Raging Sea, Storming Skies

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
10 13123

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

a collection of Night Watch / Purradise Lost summer 2021 event prompts

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Day 2

Sky 2A. Your hero should have a friend or two they can rely on. If you can't trust your teammates you'll never succeed in battle. Who (or what) becomes your hero's friend while they stay among your group/pride 214/200

  Raziel and Lasan were the first to meet the young hero. On the commander's advice Lasan also became their first teacher and was left under his care. Since then Faye has relied on him with questions and concerns. They were curious about the world of "Land" and all the interesting things it provided like animals and plants they have never seen in the sky or the sea. Lasan was equally fascinated by the realms he never experienced. Both of the lions were young and eager to learn so they spent long hours in the night chatting and exchanging stories. Lasan also knew a little bit of how Faye felt - an orphan with no clue about their past. While Las was adopted and raised by a loving family, he also didn't know where he came from or who his biological parents were. Sharing so many similarities made the cubs take to each other and become friends immediately. Even after just a few days, they feel like they can trust one another and turn to in case of need. Faye is used to being surrounded by teachers and trainers, but having someone that treats him as a friend and not just mould that needs to be shaped into a saviour of the world is something new.

Sky 2C. YYour group/pride sends a scouting mission to get a glimpse of this so-called-titan in the distance. They can hear the rumbling far off- who's brave enough to go? Who's loyal enough to be trusted? How far do they get before they give up? Do they see it through? 661/600

  The stories the lions were told seemed quite unbelievable. They would have had a hard time accepting that there were two different worlds that they didn't know about, coexisting with theirs and that the safety of everyone was in danger due to some ancient beast that noone had seen before. But, this was not the first time this happened. Seeing the ray of light come down from the sky, the pride expected to see a portal to the World of The Trinity Tree appear again. Their reactions ranged from "Oh no, not again" to "Yes, a new adventure!". Things turned out to be different.

  The job of the Night Watch was to protect the peace and ensure the safety of everyone. Their tasks usually included solving mysteries and slaying threats. They expected that this would also fall under their care, but the commander decided that training a hero, which was basically the job they were given, was not just for guardians. If they were tasked with eradicating the titan then it would be completely in their care. However, Raziel decided to call a special task force that would consist of members of various different skills, all working together to find out more about the threat, train the hero and prepare a plan B in case the visitors were completely wrong about their prophecy and their great hero turned out to be nothing more than just a young and confused lion.

  The team consisted of members of the Night Watch, researchers and messengers.

  The role of the Watch was to investigate the titan. Before they could make any further decisions they had to learn as much as possible about their target. Sen knew that he had to pick the right people for it, the most stealthy and perceptive ones. However, he would also be joining them, as he could not bear the thought that others would be risking their lives while he stayed at the headquarters.

  Him, Jax and Akumu ventured out as soon as the general meeting was over. They could feel the ground shake under their paws and tremors could be heard coming from a distance. They never had to go that far out before and the land quickly became unfamiliar. They stayed on alert all the while sneaking forward.

  - What do we do, if it just jumps out at us? - Jax asked conversationally.

  - It won't.

  Akumu rolled her eyes.

  - But what if?

  - We'll see it before it has a chance to spot us. It's a titan. It must be massive.

  - Are you sure, captain? - Akumu joined the conversation. A rare occasion, as the female prefered to keep to herself and did not mingle into other people's affairs. - It does not have to be large to be strong.

  The two males looked at her. She was smaller and thinner than them, but stronger and fiercer than anyone they knew.

  - You're right. I shouldn't have assumed.

  They stopped in the shade of a few green trees for a short break to drink and rest their paws. A small stream shimmered close by, giving the air a chill breeze and making a wonderfully peaceful sound. If only it wasn't interrupted by the tumbling of earth.

  - It's just, when I think of a titan I imagine this massive entity. They're supposed to be half gods, I think.

  - Really? - Jax says surprised. - I thought a titan was a type of a golem. Since this one's supposed to be super powerful I thought it'd be the size of an elephant at most. Man, I didn't need to have been looking so carefully.

  Sen made a mental note to always give his troops not just all the information he had, but also all of his assumptions because it turned out they could have very different ideas about the same thing. They continued onward and travelled a few more miles, but could not find the titan. The tremors stopped and when night fell, they returned home unsuccessful.

Land 2C. How does your pride interpret the newcomers on their land? Do they favor one city over another, or just dislike them both? Do they have a preference/bias towards one based on some element? (They're more unusual to them/they seem more aggressive/ect) 706/600

  Shortly after the young hero’s arrival Raziel held a meeting of the new task force, created solely to devote themselves to this situation. They had to figure out their next steps and that was much easier to do after gathering all of the available information.

  - What do we even know about the two cities? - Jax was anxious to know.

  Raziel looked at Lasan. The young black lion has been filling the role of the commander’s aid and representative more and more often.

  - Ah, yes. What we know about them is really just what they told us. As of right now we have no way of quickly checking whether they told the truth or if there is even a seed of fact in what they said. This creates a big problem and we understand that not many will want to help someone with no guarantee that they’re not being tricked.

  - However - Raziel interrupted calmly from his spot by the window. - Until we can check the legitimacy of their stories, we will have to trust that they were true.

  A quiet rumour of uncertain voices filled the room. Raziel did not waver and continued in his usual, kind and charismatic voice.

  - If the threat is real, it will be too late to prepare for it’s attack if we prioritize finding information. We need to start immediately. Judging by the tremors I am sure everyone’s heard and felt by now, we can assume that there is at least some credibility to the legends. That is why preparing for the worst will be our top priority.

  There were a few nods of agreement, but some eager researcher broke the silence that fell after the commander’s words with another question.

  - But sir, without information…

  He went quiet after Raziel turned his gaze on him. It was a gentle and curious look, but some lions got intimidated when addressed directly by the commander.

  - Of course, I do not deny the value and importance of information. We will choose a small unit whose task will be gathering intel. Which kingdom should they visit first? I would like to know your opinions.

  The lions looked around each other, some with anxiety at being given so much power and trust from the commander, others eager to show off their knowledge and ideas.

  - Lasan - the commander spoke again.

  - Yes, sir?

  - Since we were the only two at the scene when the outsiders arrive, why don’t you tell everyone what we know so far?

  - Alright, sir. There is the underwater land, ruled by a strong lion called Neptune. He did not seem like a bad man. Rather caring and genuinely concerned about the safety of his people. I think he would be willing to cooperate with us. However, there is one problem that going under water will be much harder than climbing the chain upwards. We would require a strong magician to provide out people with water breathing before we can send them in.

  Everyone listened to Lasan’s speech. He felt a little intimidated, but confident in what he knew and he really wanted to do what he could to help out his pride. Also he did not want to disappoint the commander. Raziel was his idol and Lasan took great pride in working with him.

  - The other one is the sky kingdom. The lady who rules it, Allana, is very straightforward and a little crude in her way of speaking. She gave me the impression that she may be hiding some facts that she did not want discovered because she didn’t feel they are crucial to us. She didn’t seem like someone easy to convince to share their knowledge and maybe even secrets.

  He looked at Raziel for confirmation and the lion nodded his head slightly.

  - Gentleman. Now that you know the facts, who would like to share their opinion first?

  They spent the next hour listening to all the members and finally coming to conclusion that they would send two teams, one to each land. Lasan had a feeling that it was the commander’s intention from the beginning. Perhaps he didn’t want to order his people and wait for them to follow him blindly, but make them think for themselves and come to a mutual agreement.

Sea 2B. What does it mean to be a "hero" in your pride/group. How do they explain this to their guest? How does it differ from what the 'hero' already thinks? Does their explanation mean anything to the hero or change their perspective at all? flatcolour fullbody


- That's not a hero.

- But he looks so cool!

- Yeah, I wanna be a hero like that!