


Werewolves can shapeshift between a human form and a canine form. Wulvens turn into wolves, Vulpens turn into foxes, and Caynins turn into different dog breeds. Mutts turn into a mix of whatever their heritage. (IE, a mutt with a wulven father and caynin mother may turn into a dog that's Half-Husky Half-Wolf or something.)


How Does It Work?

A werewolf can switch between a human and wolf form at will. This is because unlike most Alive Entities that have one Appearance File, werewolves have two. By default, their human appearance is the file being used, but when they shapeshift their canine file runs instead. Any clothes that are currently equipped onto the human form are retained when a werewolf shapeshifts back into its human form.



Typically, a Wulven werewolf's form is about as long as they are tall in human form. Usually, this is about Timber-Wolf size or maybe slightly smaller. Vulpens, on the other hand, are described as being "bigger and fluffier than the average fox." I imagine them being bigger than a European Red Fox but smaller than a Husky.


The Infamous Damage Exploit

Up until about 2012, a damage sustained from one werewolf form to another didn't carry over between forms. This meant that if a werewolf got stabbed in its human form and the knife was withdrawn, if the werewolf shapeshifted into its canine form there would be no stabwound on the canine body. (Of course, if they shapeshifted back into a human, the stabwound would be there again.) This effectively allowed werewolves to cheat death by exploiting this glitch. Because werewolves were so rare, the Admin didn't realise this exploit existed until about 2012 when it was patched out. In current day, damage sustained carries between forms. If you're bleeding out from a stab wound in your human form and shapeshift, you'll continue bleeding out. Joy!
