


The Werewolves tend to mimic the fashion of the majority-culture they exist as a minority in. In South Mana, most of them can be seen wearing T-Shirts, Jeans, Hoodies, Jackets, and any other clothes you may find in the clothes shop there.


Full-Moon Gowns

However, the Werewolves also do have a special gown they wear at the evening of the full-mmon before the sun goes down. Women wear long, sleevless, dark blue dresses called a "Curtain" that goes down to the ankles. They may also wear furs around the neck in the winter to keep warm. It's also very common to wear jewellery made from moonstone and platinum. On the left you'll see a Werewolf necklace made using Moonstone and Platinum. (Ignore that the image source says it's silver, we can pretend, shh. ;D)


Forbidden Jewellery

While silver (and iron) doesn't actually hurt Werewolves like what a lot of media would lead you to believe, it is written in the religious book The Heiglertekst that "gold, silver, and iron adornments are prohibited for a Were to wear." The prohibition of these adornments is part of a broader Lunist principle of avoiding luxurious lifestyles. Because over 87% of Werewolves actively practise Lunism and 98% actively take part in some rituals, it would be very difficult to find a Werewolf who wears silver or gold jewellery. However, The Heiglertekst says nothing against wearing other metals such as platinum, aluminum, magnesium, and lead (which historically caused problems for the werewolf community because they couldn't wear iron). Most werewolves also avoid alloys of silver, iron, and gold, such as steel.
