Warrior Cats RP's Bulletins

New Roleplay World

Posted 1 year, 1 day ago by CinnaBee

So as majority voted here is the new Roleplay world, DM me for moderator/Admit positions begin the floodgates my fellows!


Important Question PT. 2

Posted 1 year, 3 days ago by CinnaBee

Yay or Nay?

7 Votes Yes
0 Votes No

So, would you all be interested in migrating to a new world and just keep this as an archive? It would make sense, since then a active user can handle owner duties because, I don’t think Ice_Wing’s coming back, it most likely wouldn’t be as extensive but we could just keep it a bit more simple, thoughts?

- Cinn 🐝

Announcement (Please read | Very Important)

Posted 1 year, 4 days ago by CinnaBee

Read below!

2 Votes Yes (Soft Reboot)
2 Votes Yes (Hard Reboot)
0 Votes Yes (Keep it the way it is)
0 Votes No

(This died lol ;~;)

Hello fellow members!

As we all know, this kinda died, which is sad, because I think we all enjoyed being able to roleplay with eachother and make new friends, tell stories, and enjoy warriors. So why not try and bring it back? We all had fun doing it (At least I hope) and it was a real shame it died.

Why don’t we hold a vote, we have three options

Option 1: Just start back up

We keep it the way it is, meaning we just pick it up and keep going from where it dropped off, just keep it moving as intended.

Option 2: Soft Reboot

What I mean by that is we keep the fan clans and tribes if their owners want, we keep most everything established, but it’s just fresh and kinda new establishment, we set up a new plot or can keep the plot running, just reset it if majority wants, all it does is just gets it fresh and new.

Option 3: Hard Reboot

This is a rather extreme option, but a way this could be done is we take everything back, all the clans are reset (Ex: Gorgeclan is just a rogue band), meaning all the leader spots are reopened, medicine cat roles are open, etc, we start a new story, it’s just a complete new start, like a new save file. On top of that we could “archive” the original threads in a separate part.

Option 4: Everyone’s Input!

Comment suggestions

P.S: I’m on hard reboot side

Thanks for reading

- Cinn 🐝

Art Fight 2023

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Lulu_Brandybuck

What team are you going to be on?

3 Votes Team Vampires!
2 Votes Team Werewolves!
0 Votes Whichever! (I don't do Early Bird selections)
1 Votes I won't be participating this year.

Hey everyone!

Just curious... What teams will you be on this year (if you're participating)?
Personally, I'm on Team Vampires!

Also, feel free to link AFs if you'd like >:3

^^There's mine

~ Lulu


Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Ice_Wing

So I became homeless for 2 months but finally have a place agian so over moving in and settling into do school happens I’ll be back officially :3

-Many loves from Ice_Wing

Clan Wars event opening!

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by CinnaBee


The official thread for the Roleplay, only mediations, battles or anything involving two or more clans are to be in that thread, all other event specific rps only involving in specific clans shall be in their respective forums/threads.

We need your help! (IMP)

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by CinnaBee

Monthly Events?

3 Votes Yes, we should keep doing them
0 Votes Yes, but only once
4 Votes Maybe, let’s see how this one goes
1 Votes No, let’s not do one
0 Votes No, never do one

So, in attempts to revitalize the world, how would monthly events sound?

This Month’s event

The clan wars, the tension between Windclan and Thunderclan has finally come to a head, resulting in war between the two, how long will it be before the other clans join?

Now that I got y’all’s attention

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by CinnaBee

How about a clan war? Windclan,  Gorgeclan and Riverclan Vs. Thunderclan, Shadowclan and Meadowclan?



Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by CinnaBee

Hello everyone, just trying to revive the world, type polo if you read this!
