
Welcome newbie!

Welcome! Be sure to join our discord server and check out the rest of the species info.

Creachwings are a Wings of Fire fan species located on their own little island far off the coast of Pantala. Inspired by bugs and other small lovely beings!

Find us on:


Void Owner

Hey guys I'm Void! my special interests are DnD/Critical Role, Animals, and art! I love character design especially :] I watch a lot of forged in fire and consume a lot of true crime content.
Name Admin | Co-founder | Staff

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.
Name Admin | Co-founder | Staff

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.
Name Admin | Co-founder | Staff

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.
Name Admin | Co-founder | Staff

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.

The masterlist can be found under the characters tab of the world!

  • Creaches can be submitted to the masterlist using the form and channel found on the discord server, please accept the invitation to add your character to the world after it's sent.
  • We are working on other ways to submit to the masterlist, but for now please use the discord

Change in ownership

There may be openings in staff soon due to some retirements!

DTA || Ends August 30th

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Event || Date

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.


Questions about the rules are to be directed towards staff on our discord server

  • You may not create a creachwing without a MYO
  • Redesigns must still be recognizable to the original design and major redesigns must be approved by staff
  • Be respectful to staff
  • Do not sell creachwings for more than their approximate worth (including commissioned art)
  • Creachwings must be added to the masterlist before being traded or sold

Questions about TOS are to be directed towards staff on our discord server

  • Please respect individual artist's TOS
  • Do not involve the species in drama
  • -
  • -
  • -

How can I get a Creach?

Creachwings can be obtained from staff adoptables, events, or through purchasing MYO tickets.

Are staff positions open?

Not currently, an announcement will be made about auditions if staff or guest designers are needed.

Can I include my creach in AUs or headworlds?

Yes absolutely!

General Physiology and Lore

General Physiology

Extreamly hardy, Creachwings are stocky and robust with thick scales. Delicate gills evolved to filter water and bad air alike flank their bodies and support their semi-aquatic lifestyle. Blunt claws and protective flaps above their gills make Creaches excellent diggers. When not in swampland or close to bodies of water they are most often found dug into the cool earth to avoid the heat of the day. Most Creachwings are active between late evening and early morning. Their eyes are small with big pupils and are easily irritated by bright light.

Heavy bodies and small wings do not allow for sustained flight in almost all Creachwings. Their wings are easily folded close to their body for digging and swimming. Strong thumbs with curved claws at the wrist of the wing aid in any climbing or scouring for food. Many creachwings are venomous and their venom most commonly causes muscle spasms and paralysis, permanent tissue damage, intense stinging and itching in other dragons. A small portion of the population are able to breath poisonous gas from their venom glands instead of injecting the toxin. Creachwings are immune to the toxin, regardless of the dilivery method.

General Lore

Creaches can be found in small autonomous groups scattered around Ubeca. Their society values collaboration and sharing resources as well as group independence. Group v Group conflict is not uncommon, but does not usually escalate into continuous violence

Skills are passed down generationally and young dragonets are expected to choose a craftsman to apprentice by young adulthood. Some skills have been passed down exclusively though family lines.



Creachwing eggs are incredibly sensitive to moisture and temperature. An entire community often pitches in to keep eggs in safe environmental conditions. Dragonets are born with crinkled wings and underdeveloped gill flaps to protect their gills from dirt and other irritants. They began life scuttling around like caterpillars on all six legs but graduate to walking on four as the center pair stop growing as fast.

Some communities have group classes about nature, community, and other important things for young dragonets. Otherwise it falls on the parents to prepare the baby for adulthood.


99% of Creaches are intersex, meaning both male and female, so couples often each have an egg at the same time. Many familes have even numbers of dragonets as a result.

As soon as they're old enough, dragonets go everywhere with their parents and learn about life this way. So skrunkly.


Creachwings are omnivorous and will eat almost anything they find. Common foods include roots, marine vegitation, and fruit along with large arthropods and slugs. A specific grub known as a 'grubslink' found deep in damp soil are considered a delicacy. Creaches will also eat eggs, small animals, and even carrion when given the chance.


Myths and Religion

Once every era, a Creachwing egg exposed to the three full moons is hatched with unusual traits and abilities. Widely referred to as Moon-Touched, these dragonets are born with wings capable for flight, strong bioluminescence, and the ability to infuse objects with light at a touch. Moon-Touched Creachwings are seen as an omen of change and good fortune, though some believe them to be a figment of legend.


World Map

World info

Creachwings are the dominant species of Ubeca, a continent located roughly off the coast of Pantala. Some theorize that Creachwings have Beetlewing and Seawing ancestry due to this proximity.


  • Biomes range from marshes, woodlands, and sandy beaches to winding cave systems. The island's climate is overall humid.
  • Ubeca is smaller than half the size of Pantala.
  • Creachwings have limited trade with Pantala as well as a few far-traveling Seawings. It isn't unusual for a Creach to go their entire life without seeing a dragon from another tribe.


Trait info

  • Standard horns
  • Standard wings
  • Standard frill
  • Spiked or curved horns
  • Bug/Butterfly wings
  • Long tail
  • Spiked frill
  • Multiple horns
  • Four wings
  • Fluffy frill
  • Live tail
  • Venomous quills
  • Albinism/Melinism/Piebald
  • Double tail/head
Mutation info

Live tail







How does Currency work?

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Ways to Earn

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.


Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.


Ways to earn is....

Real Money
  • PayPal/Points/Any Other currency
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Insert Requirements for Art
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Cras turpis ex, cursus sed lacus vel, congue gravida dui.
  • Pellentesque sapien dolor, congue id sagittis id, ullamcorper in enim. Nunc pulvinar posuere sapien sit amet porta.


Designed by Designer

Click here to find OP.

Seller: Username
  • DeviantArt
  • Discord
Looking for
  • Money
  • Art
  • Character
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Special Mention

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Cras turpis ex, cursus sed lacus vel, congue gravida dui.
  • Pellentesque sapien dolor, congue id sagittis id, ullamcorper in enim. Nunc pulvinar posuere sapien sit amet porta.

Made by MoonLotus-Hime | HTML Link >Special thanks for all code used<

Extra: Lil thanks to Saphflora editing this to make it Mobile friendly.