


The Werewolves base most of their holidays around The Moon, so many of their festival/holiday days don't fall on a particular day every year.


The Great Reset (Wulven New Year)

"The Great Reset" is an event that happens on the first new-moon of the year. While regarded by outsiders as a New-Year-like celebration, The Werewolves don't actually think of it this way, (instead considering Western / Eastern New Year to be the true 'New Year' celebration.) Despite this, outsiders referring to it as "Wulven New-Year" has stuck in some communities. Instead, The Great Reset is more for letting go of past rivalries, forgiveness, and also cleaning your home/workspace. Basically, you hit restart on your current situation, keep the good, and disregard the bad.


Feast Night

Feast-Night is celebrated every full-moon. As soon as the sun is no longer visible in the sky (or, if it's cloudy, as soon as it's recogniseably dark) the whole family shapeshifts into their wolf forms. The holiday gets its name from the fact that usually there's a huge banquet of meat, usually a whole pig or cow. Everyone satisfies their hunger and goes and sleeps in the forest for the night. Everyone should stay in their wolf forms until the sun is visible again as a show of respect to the moon. Sleeping outside is also out of respect.

In Vulpen communities, while feast-night is still celebrated, traditionally rabbit, duck, or chicken is eaten instead. (Typically there would be 2 of these animals instead of the 1 pig/cow carcass.)
