Known Spirits

Known Spirits


These Spirits are born with a strong emotional connection to an object. They are one of the oldest known Spirits within Ardour.


Spirits that love to travel the Sanctuary of Ardour! They have an uncanny knack for finding lost souls.


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Known Companions

StarQuills {TBA}

Are dragon-like beasts that can be found hanging out and sleeping around Lumia Village. They're helpful and loveable creatures!

Petalings {TBA}

A collection of lesser spirits often found within forests. They have a unique ability to communicate with plant life, through song, promoting growth.


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Known Hostiles


Formed when a Hollow's mask is forcibly removed and its soul flees. The vessel that is left behind is quickly consumed by a shadowy substance, turning it into a Husk.


Inky black pests that are notorious for wandering into untended or forgotten fields, where they infect the crops.


Also known as "Maskhoarders", these terrifying creatures are said to lurk in the deepest depths of the Somber Realm, preying upon Hollows who stray too far from safety.