ULTRA PARADISE ♡'s Bulletins


Posted 4 months, 16 days ago by DIRECTOR


Happy New Year! We took an unexpected break there for the holiday season, but we're hoping to get back into full swing soon!

First up, character submissions are live once again!
We have had to make a couple adjustments to the approval process, primarily that we are requesting users do not submit shaded character references, as it obscures the design of a character! Please take this time to re-read the rules/form for entry, and assure that all your future characters are submitted correctly.

Second, the thunder roars on, this Ultra Space Wormhole doesn't show any sign of closing soon!
The three bosses are still making a mess of the foundation, and we're asking members to help calm them down! Please remember that this raid battle comes with an optional raffle to win one of the boss characters as your own!

Third, the Featured Characters have rolled over into this month as well!
There hasn't been enough entries to roll for a new set of featured characters, so we are keeping the current ones in place for another month! Next month, if we do not meet the quota, anyone who has drawn the Features will get priority, then we will randomly assign the remaining featured member(s) via RNG!

Fourth, the Lower Labs have refreshed their stock!
A reminder that you must have the Sample Collector from our Raid Battle in order to access these items! If you do not have a sample collector, all you have to do is submit something for the ongoing battle, and one will be added to your inventory! The lower labs offers cheaper versions of existing mutation items, as well as some more exclusive mutations items only available here!

Small Changelog Notes:

  • Removed "using now?" from all shops. Item usage must now be done within the proper thread.
  • On the backend, we have adjusted Mod Team responsibilities, to hopefully smooth out and speed up process times.

With this, our monthly announcements have concluded. Thank you for your time!


Posted 7 months, 19 days ago by DIRECTOR


We would like to begin this by saying hello, welcome to our Monthly bulletin for October!
We would like to apologize for this bulletin being a day late; we had to finish getting our new Raid Battle prepared!

First up, our opening event has concluded!
Thank you to everyone who participated! It was a success, and there are a few new faces around. We hope this becomes a comfortable home for you!

With a thunderous crack, a new Ultra Space Wormhole has opened!
There are three bosses this time, so we'll have to hit them with all we've got! It seems they aren't all bad, and might just be confused, so maybe we can kill them with kindness? There's a possibility that a volunteer may just be able to keep one around...

Third, we have contacted the Featured Characters winners for the month!
After three entries, we didn't have to run a raffle for September, so we will let everyone know in our discord server as soon as the new featured characters are in place and when the page has been officially updated.

Fourth, the Lower Labs have refreshed their stock! 
A reminder that you must have the Sample Collector from our Raid Battle in order to access these items!

With this, our monthly announcements have concluded. Thank you for your time!


Posted 8 months, 20 days ago by DIRECTOR


We would like to begin this by saying hello, welcome to our first Monthly bulletin!
We're hoping to do these every month as the group progresses, to explain what's happened, what our plans are, and any new information that's come to fruition! 

We have a couple pretty big announcements this month, so please read through them!

First up, we're giving everyone a reminder that our first event is still ongoing! We encourage everyone to participate in this if they can!
This will be our only "advertising" campaign, and we'd like to get as many members during this period as possible! 

Secondly, our Featured Characters activity has undergone some changes!
We have changed the bonus for drawing a featured character from earning a bonus half of your total to outright doubling your MC earned! This means if you draw an image that earns 50 MC, it will be doubled when drawing a featured character, and earn 100 MC instead!
We have also added an extra incentive. If enough people enter to the point there is double the amount of entries than the amount of featured characters ( three characters, six entries right now), we will be rolling a random item from one of our shops to give out to all participants that month! 

We would also like to give a big hello to our three featured characters this month, Alkina, Maisie, and Akira!

Third, we have made changes to the "rooming/housing" system.
For the sake of the group's longevity, and the mods' sanity, we have decided we will no longer be doing individual rooms within our housing buildings. Members will still need their characters to be sorted into a building (Koko Commons, Lele Lodges, Bulu Boardings, or Fini Flats), but now they will not need to worry about roommate limits or reserving spaces! We encourage members to still interact with those you are housed with, and of course, personal lore can always dictate who is staying in what rooms with who, we will just no longer be "officially" tracking this aspect! 

Fourth, the Lower Labs have refreshed their stock! 
If rumors serve correctly, it seems the lab is offering a Variant Guide, a premixed DNA Splicer Pair, and a Grafted Bonsai!
A reminder that you must have the Sample Collector from our Raid Battle in order to access these items!

We have also made some small changes to the front page of the world. The text for the featured character page has been moved + updated and a link to the Lower Labs has been put on the front page.

With this, our monthly announcements have concluded. Thank you for your time!


Posted 9 months, 4 days ago by DIRECTOR

Our first event, and the public launch of the group, is now live! We're focusing primarily on advertisement, trying to get more users to join to play in this world with us!
Please click the banner below for more information/to be redirected to the forum thread for the event!



Posted 10 months, 16 days ago by DIRECTOR

Which team are you on?

7 Votes Vampires
5 Votes Werewolves
0 Votes Secret third thing?

Hello Volunteers! We'd like to give you a little surprise!

For the duration of Artfight, we will be opening a special forum thread where you can submit any work you create for group members, as long as its something you've submitted to artfight!
This is only for art for members, by members, so anything for someone outside of the group will not be able to be submitted!
This means that the art does not have to include characters from the group, or even be Pokémon related at all!

This forum will likely remain open indefinitely, but only be active during artfight, in case users forget or don't have time to submit things to two places at once!
We also do not mind if you do not count all your MC rewards while submitting, because we know that people are itching to get back to their art!

On this thread, we have disabled the "gift art bonus" from the normal submission thread, since this whole system is a bonus itself!

Updates! ( Mods & Activity Bump )

Posted 10 months, 23 days ago by DIRECTOR

Hello members! We've got a little update, as well as some general bumps to our currently running prompts!

First of all, we've introduced new moderators to the group!
Please welcome SnowyFool, L0VEinc, and aquatheawkward to our team!
They have already been doing work here and there where they can, and we couldn't be more grateful! 

Secondly, we'd like to bump the following two prompts/activities before the month ends!
Featured Characters have only earned two entries so far, so we'd love to see if anyone wants to join last minute!
Our Pride Prompt is also ending soon, and we don't want anyone to miss out on the item reward if they're interested! 


Posted 11 months, 21 days ago by DIRECTOR

Hello Volunteers! We're sorry about the month of silence- a lot happened in terms of burnout and focus shifting!
However, we are bringing good news right now!

We've updated our entire inventory system, moving to a google website due to a popular "off site host" vote in the discord a while ago!
All users (with any kind of existing inventory) should currently be listed; we will be adding everyone else probably tomorrow! Thank you for being patient with us.

Here's the website!

We will also be moving a few of our supplemental information pages (such as the item glossary, which is already there) to the site because it is FAR easier to edit and keep up to date than the pages here.

If you encounter any errors on the new site, feel free to comment on this bulletin and we will address them as soon as we're able.
Group activity should resume shortly, within the next couple days!


Posted 1 year, 24 days ago by DIRECTOR

mewmew.png"Mewmew~ I've had a ton of fun here! You guys really meant business when you wanted me to leave- but TOOOOOO bad for you! I've made friends, so I think I'm gonna stick around a while~ Hope you don't get sick of my face, 'cause you're gonna be seeing it everywhere!"

After a long battle, our members have dished out a total of 5,365 HP of damage to our Raid Boss! This far exceeds our 1,000 HP goal, and we couldn’t be more impressed by, and proud of, our members. Mew has taken a liking to this place- especially after how many of you decided to lend them a kind word after their HP dropped below zero- so they’ve decided to stick around!

You may notice that this Mythical has undergone a few design changes- the battle fought between them and our members has changed this Pokémon, reflecting the experiences that it went through. They will be sticking around in the group as an NPC, and will be running some fun little future interaction prompts. Not every Raid Boss will get this treatment- but we do have some fun ideas planned for what could potentially happen to future Bosses- of course, anything like that will be detailed in our future battles.

We’d like to also thank everyone who has taken the time to visit Luuko in the Lower Labs, which will now be unavailable to new members until the next time a Raid happens!

We hope that everyone is looking forward to our Official Launch in a few days, and that the same level of Passion from this event is put into the future of the group! Of course, we will do everything we can in order to motivate our members to have this same level of fun throughout the whole course of our ARPG!

For every 1,000 HP of damage dealt to the boss, we are offering all participants a choice of a prize! For getting to over 5,000 damage, everyone can pick five total prizes! Please use this comment to claim your prizes!


SPECIAL DNA REWARD: Being so up close and personal has allowed the researchers at the facility to study this pokemon closely. They’re able to replicate a single DNA splicer for you as a reward for your hard work! You will be able to use this to partially fuse with a Mew. We are only offering one of these per account/user.

MUTATION REWARD: This battle has allowed for some intensive research to be put into a particular mutation. With this knowledge, they are providing you with a Ditto DNA, just like the foe you’ve just triumphed against. Perhaps you’ll be able to put their power into the next battle!

MUTATION REWARD: This battle has allowed for some intensive research to be put into a particular mutation. With this knowledge, they are providing you with a Rainbow Nectar, just like the foe you’ve just triumphed against. Perhaps you’ll be able to put their power into the next battle!

MEOWTH COIN REWARD: For your gallantry, the Aether Foundation would like to award you a generous boon. This means a big shiny stack of coins! You’ll get a hefty weight to your wallet with these 500 Meowth Coins.

( Five prizes total means that all of the available items are repeatable except the Mew DNA! This means that you could, theoretically, pick the Mew DNA, and then use all four of your remaining prize claims on Ditto DNA! Or on MC! Or whatever combination you would like of the remaining rewards. )

Today, on the 27th of April, is when Mew has made their choice to find a permanent home. Though it was only 15 days ago that they tumbled through the Wormhole, they have waited until today to find a name!

Please use this comment to suggest names for our dear Mew!! After we get a few suggestions, we will post a Poll in the Discord within the next couple days to vote on our new NPC’s name! All members, even if they didn’t participate in the battle, are free to chime in with suggestions.


Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by DIRECTOR

"A rattling comes down from the sky, shaking the earth below. An alert goes off within the Aether Foundation’s walls. To those who have been here for a while, you know what this means! An Ultra Space Wormhole has opened! Some strange pokemon or beast has made their way here from lightyears and timelines away. Nothing good ever comes out of this… get ready to defend Paradise!"

This is our first Raid Battle! The point of these battles is for users to obtain the sample collector item, as well as samples from the bosses! These are group-wide battles, so everyone can help participate to bring the boss down! Good luck, volunteers!

For the sake of encouraging our users to write- and for easier counting on everyone's parts- we've boosted our writing rewards from 10 MC every 50 words to 25 MC every 50 words!

This means that now, you can just round your word counts to the nearest 50, and then divide them in half for your total!
This change has been reflected in both the Art/Writing submission thread, as well as the Art/Writing Help thread!