Raging Sea, Storming Skies

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
10 13123

Chapter 6
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

a collection of Night Watch / Purradise Lost summer 2021 event prompts

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Day 6

Sea 6B. Your hero's starting to become more comfortable on land. How much has changed since they first arrived? How do they feel about the land now? 421/400

  Flying above the treetops, Faye thought about how much has changed within the last few days. He remembered his not so graceful first appearance. He was carried onto land on a pedestal like a real hero should be. When he was meant to gracefully walk down from it, he promptly fell over on the ground. He didn't expect his paws to move the way they did. He was used to flying and swimming, but walking was a whole new world. Most recently he lived under the sea and found it awkward that his legs now had to carry the weight of his body. The air felt weird. Swimming, he felt pressure against his fur and had to move all four paws to push himself to move. On land his paws had to be much more straight and they felt as if they were just sort of.. flailing around. He tried to swim while lying on the ground, but it just did not work. All he managed was to ridicule himself as he moved his paws back and forth over dirt and grass. After that he stood up. It reminded him of living in the sky city. Although whenever traveling from place to place, a lot of his teaching was done on the island where he had to walk. He tried to recall that feeling. He lifted himself up onto all fours and felt them shake under his weight. Paw after paw he took his first steps, feeling ground and shrubbery underneath.

  It was only a few days ago, but it seemed like such a distant feeling. There were still things on the land that made him wonder, but for the most part, he was used to it. He learnt to climb trees and rocks, walk over fallen logs and jump over puddles. He felt like a pretty accomplished land-dweller now. Although raised in the cities of sky and sea, he was positive that now he’d be able to mix in with the locals and noone would be the wiser. Somewhat to test those skills he landed on top of a large tree. His claws extended, grabbing around a thick branch. The leaves tickled him and it wasn’t easy for his large body to stand firmly on a narrow branch, but he did it. It was a nice feeling. He definitely didn’t want to lose it. He never really thought about what he would do after the whole titan things, but now that he considered it, he’d like to visit the land again.