Clan Roleplays

Tribe Roleplays

The Hidden Claw

Rp threads for The hidden claw
127 Posts

The Rising Sun

Tribe of the Rising Sun
0 Posts

The Knowing Moon

Tribe of the Knowing moon.
0 Posts

Out of Clan Roleplays

Separate Rps

For 1x1s, Forbinned shipped meetings, The medicine cats form only, Medicine cat and Warrior ship meetings and such
46 Posts


Anything at Highstones or the cats going there
82 Posts


OOC(Out of character) Thread

The disscuion and events and what not
416 Posts

Event planning

Planning events such as (but not limited to) Battles, Moonpool meetings, and omens
65 Posts

Talking to Admin/Mods

This is an area if you have a question or if you have a concern, Asking about Mentors and Apprentices.
3 Posts

Looking For

OC Info/Relationships

Any OC info and Relationship searching. Relationship search can consist of Family, Mates, Friends, Adoptive family memebers
77 Posts