Welcome to the Aether Foundation! Here, it is our duty to provide Pokémon with a place to feel happy and free. We do everything we can to provide a fun and healthy user experience- for both people and Pokémon alike! This is an Art Roleplaying Game, better known by the term ARPG, founded by someone who cares way too much about the original Pokémon Sun and Moon storyline.

In this group, you will be able to create and submit various kinds of Pokémon fan-characters, with some fun customization in the terms of our available mutations. With these characters, we encourage users to interact with and befriend each other, as well as participate in various prompts for the sake of furthering an overall story within the group! If you'd like more information, feel free to check out our various links, or view the "Getting Started" guide a little further down on this page.

Quick Links

important / frequently accessed pages.

Character Approval

Art/Writing Submission

Researcher's Resources

Axdee Accessories

Getting Started

We're so glad you're interested in joining our group! The steps to join are, hopefully, fairly simple! All of the following are collapses, meaning if you click on them, they'll give you more information on how to complete each step.

1. Read the Rules Page, then send a request to join the world.

You just need to read the group's rules! After you've read them, please send a join request to the world with the code from the rules page.

2. (Option 1) Now that you're in, you can make your first Pokémon.

If you would like to make your first Pokémon right away, they will not be able to use any mutations. You're free to create any markings, and any of our free edits. (Free Edits can be viewed on the mutation page, as well as the character submission forum.) You can always add more mutations to a character later down the line, if you're not satisfied with them currently!

2. (Option 2) Or, you can start gathering MC!

If you'd like to hold off on designing your character until you are able to get the mutations you'd like, you can draw/write content of other Pokémon in the group to earn Meowth Coins (MC)! We've done our best to make the reward system fair, so we hope that users will feel comfortable using it to save up before they are able to make something with mutations.

3. Once they're ready, submit your character for approval.

Whether or not you've got mutations, the submission process is the same! Head on over to the Character Approval forum thread, and follow the steps there!



[ admin account ]
[ founder ]
[ co-founder ]
[ admin ]


[ mod account ]
[ moderator ]
[ moderator ]

Featured Characters

Drawing a Featured Character gives you double MC, as well as enters you for the next featured character raffle! Please read this page for more information.


[ owned by aquatheawkward ]


[ owned by Freeze-pop88 ]


formatted by month/day/year


Public Opening, Launch Event!


Hire of 3 New Mods.


Beta Opening for New Members.


Beginning of Current Group Revamp.


Beginning of Second Group revamp.


Original Group Creation Date.

code by 8byte

Latest Bulletin


Posted 4 months, 10 hours ago by DIRECTOR


Happy New Year! We took an unexpected break there for the holiday season, but we're hoping to get back into full swing soon!

First up, character submissions are live once again!
We have had to make a couple adjustments to the approval process, primarily that we are requesting users do not submit shaded character references, as it obscures the design of a character! Please take this time to re-read the rules/form for entry, and assure that all your future characters are submitted correctly.

Second, the thunder roars on, this Ultra Space Wormhole doesn't show any sign of closing soon!
The three bosses are still making a mess of the foundation, and we're asking members to help calm them down! Please remember that this raid battle comes with an optional raffle to win one of the boss characters as your own!

Third, the Featured Characters have rolled over into this month as well!
There hasn't been enough entries to roll for a new set of featured characters, so we are keeping the current ones in place for another month! Next month, if we do not meet the quota, anyone who has drawn the Features will get priority, then we will randomly assign the remaining featured member(s) via RNG!

Fourth, the Lower Labs have refreshed their stock!
A reminder that you must have the Sample Collector from our Raid Battle in order to access these items! If you do not have a sample collector, all you have to do is submit something for the ongoing battle, and one will be added to your inventory! The lower labs offers cheaper versions of existing mutation items, as well as some more exclusive mutations items only available here!

Small Changelog Notes:

  • Removed "using now?" from all shops. Item usage must now be done within the proper thread.
  • On the backend, we have adjusted Mod Team responsibilities, to hopefully smooth out and speed up process times.

With this, our monthly announcements have concluded. Thank you for your time!