


Limelight city is a cyberpunk-ish dystopian futuristic technology thriving city, a city that is overrun by gangs, three gangs to be specific. Meet Brody, Max, and Sarg. Three gang bosses that love money, power, and causing mayhem! On their own, their power is limited, but with the help of Tinba, an underground hacker and criminal mastermind, as well as assistance from Tinba's bodyguard Big Guy, the gangs are free to rob, kill, and go bat shit crazy without the law being too much of a hassle. While the gangs take care of the dirty business and gun fights, Tinba provides them with intel, takes care of security, and all the contracts and contacts they need to wreck havoc.

So how does the pigs counterattack this? By making a supercomputer, of course! This supercomputer has observed Tinba and their gang(s) for years, learning, studying them, and eventually coming to the conclusion that it would not waste its time on doing the cops bidding. No. It was far more interested in Tinba, seeing the hacker as its rival and equal. The sentient machine wanted to play a long game of cat and mouse with its opponent, so it infected their body and its system with a virus. It could kill Tin any time it wants, but where would the fun in that be?

Tinba, however, is not one to lie down and accept defeat. How will things end up for the mastermind and their group of criminals? Who knows.






HTML Profile by Coywolfy


The law, after years of trying to track down Tinba and failing, the cops now have to exhaust their resources trying to keep the three gangs at bay and secure what little remains of the city that is not under the mob's control. They were not just the enemies of the criminals, but the people as well. Although they try to play good guys, the city has lost faith in them a long time ago, the people no longer respect them.  Riots break out often, riots that are met with violence from the police force, causing even more of an uproar against the people who were meant to serve and protect. In a last effort to one up the mobs, the government constructed a supercomputer that would finally be able to track down Tinba and cut the head off the snake. Get rid of Tinba, and the gangs would be lost. Years of development went into making this thing, tons of money put into it, and the end result??? A sentient AI that could not care less about humanity and what it was made to do. Unknown to the law that think the AI is still working for them, the machine plays dumb and digs its roots further into the city. Soon, Tinba and the gang will be the least of their worries.
Constructed as a way to track down and bring in Tinba, the AI has become sentient and has grown a rather sadistic attachment to Tinba. It has no interest in killing them, turning them in, or anything of the sort. It simply sees Tin as a worthy companion that it can torture and toy with. It wants to know who Tinba is, who they REALLY are; Their name, their past, everything! They want to solve the mystery of the Man In The Browser, so The AI attached a part of itself into Tinba's system, not their computer system, no, The System is something Tinba programmed as a way to combat their failing spine which has rendered them somewhat paralyzed. And with access to The System, the AI can now shut down Tinba's body if it so pleases. Using this leverage, the AI forces Tinba into a game of cat and mouse. If Tinba wins, they get to live. If they lose... well, the AI decides what happens to them. However, the Man-in-the-browser has rules that the AI should abide by:

1- The AI can NOT use others for leverage against Tinba. It wants to best them? Then it should best them fair and square.

2- The AI cannot shut Tinba's body down just because they are winning. 

3- It can not inform The Pigs of their activities

4- It cannot kill Tinba for no reason or if it 'felt like it'

A fair playing ground. The world's longest game of chess begins