
35da7efe_4df5_44fe_9de3_3723ccacbe6f_by_Bukimi; Uncanny, or eerie. Ominous. 

When walking down a block, do you really feel that you could tell apart a creature from another human? Do you think that you would be able to notice when someone is a bit unnaturally thin... or inhumanly tall. 

Would you really notice if someone's neck was a little bit longer than normal? Or if they had more than one row of teeth in their mouth? Or even— the lack of a reflection of light in their eyes?

These creatures are what we call Bukimi. They are a transforming type of being that has roamed planets for years upon years.



Bukimi are a type of eldritch being who wish to integrate into human society, whether it be for a plethora of reason unknown to everyone else. Whatever the case, all Bukimi are the ones who have decided to do this. There are other Kimi who stay in the wild, and choose not to interact with humans. 

Bukimi were originally creations of Epimetheus— along with humans, who were made by his brother, Prometheus. Epimetheus was saddened at the fact his creations would never reach the level of adaptability that humanity did. Because of this, came the first Kimi.