Story of a Ghost

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
3 5434

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

A spirit lingers in the halls of the Li Santis Mansion.

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"Who's Artemis?"



Tevlen turned to gawk at her, seemingly unaware and uncaring of the porcelain shards that now littered the floor - shards that had once been a plate. 

Skyla cocked an eyebrow.

"Who's Artemis?" She repeated.

Yellow eyes darted around as if searching for a hidden motive - or being. Not that he would find one. 

"Who-" Tevlen cut himself off with a growl and a shake of his head. "Where did you hear that name?"

"Not from B, so stop worrying about that."

Tension dissipated from his shoulders even as his face remained impassive. He dropped to a knee and began to pick up the pieces of porcelain. Skyla crouched beside him, offering her silent help.

The two worked together in silence, interrupted only by the clink of broken ceramics falling into the bin. Tevlen stood up, rubbing a hand over his face as Skyla carefully swept up any pieces that were too small to be safely picked up by hand.

Only once Skyla was completely finished did Tevlen speak again.

"I will tell you about her." He said slowly. "But just not… here. I do not want to taint her name with this place."

Skyla nodded.

"Lemme give you a hand then."

Tevlen led her into the woods. 

It was hardly surprising considering no matter which direction you headed from the mansion, you'd always end up in the woods. 

But this was no random direction picked on a whim, and they weren't heading towards the main roads as Skyla was familiar with.

No, Tevlen was heading in a very deliberate direction, following a path only he knew. And he was doing it in silence too. It was a little concerning for Skyla. 

More than once, she tried to ask where they were going but Tevlen only ever responded with a grunt. 

Deeper and deeper into the woods they walked. The Gloomy Forest certainly lived up to its name. Light became dimmer and more scarce as they moved. Mottled sunlight hit the forest floor, blanketed in moss and fallen leaves. Their foot fall was silent (just as they had been trained) only the gentle sway of leaves in the breeze and distant bubbling of a brook. It would be a peaceful scene, if it weren't for the anxiety thrumming through her veins. Tevlen's face was a mask of serenity but Skyla knew him better than that. The tense lines of his back muscles told her all she needed to know.

He was just as anxious as she was.

"We're here." He suddenly announced.

He turned sharply, passing through a curtain of vines and mosses. 

Skyla followed him.

The forest parted slightly, leaving a large weeping willow to dominate the space. It's leaves were a light shade of green that leaned more towards blue. Each were small, thin, with soft edges. The tree's vines draped down around them, brushing against the ground and providing a barrier from the outside. Soft grass and ferns grew under the tree, short and stunted by lack of light but healthy and thriving nonetheless. 

Tevlen walked over to the tree's large trunk. He placed a hand on its gnarled surface, almost petting it like he was trying to soothe a horse, softly whispering something in a language she did not understand. (A lie. She knew enough to translate snippets of what he said. It was the only privacy she could offer her friend.)

"I buried her here." Tevlen's voice was sharp and loud against the soft blanket of silence that Skyla had been accustomed to. "As is our custom - not that I could give her a full burial ceremony, that would require a clan. A clan I do not have."

Skyla knew bits and pieces of Tevlen's background, small tibbits the Shourinokobi either let slip or outright told her. So she was aware of the loss of the clan he grew up in (though she didn't know how or why) and that trying to save someone was how he ended up in Bastet's possession.

"Artemis was…" Skyla said slowly as pieces fell into place in her mind. "The one you sacrificed yourself for, wasn't she?"

Tevlen blinked and nodded slowly.

"Your childhood friend."

"Aye." Tevlen agreed softly. "Well, she was more than that to me. We fledged together, hunted together, survived together - we should have died together."

His voice cracked and shoulders tensed. He turned away, facing towards the small stream.

"I loved her."

His words, though quiet as a whisper, struck an understanding into her yet something was still missing. Something even Tevlen himself didn't seem to realise. Skyla would have to pick her words carefully, she did not want to upset or offend the other (any more than necessary but sometimes just ripping the plaster off was the best method.)

"Did you love her or were you in love with her?"

Joints cracked loudly as Tevlen sharply turned to face her again. His face dropped in a mix of disbelief and betrayal.

"Are you doubting what I am telling you?" His tone was carefully controlled in an attempt to hide his true emotions.

"No." Skyla answered evenly. "I need clarification. Love is not just one note. So did you love her or were you in love with her?"

A flick of the ear - a signal of frustration even as his face remained the same.

"What's the difference?" He shrugged. 

Skyla gawked at him. 

Surely he wasn't serious? He couldn't be so out of touch with his own emotions and feelings that even Skyla knew more.

"You're joking right?" 

Tevlen huffed loudly.

"Does this seem like a laughing matter to you, lass?"

"No but it's just someone that even a child would understand-"

A growl tried to interrupt her but Skyla was no shrinking coward. She was not new to Tevlen's tactics. His growl was answered with one of her own.

"Don't give me that crap." She snapped back. 

Ears pressed back as Tevlen finally took a step towards her, shoulders set apart as he attempted to tower over her (but despite his physical height he could never loom over Skyla as he did with so many others).

"Bringing you here was clearly a mistake." He said coldly. 

"Quit being dramatic and let me explain." Skyla rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. 

The two were locked in a glaring match, yellow eyes battling against blue and red. It was a battle Tevlen would always lose. 

With a small growl (aimed mostly at himself) he turned away, hands thrown up in defeat. Skyla spared him a sympathetic smile before she spoke again.

"Look, Tev." She tried again. "You're like a brother to me - you can really piss the hell out of me some days but I still love you. But I'm not in love with you, you get what I'm saying?"

She paused for a second to glance around her surroundings. They were most likely alone but it never hurts to be cautious. She dropped her voice down, so only Tevlen could hear her next words.

"Theta, I love. I both love her and am in love with her."

He stared at her. Her words tumbled around in his mind, disrupting everything he had thought he'd known.

"I… I'm not sure now." He admitted.

She walked over to him, silent as always, and lay a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"It can be hard to tell the difference sometimes." She nodded sympathetically. "When you grow up with someone like that; family yet not family. The lines can become uncertain."

Silence fell between them. The brook continued to bubble softly as the water flowed steadily. Above their heads a song bird sang with his mate. Life continued around them.

Leaves rustled as Tevlen sat down at the base of the willow tree. 

"How did you find out her name?" He asked. "I have never told you it."

Skyla shifted her weight from one foot to the other, scarred hand cupping the back of her neck and running her fingers through the short hair there. Sharp teeth bit into her lip before she finally decided to speak.

"You ain't gonna believe me." Was all she could say.

An eyebrow was raised as Tevlen crossed both his arms and legs. He gestured with a hand for her to continue.

"Try me."

"A ghost told me."

A worm could be heard burrowing in the dirt and leaves in the silence that fell. Tevlen stared at her, his expression unreadable even to her. A cold breeze blew across their faces, ruffling Tevlen's hair (it was unable to affect her heavier, gelled hair despite its best efforts). 

For a heartbeat she thought he wasn't going to say or do anything - just sit there, limbs crossed, closed off until they were summoned back to the mansion.

He didn't believe her.

Why would he? 

It was a ludicrous idea. 

As far as she knew, he didn't believe in ghosts. He'd lived in the mansion far longer than she had yet had never seen any sign of the spirit that walked the halls. He had no reason to believe her.

"Look, I know it sounds ridiculous." She cut off his protest. "But I ain't bullshitting you. She's a Kamishiba, grey fur with a white belly and black streak over her shoulders and eyes. Instead of fur she had feathers - over the back of her neck, paws, and tail tip."

All colour drained from Tevlen's face as her description continued. 

Tevlen, typically able to shut off his emotions at a moment's notice, able to withstand abuse from Bastet without a twitch, Tevlen who seemed all but unwavering in his control. Tevlen was shaking.

"This is not funny any more, Skyla." His voice quivered - with barely contained rage or tears. "I don't know who has told you about this but you need to stop this, now. Your joke has gone too far."

"I'm not fucking joking Tev!" Skyla shouted. "I wouldn't joke about something like this!"

The scoff Tevlen gave was so full of venom that Skyla was taken back. She flinched back as he stormed past her, twigs snapping violently under his boots as he went.

"Tevlen wait!" She cried out as grasped his wrist. "Just-"

He violently tugged his wrist out of her hand.

"Do not touch me." He hissed lowly.

Willow branches were thrown aside by Tevlen's arm.

"I can prove it!" Was Skyla's last ditch attempt at begging.

Tevlen froze, shoulders tense in a way that had nothing to do with the sweeping motion his arm was stuck in.

But he wasn't walking away. Skyla had a chance.

"Give me a message - a question. Something only Artemis would know."

Only the birds sang as Skyla held her breath, eyes pinned to Tevlen's static form. All she needed was a chance to prove what she said was true. He could hate her all he wanted after but she was not going to let him believe she was carrying out a cruel joke.

"Ask her…" He finally answered. "Ask her who was the best hunting team in the clan."

He left without a backwards glance.