


The Werewolves are deeply religious and see their worship of the moon as a keystone of their own culture.



The Werewolves usually (not all, but 95%) follow a religion called Lunism. In Lunism, the moon is worshipped. Sometimes she's personified as a beautiful woman, but not always. The Werewolves see their wolf/fox/canine forms as being spiritually connected to the moon. On the full moon, they must spend the whole time the moon is out in their wolf form as a show of respect. (Hence how the myth that werewolves always transform at the full moon began!)

Many teachings of Lunism come from a book written in 1200s AD Germany known as "The Heiglertekst," which although originally written in German, has since been translated into English.

Many Werewolves wear moonstone bracelets / anklets to feel closer to the moon.


The Heiglertekst

The Heiglertekst was a book written in the 1200s by a man, probably known as Kaspar Dirksen. Despite being a prolific author of One Very Important Book And Nothing Else, not much is known about Dirksen. Even his name is disputed by Werewolf scholars. Nonetheless, his book has many teachings. Most of them can be boiled down to:

  • Be kind to your family.
  • Be honest, brave, help the sick and poor.
  • Be humble, don't wear Gold or Platinum.
  • All of nature is connected to the moon. The waves are tidal, the wind is controlled by it, it's probably alive, worship it.
