The Zuranthi

The Zuranthi are an Avian and Draconic semi-open Species! 

”We Zuranthi are the latest incarnation of a long line of reptilian beings. We are only the third sentient, and spent many a century warding off our more aggressive kin from the weaker mammals they tried to hunt. We are, apart from our communal existence with the Shellinir, a deeply social race, from the tips of our spikes to the thrumming of our hearts. Although we cannot venture into the warmest of the realms, we call the trees and the meadows our homes. - Skrala the Lorekeeper 

Note: You may make as many Zuranthi as you desire with Common - Rare Traits! Legendary and Mutations are OFF LIMITS.

Required Anatomy: 


1. Feral or Anthro (Their anatomy allows for switching stances almost effortlessly)

2. Ears are long and usually feathered at the end

3. Beak at end of nose

4. Reptilian eyes (other type eyes are rare)

5. Some variation of horns, lengths vary by rarity. Can be any shape except antlers (which are legendary)

6. Heat-preserving scales 

7. Scales form a plate over the neck, chest and belly area for maximum heat retention and protection

8. Tail is usually long and insulated by feathers and scales. Short or curled tails are results of a recessive gene. 

Traits Transcript:

* = goes anywhere 




(C) Small Beak

(C) Double Lidded, Reptilian Eyes

(C) Long, Feathery Ears

(C) Thick, Prehensile Tail with Feather Lining (and spikes)

(C) Heat-Scales

(C) Fluffy Feathers

(C) Spikes Anywhere 

(C) Short Horns


(UC) Half-Beak

(UC) Snakelike Eyes

(UC) Pupilless/Blank Eyes 

(UC) Short Feathery Ears

(UC) Whiplike Reptilian Tail

(UC) Fish Scales

(UC) Snake Scales

(UC) Waterproof Feathers

(UC) Medium Horns

(UC) Gliding Flaps


(R) Full Beak

(R) Other Shaped Pupil

(R) Dragon Ears

(R) Round Scaly Ears

(R) Fan Feathered Tail

(R) Short Tail

(R) Tiny Fleck Scales

(R) Small Feathers

(R) Downy Feathers

(R) Long Horns

(R) 2+ Pair Horns

(R) Multiple Limbs*

(R) Small Bird Wings 

Legendary Traits:

(L) Overgrown/Armored Beak

(L) Beak on Bottom Jaw/Broken Beak

(L) Glowing Eyes

(L) Multiple Eyes 

(L) Furry Flopped Ears

(L) Folded Feathery Ears 

(L) Curled Tail

(L) Split Tail (any kind)

(L) Pebble Scales

(L) No Scales

(L) Plume Feathers

(L) Bird of Paradise Feathers

(L) No Feathers

(L) Antlers

(L) No Horns

(L) Chibi Dragon Wings

(L) Elemental Magic (Fire, Ice, or Water)

Zuranthi Mutated Traits: 



(M) Functional Bird Wings

(M) Functional Dragon Wings

(M) Functional Elemental Wings 

(M) Dragon Nose and Fangs (replaces)

(M) Dragon Frills*

(M) Feather Frills*

(M) Elemental Eyes

(M) Bird’s Tail

(M) Magical Scales (5 Types: Fire, Ice, Water, Glowing, and Healing)

(M) Elemental Manifestation on Body (freestyle but must resemble their magical element)*