Pokémon Mutations

Welcome to our Mutations Explanation Page!

A lot of strange things can happen in the world of Pokémon, and we're doing our best to categorize all of it! Thankfully we've found a good variety of Pikachu and Eevee to help demonstrate our points. If you have any questions regarding mutations, mutation combination, or anything else for your design, please comment here! To view full-sized versions of these example artworks, please open them in a new tab on your device!

We do not count Markings on a Pokémon as any kind of mutation!

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Normal Pokémon ( No Item Needed ) -A normal, completely regular Pokémon! You are free to use existing colors for any marking combinations. Can be mutated later.


Normal Pokémon with Edits ( No Item ) -A normal, completely regular Pokémon, with some small edits! We do not consider scarring, missing limbs, prosthetics, or any kind of hair to be a mutation!



Shiny Pokémon ( Shiny Charm - Sold at Axdee's Accessories ) - The official shiny palette, or anything super close to it. Close-tone shinies like Gengar do not count and do not need an item unless there is an alternate form (Mega Gengar) that has a different palette. If anyone is found to be abusing this rule, this may end up needing to change.


Slight Color Shift ( Smeargle Palette - Sold at Axdee's Accessories ) - Slight color shift is changing your Pokémon to a palette one step up or down on the color wheel. (brown>orange, pink>red, or if the pokémon is blue, green or purple are okay)


Large Color Shift ( Grafaiai Spraycan - Sold at Axdee's Accessories ) - Extreme change in a pokemon's natural coloring, not only in markings but also in hues.


Melanistic Pokémon ( Yin Charm - Sold at Axdee's Accessories ) - An extremely dark design, regardless of typing. Some Areas are left grey/white, though these are typically small.

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Albino or Leucistic Pokémon ( Yang Charm - Sold at Axdee's Accessories ) - Extremely light designs, regardless of typing. Albinism typically comes with a red undertone, while Leucism has a more blue shade. Albinism can also be represented by losing the dark pigment from the body; resulting in a more orange look to their markings, on top of the white body! Leucism can also be represented by a general blue-white "haze" over other body colors/patternings, resulting in a light, faded look!



Abnormal Eyes ( Warped Compact - Sold at Axdee's Accessories ) - Eyes that do not match the Pokémon's standard. Does NOT include iris color changes or any heterochromia. Pupils can always be either black or white.


Body Modifications ( Fluffy Tail - Sold at Axdee's Accessories ) - Unnatural variant for the Pokémon's base species. If the Pokémon is inspired by a real animal/object, these are traits that WOULD NOT APPLY to that base!


Nontraditional Body Modifications ( Blank Doll - Obtained through Secret Quest ) - Anything that cannot happen naturally. Dullahans, floating wings, exposed bones, living tails- a sort of free-for-all.


Middle Evolution ( Cracked Everstone - Sold at Researcher's Resources ) - A pokemon caught between their two evolutions, either a two stage, a split evolution, or a reduced/advanced single stage.



Partial Type Change / Type Addition ( SD Card - Sold at Researcher's Resources ) - Changing one of your Pokémon's types to another, or adding a second typing to a monotype Pokémon. Slight cosmetic changes to show new type are accepted.


Complete Type Change ( Flash Drive - Sold at Researcher's Resources ) - A complete change of both types of your Pokémon. You are free to use body modifications to showcase the changed typing.


Augmented Type Change ( CD - Obtained through Secret Quest ) - Having three or more types; which all must be represented somehow within the design- including body modifications.


RKS System ( Hard Drive - Obtained through Secret Quest ) - The ability to swap out a single type at any moment with the help of an item. This is present in Pokémon such as Silvally, Genesect, and Arceus. Typically comes with a slight cosmetic change that shifts colors to match the assigned type.



Variant Pokémon ( Variant Guidebook - Sold at Researcher's Resources ) - Any natural, realistic possible variation of a Pokémon's natural coloring or body.


Form Change ( Rainbow Nectar - Sold at Researcher's Resources ) - Allows for ONE additional, normal form for your Pokémon. Form changes allow your Pokémon to switch back and forth, and can change one of your Pokémon's types, as well as affect their looks within reason. You are allowed multiple forms as long as you have the item for each of them.


Partial Fusion ( DNA Splicer - Sold at Researcher's Resources ) - A Pokémon that seems to have elements of another Pokémon within it's design! These fusions can typically have the second Pokémon removed, leaving the entirety of the base Pokémon.


Complete Fusion ( Pair of DNA Splicers - Sold at Researcher's Resources ) - A fusion that is fairly 50/50 of both Pokémon involved- removing one of the halves would result in less than a full Pokémon.


Symbiotic Pokémon ( Grafted Bonsai - Sold at Researcher's Resources ) - Two Pokémon who are not fused; but maybe even closer. Typically share some design element- will also share a character slot/application! These two Pokémon are explicitly connected, though are able to walk by themselves as well!


Regional Locality ( Travel Brochure - Sold at Researcher's Resources ) - Any Regional form for a Pokémon that isn't local to Alola! (ex. Alolan Raichu does not count as Regional, but the Kanto Raichu does.)


Gimmick Forms ( Mega Stone / Max Mushrooms - Obtained through Secret Quest ) - All gimmick evolutions, such as megas and gigantamax. Can only be done on fully evolved Pokémon, or if a fusion contains a fully evolved Pokémon as the main body.


Legendary Pokémon ( Wormhole Radar - Sold at Researcher's Resources ) - Anything with the DNA of a Legendary, Mythical, or Ultra Beast Pokémon involved!


Paradox Pokémon ( ??? - Not Yet Released ) - A Pokémon who seems to be misaligned with our current timeline- be they from the past, or present- or from another universe altogether!

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Type: Full ( ??? - Not Yet Released ) - A complicated and "homemade" looking Pokémon- typically a fusion of 4+ other Pokémon.