Prey in the clans

Thunderclan-  mice, voles, squirrels, and the occasional rabbit, as well as birds such as starlings, magpies, wood pigeons, blackbirds, and thrushes.

Skyclan- eating mainly squirrels, mice, voles, and many kinds of birds.

Riverclan- They eat mainly fish, but they also eat water voles, shrews, and mice.

Shadowclan- Their main prey is reptiles and amphibians, such as lizards and frogs. They also hunt rats from this area when prey is scarce.

Windclan- Preferred Prey: Rabbits and hares are commonplace and take up most of the prey, but Windclan's prey pile can also have larks, thrushes and the occasional field mouse.

Gorgeclan- ??

Redstar's Rouges- ??

Meadowclan- Crows, Mice, other kinds of birds, Rabbits