his chest was really starting to ache and even the idea of sitting up enough to eat knowing it would hurt swayed his desire to eat. "I'd rather just lay here."

"Which is exactly why I offered to get it," he said, sitting up to look at him and brushing Ari's hair back. "Or does breakfast in bed not appeal to you?"

“I do not want to bother you”, he said as he patted Gene’s hand gently.

"It is no bother," he insisted, pressing a kiss to his forehead before scooting off of the bed and getting to his feet. Admittedly he did sway for just a moment but was steady enough shortly after.

"Any reqursts?" he asked as he headed for the door.

“No…”, he said as he watched Gene. “Just be careful?”, he asked softly.

"I am always careful," Gene said back with light playful sarcasm. No, being careful was not a quality he was known for. Though the concept was growing on him.

He made his way downstairs, taking his time as Ari had requested. He was oddly aware of the slide of the railing under his hand and the 'clack' of his shoes against the wooden steps. Had being calm dulled not just his emotions but his senses as well? Or was it only that his head was clear enough now to notice as all his other obligations had been stripped from him?

He looked down at his injured hand. A month? Of no recruit applications? Of no missions or training?

'I don't think danger cares about your previous engagements now does it, Gene?'

No, he would have to make due. Somehow.

He made his way into the kitchen where Charlotte sat with a cup of tea. "I do not suppose you'd be willing to share?" he asked.

Her eyebrows rose in surprise, clearly not expecting to see him, but then quickly turned disapproving. "Share my thoughts? Always. You should be in bed."

"I am merely grabbing a snack," he said, pulling the carton of eggs from the fridge and pushing his thumb under the cardboard lip in an effort to open it with one hand.

She squinted at him skeptically. "Just be careful," she said as she sipped her tea.

"I am careful," Gene insisted more earnestly than he had with Ari. As he said this one of the eggs fell free of the carton and tumbled towards the floor but he caught it with his Telekinesis. "See?" he said.

"Lucky is not the same as careful," Charlotte insisted.

"Same results," Gene shrugged as he floated two eggs over to the counter. The handle of the front door jiggled then, drawing the attention of them both. After a moment of futzing Frannie pushed the door open with her shoulder, appearing with a large bag in one arm and a stack of papers in the other.

"Oh! Good morn--Gene!?" she gasped, dropping the bag onto the ground in surprise as she took in the large, blood-stained bandage covering his forehead and the makeshift brace covering his wrist. "What happened??" she asked.

“What, you do not like my new bracelet? I thought it was stylish,” Gene said sarcastically as he put the eggs back in the fridge. He was well aware of how he must look and was not interested in getting into the specifics again.

“He took another mint and fainted,” Charlotte tattled on him, which resulted in a glare as he grabbed the box of Danishes.

“A… another mint? Which-which kind?” Frannie asked, looking from Charlotte to Gene in concern. Gene had become a shell of his former self after the first. What sort of person was he now?

“I believe he went with ‘sassy’ again. It is for the best really, your body will adjust in a few days and you will feel much more yourself,” Charlotte nodded to herself in approval. “I told you that--”

“Oh, was that something you told me? Shame, seems to have slipped my mind,” Gene said innocently but also dripping with sarcasm. “Must be the head injury.”

Charlotte ignored his attitude, setting down her tea to look over the newspaper for her horoscope. “A particularly strong sassy mint it would seem.”

“Oh,” Frannie let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. “Well I… it’s-it’s good to have you back Gene.”

Gene glanced at her for a moment, touched by the thought but not wanting to admit to it. “Yes well, it is a trade off of sorts I suppose. While I am… ‘back’, it seems I will be out of commission for some time,” he said, gesturing to his wrapped wrist. “I will likely require your assistance finishing up the paperwork I’d been working on for the previous month, as well as responding to potential recruits.”

“P-paperwork?” Frannie asked nervously. “But I-I’m still not all that good at reading. I don’t know if I’d be able to fill them out myself.”

“I am injured, not dead. Well…” Gene paused, tilting his head at his choice of words. He tried to twirl his injured hand as he spoke before wincing. “You get the idea. I can assist in reading the documents for you but I will need your help writing.”

“I am happy to step in as well,” Charlotte offered. “After all I am the only other one around here who is literate.”

“Noted, though I think it is more appropriate that Frannie pick up more of this work as she is a leader and all,” Gene said. Really he had intended to sit her down and have a talk about their responsibilities but it seemed Arceus really enjoyed mucking up his plans.

Charlotte shrugged. “Suit yourself,” she said, returning to her paper.

“I uh… okay,” Frannie mumbled, still clearly unsure as she set the papers she’d brought with her on the table. Gene floated one over to him seeing that it was information regarding Chronos’s summer plans as Charlotte had said.

“We can discuss the specifics later, I can fill you in on the work I was in the middle of. Hopefully it will be a quiet month with these events,” he said as he poured two cups of tea for himself and Ari. It was an awkward process of setting out the cups with his good hand before moving to lift the pot but he managed well enough. He set the eggs, Danishes, and tea on a tray which he lifted with levitated behind him. It was easier to focus on one object than many, and the weight he could carry seemed to have increased since evolving so it was not so strenuous.

“Sounds good, uh… be careful,” Frannie said as Gene made his way back upstairs.

“I am careful!” he called back loudly from the second floor before opening his bedroom door.

“Pardon the delay,” he sighed in frustration as he floated the tray over to Ari’s nightstand. “I got distracted speaking with my team.”

Arius had passed out in the time that Gene had left, the other ghost was snuggled up to Gene’s pillow, it seemed his hat had appeared as well, it sat on his head as he snored softly.

The sound of Gene awoke Arius a little, he gave a small grumble of protest before settling back down.

Gene was surprised to fine Arius deep in sleep when he returned, but then again he knew last night had been long and restless. He lowered the tray as delicately as possible, the teacups clattering faintly as they came to rest on the table. As reached for one of the teacups he took a moment just to admire Ari's peaceful state, a tender smile touching his lips as he took in how he hugged his pillow.

Not wishing to disturb him Gene made his way over to his desk and decided to attempt writing with his non-dominant hand. Couldn't be all that hard, right?

Arius was having a nice dream, it was as if he had just seen Gene for the first time. In the hallway, Gene searching for answers, it was all strange and new again.

He smiled softly, mumbling softly inaudibly.

He dreamed of what their lives might be like if he was not a Shadewood.

As it turns out writing with one's non-dominate hand was in fact quite hard. Struggle as he may Gene was determined to figure it out.

He heard the faintest of mumbles from Ari's direction, though he was clearly still asleep. He waited, listening, wondering what it was Ari was dreaming of and if his mumbles might give him a hint. He seemed at ease at least, perhaps a pleasant dream of some sort. With everything that had happened he deserved some peace for once.