Discord Server (limited time entry)

Posted 2 months, 12 days ago by PlanetMagni

Hello everyone! As a treat, I've decided to open the server early. This link is only valid for seven days/1 week.  


Please keep in mind that the server is not yet finished and there are still certain things missing, such as lore and shops. I figured I would open it early for the handful of folks who want to hop in and just have a place to chat about Grims for now! 

As always, we have a suggestions channel that is free to use, as well as our QnA channel if anyone has any questions. 

This is not the reopening ceremony, this is just a sort of limited beta test while I keep trucking on. We still have a lot planned for you loyal visitors of Planet Magni, promise!

I am still recovering from illness and have doctor's appointments, but I really wanted to give y'all a treat! ;o;

Grims Update

Posted 2 months, 21 days ago by PlanetMagni

Hello everyone, it's the primary owner of Grims. In the past 6 months, my life has been very stressful with health, family, and grieving. I don't think I'll be able to update the species in the way that I want to in a reasonable timeframe without risking interest for this species running dry. 

I'm willing to open the new Discord group and get art prompts and currency going as long as everyone is alright with the knowledge that Grims may undergo changes in the future. 

Right now Grims would still function mostly like it used to with some minor structural and lore changes. I just simply do not have the energy to create art assets and planned NPCs. :"( I care about Grims and everyone very much, and I am always thankful for everyone's patience. 

I want to repay every single one of you somehow for your kindness, patience, and continued interest in Grims. I hope the Discord will be enough for that, for now, if there is enough interest. 

If you're interested in joining the Discord, or have any ideas on what we can do, please feel free to leave a comment or PM us.  

Announcing Indefinite Hiatus!

Posted 9 months, 10 days ago by PlanetMagni

Hello, co-owner of Grims here! Wanted to drop this here with permission of the owner!

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I have addressed the community. I’m sad to say that the Grims species will be going on hiatus for a while. I have been unable to do my work as the owner since our early and not-well-planned-out relaunch.

Admittedly, we relaunched way too early. We did not have anything ready and we were too anxious to share Grims and the world of Planet Magni with you all. However, this has caused a lot of stress amongst staff and myself especially.

I won’t go into exhaustive detail, but I have lost 2 very important family members in the span of 2 months. I am only a month shy of grieving the 2nd lost family member. It is incredibly difficult for me and I simply have not been able to function at all. Grims staff have been wonderful in helping me, but they have busy and turbulent lives as well. We have fallen behind a lot, we had many things planned but just not enough time, energy, or resources to do them…

It’s for this reason that I’m announcing the indefinite hiatus of Grims, so that I may work on it privately and re-release it when it is ready. Things may change drastically, or things may change a little. I intend to take my time during this hiatus to heal myself, as well as pace myself with Planet Magni’s future. I want this to be a lasting project, and so I want to do this right… But right now I need time. I don’t know how much time, but I assure you that Planet Magni/Grims are not going away forever.

The server will still be up for the time being, but no new events or prompts will be given out. We will not be hiring new GAs for this next term, and there will be no new adopts after current GA WIPs have been finished and distributed.

This is all very sudden, I know. But I have thought about this for a long time. I am deeply sorry, and I hope to interact with you all again soon.


Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by PlanetMagni

dftwsg1-a6814d9d-ac8a-4488-9e32-b317080dGrims is ready to have a soft relaunch! 

Not everything is ready yet, but we are eager to welcome new people in! 

We are also getting ready to start our easter raffles and flatsales!

For this event, we will be giving away FREE Uncommon MYOs + 1 Rare trait!

This will last ONE WEEK. (End date 15 April 2023)

To claim your free uncommon MYO, you must first;

-Join the Discord (and comment with your discord username)

-Join the Toyhouse world

-Share this post in a bulletin!

To get a free rare trait 

You must tag 1 person!

You must also comment on this bulletin with;

Your discord name

Confirming you have joined the Toyhouse world

A link showing proof you have shared this post

(Optional: Tag 1 extra person for a rare trait)