Raging Sea, Storming Skies

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
10 13123

Chapter 4
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

a collection of Night Watch / Purradise Lost summer 2021 event prompts

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Day 4

Sky 4A. A new challenge arrives! Someone's got to go up to the sky city to enlist help, who's going up the long journey up the chain to the flying city above and why? What do they bring with them or how do they prepare? 210/200

  The pride has held a meeting in which they decide that two teams will be sent out, one to each of the cities. Raziel, Jax and Lasan were picked to be the ones to visit the land in the Sky. Raziel would go as their representative, the commander and the one in charge. In the lions eyes it made sense that if someone should speak to the ruler of the city it should be the commander. He decided to bring Las along in the form of an investigator. Las wasn’t officially part of the research group, but the commander saw great potential in him. The youngster was bright and perceptive. Having been raised by the Night Watch he knew many of their tactics and his mind could think very much like Sen’s - inquisitively and curiously, but without Sen’s dose of irony and exhaustion. Jax was to be their guardian. They did not expect to need one, but it was a wise choice to bring one nonetheless. Jaxeris was very excited for the trip. At least until he found out that everyone would be getting a day off to go exploring and now instead of doing what he wanted he was stuck on the job and had to follow the commander.

Sky 4B. The sky city is a massive place full of all sorts of new spots! What do they think of this place? What things do they see? 414/400

  When presented with the idea of a Sky City most lions imagined it being on top of clouds. The city was in fact a large island that looked like a piece of land was forcefully ripped out from the rest and hoisted off into the sky. According to the legend this might have actually happened. From the ground below the island looked much smaller, especially most of it was hidden by fluffy white clouds.

  At the top of the island stood a large castle. It was surrounded by smaller buildings, all looking a little haphazardly made. It reminded the lions of their own headquarters, but those had many more metal parts and chimneys billowing out grey smoke. Lasan made a mental note to ask around whether the island was mechanically powered to stay afloat or if there was magic helping it or both. Their intention was to visit the ruler of the city first, but they couldn’t resist visiting some other places first. Jax stopped sulking about not getting a day off and was watching everything in awe, pointing to various interesting locations. Lasan followed after him, his eyes sparkling with excitement. As the leader, Raziel graciously agreed to to look around on their way to the castle.

  First, they stopped at the marketplace. It was a circular area made of cobblestone with a fountain in the centre. Many colourful shopping stalls were scattered around and merchants waved over to them, inviting them to buy their goods. The group definitely stood out of the crowd and was getting interested and wary looks. All three lions had dark, grey and black pelts. While there were so darker creatures among the sky folk, they all had wings or at least feathers in their furs, often very colourful and bright. Raziel did not allow his troop to buy anything because it wouldn’t be very professional to arrive at the queen’s court with bags filled with dubious contraptions.

  Jax ensured the merchants they would visit again on their way back and together they made their way onward, heading for the castle. On their way they stopped to observe another, smaller floating island, tied to this one by a chain, similar to the one that descended from the sky and attached itself to their territory. Around it many lions and cat flew holding weapons and doing mock fights with each other, training their skills. They suspected this was the Sky Guard whose help they were about to ask for.

Sky 4C. How does their journey to the leaders of this new land play out? Where do your pride/group members even start? How long does it take them to find their way there and effective are they at convincing them to send back up? 610/600

  Their journey was long and eventful. Even thought they left their home with the first rays of the morning sun they arrived by the castle when it was already close to setting. Or maybe it only seemed that way because they were so high up above the clouds.

  The walk up the large chain was hard and a little frightening. The earth down below looked smaller and an eventual fall longer and more deadly with every step. It took them at least a couple hours. It tired their paws, not used to walking on cold metal, doing their best to grip it’s slippery surface with their claws when the wind picked up and rusted their furs, scaring to push them off. Any exhaustion and fear they felt however, disappeared when they finally reached the island. All of the wonders of the unknown world and it’s citizens pushed those feelings to the side to make way for excitement and awe.

  Right now urgent matter had to be prioritised, but both Lasan and Jax were already making plans to visit different places of the island and learn more about the life on it. They wanted to find out more about their magic and the weird machinery they could see on almost every street. For now though, they arrived at the long steps leading to the large, wooden castle doors. They announced their purpose and a guard let them inside. Another one escorted them to the throne room. The queen was having an audience with someone else so they had to wait their turn in a long, stone corridor, nicely carpeted and decorated with painting in rich-looking frames. Finally, they were let in.

  - Visitors from the Land! - they were announced by a guard who escorted them and who now left the room, shutting the door behind him.

  Jax and Lasan felt a little intimidated to be in a presence of a queen, but their commander looked just as calm as ever. On the contrary, he appeared like he belonged.

  The queen welcomed them, but wasn’t overly hospitable. She knew of the existence of the “land-dwellers”, as she called them, but had no interest in them beyond that. She also didn’t appear to be so sure abut the credibility of the tale of the great hero and that they would save them all. She seemed to be much more practical and was building up armies and defences to fight the titan when the time came.

  - My name is Raziel, Commander of the Alliance of Dreams and Nightmares. This is my assistant, Lasan and Jaxeris, constable of the Night Watch.

  Jax’s ears fell a bit, his title seemed so insignificant compared to theirs. Lasan on the other hand seemed to straighten up proudly after being called an assistant.

  Her tone seemed to shift a little and her interest grow after she heard Raziel tell her about the Alliance. The queen appeared to be in it’s hierarchy and structure as a different form of ruling other than monarchy.

  - Thank you for the audience, Queen Walstrand - Raziel said, bowing his head. - You are welcome to visit our land if you decide to “involve” yourself with it.

  The queen seemed to not be bothered by the sass in his voice, but instead appreciate it. Perhaps she liked people that knew what they wanted and were not afraid to take it, instead of begging for help. She smirked and nodded goodbye.

  They were escorted out of the castle and shown a way to the air brigade headquarters. Lasan was very excited to see it because from what they’ve heard, it was like the Sky’s equivalent of the Night Watch.

Sea 4A. Your pride discusses visiting the sea kingdom... what do they think it would be like? What do they expect they would find? fullbody sketch


They expect to be eaten.