

When you've finished a MYO design or want to update an existing one, before you post it to Toyhouse, please have it approved by the group first!

To do so, please complete the form on this page and send it in a message to our moderator account, curiocabinet. Be sure to send the transparent or solid-background version of your artwork; do not include the registration sheet.

You can also submit changes in ownership! If you trade, resell, or gift your curio, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can keep the masterlist up to date.

Updating your curio's design? Be sure to use the Edit Guide when doing so.

Submission Form

Proof of MYO Slot/design: [masterlist entry OR Trading Post purchase comment]
New design: [new art of your design, transparent or solid background]
List of traits: [list all traits above common here]
Tracker: [link to tracker if using items]
Art/design credit: [if you did not draw/design it yourself, please include who did!]