Raging Sea, Storming Skies

3 years, 19 days ago
3 years, 8 days ago
10 13123

Chapter 3
Published 3 years, 19 days ago

a collection of Night Watch / Purradise Lost summer 2021 event prompts

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Day 3

Sky 3B. They are interesting at least. We should use this opportunity to do a bit of research... Anyone want to volunteer to see what we can learn about them? Who's in charge of that, and what do they learn? 405/400

  - Each group should consist of an investigator, a guardian and a leader. Any volunteers?

  The pride was discussing their plans of researching the old legend, finding out whether the visitors could be trusted as allies and ways of defeating the titan. They have concluded that two teams will be assembled and each will visit one of the cities. It was a responsible job, meaning that not just anyone could do it, but many would want to. For some lion exploring a different world would be a welcome change from their daily life of office work. Others though, would rather never leave their desks.

  - I’ll go! - Jax was the first to offer. - I can lead either of the groups or be their guardian. Heck, I’ll even do research if I have to.

  He was clearly eager for an adventure. He wasn’t used to being coped up inside and loved travelling to interesting places.

  - Commander - Lasan was the second to speak. - I think you should lead one of the parties. It will look good in their eyes that, like them, we have also sent our leader to be the representative. And I think your skills will be very helpful in negotiations with the argumentative leader of the Sky City.

  Almost everyone noticed the way he said “skills” without actually mentioning what skills they were. Lasan meant something along the lines of “great charisma”, but what Jax thought he implied was “being an absolute prick”.

  Raziel nodded his head. He had a soft smile on his lips and gave the impression of a gentleman watching a play he’d already seen. You were almost surprised that he didn’t make quiet comments from time to time like “ah, yes, here comes my favourite part”.

  - That’s one party settled then. Onto the next.

  - Um, sir, that’s only two.

  - You will accompany us, Lasan.

  - Oh.

  The young lion looked in surprise from him to Jaxeris. He would have to play the role of the researcher then, even though he wasn’t officially part of the squad yet, he merely showed an interest in joining. Las didn’t expect he’d be picked.

  - Yes, commander.

  They talked for a little longer, finally choosing members for the second group and creating plans for both. They would leave early morning and split, one going up the chains into the clouds, the other would descend into the waves after a spell granting water breathing would be cast on them.

Land 3A. The constant attacks have demoralized some of the pride members... how does the leader in charge keep everyone inspired and hopeful? 287/200

  After the meeting everyone cleared out of the room leaving only Raziel and Lasan. They stepped out of the hall and went up the long rows of stairs leading into the commander’s office. There Raziel took a position by the window and looked out onto the setting sun.

  - In trying times such as these we should consider a way of raising everyone’s morale. What would you say about the current mood in the pride?

  Lasan was getting used to Raziel asking his opinion on all sorts of different matters. The way their chats went was a little strange, though. It was almost like Raziel was talking to himself out loud and Lasan was his inner voice, confirming his assumptions or saying ideas that were already in his head, just had to be spoken out. Lasan wondered why that was. Was the commander testing whether they thought similarly? Or was he hoping that Las would come up with something he himself hadn’t thought of?

  - They all seem rather excited, some even eager for a fight. You saw how Jaxeris was today.

  - You are thinking of the Night Watch. You need to consider the bigger picture. How is Sia?

  Lasan thought about it and about the general feel of the whole Alliance.

  - She seems anxious about the potential of a new battle.

  Raziel nodded.

  - We need to make sure out people aren’t stuck at their posts imagining the worst. He have sent scouting troops to the cities, but I think we ought to let everyone visit for a day. Just to explore and have fun. It will calm them down or at least busy their thoughts.

  - It will also make us look less suspicious.

  Raziel grinned and nodded again.

Sea 3A. No skimping on training! Your hero needs to find some armor. They have a weapon- but without any protection they'll be useless! What do they use to protect themselves? Armor, or just their natural speed or strength? 000/200


They learn to cast the shield charm.

Sea 3B. Look at you! Your hero is finally making some progress, I can even count a muscle or two- What has your hero learned about themselves through training, and what part of training is their favorite/favored element? 456/400

  Sia requested to be Faye’s teacher for the day. She was not a fighter and could not teach him any combat or even magic. She earned her power by paying a steep price for it and could not share it with others because only those chosen by the Light were able to handle it. Yet, she had a lot of knowledge about the history of the land and wanted to tell Faye about it so early in the morning Lasan and the hero met up with her in front of the headquarters.

  Sia had a portal set up specially for them and took them through it to the bottom of a beautiful green mountain. While they slowly made their way up, she told the legend dreams and the war between them and nightmares. She also told the story of her own pride and how she discovered to bring peace back into the land.

  - Does it remind you of anything? - she asked when they reached the top of the mountain.

  Faye thought for a moment.

  - Two forces in combat for centuries over a reason noone remembers. They fight, even though they’re the same. It’s similar to the war between Sky and Sea.

  Sia nodded her head with satisfaction. Everyone fell silent for a few minutes, lost in their own thoughts and looking out onto the plains bathed in the golden and red light of the sun that just began to set.

  - It’s all very interesting, but when will I begin my training?

  - That was it.

  Faye looked at Sia in surprise.

  - But… - he started uncertainly. - There were no books and no fighting. You didn’t tell me to memorize anything, just asked me questions.

  - Well, was that not enough? Have you not learned anything today?

  Faye furrowed his brown and thought deeply about what the lioness told him today. About all the misery and pain the war brought upon the lions. About the conflict being completely pointless from the beginning.

  - I have learned that… - they started, their face still deep in thought. - War… is bad?

  Sia laughed.

  - Yes! Oh, you sweet child, you learned your most important lesson today. I’m so good at this. I should be a teacher.

  She padded her chest with her paw and theatrically wiped a non-existent tear out of her eye to mark just how proud she was.

  - That will be enough for today. You can play while we make our way back. He have to travel down the hill for the portal. I set them up down the hill to set the atmosphere so I could tell you the story while we walked. Might not have been the best idea. Oh well. Better run before it disappears! - And she sprinted off, laughing.