
Affiliates are people who have an association with the gang, but are not considered members. They can have involvement in their current stories but don't interact with the gang in a criminal or intense way, or they can have future associations with the gang (but in the present are not associated). 


  1. Serge Hokulani:Drug Seller- Serge has a bunch of opioids that are very valuable when sold on the black market. Serge was prescribed those drugs, but he feels that he doesn't need them. So, his cousin (Mako) got him in contact with the people he buys his hard drugs from, and that would be the Lounge Gang. Now, Serge sells his drugs to the gang and is left to communicate with nature and the universe in peace. He also makes a bit of money, too, which is nice. 
  2. Mako Hokulani:Drug Buyer- A small-time buyer for his own business in a tiny little town. Only buys the hard stuff, but isn't seen as a threat. Always pays the dues he owes. 
  3. Jacoby Addler: Drug Runner- Jacoby effectively moves drugs up from the cartels in Mexico and sells them to gangs up in the States. However, Jacoby doesn't do business exclusively with the Lounge Gang, which causes a good deal of tension that Jacoby himself isn't aware of. However, things are fine for now. 
  4. Mei Lee: Pharmaceutical Informant- A nervous and somewhat unwitting member of the gang, his involvement with Kas has led him to lend a hand to the gang sometimes. He obtains medical drugs from a certain dentist and passes them onto the drug trade through the gang.
  5. Dominic Drave: Criminal Defense Lawyer- The fact that Mr. Drave's has his own law firm (which was funded very generously by Mr. Valentino) means that he is quite useful in case any of the gang's preventive methods fall through and anyone gets prosecuted. He's rather green, but he's got debts to pay.
  6. Dolly Deetz: Socialite- Dolly is not involved in the gang, but she is at the lounge itself quite often. She doesn't seem to be aware of the nefarious goings-ons. 

{Note: to have a character considered a gang member, not just an affiliate, art must be contributed and the character must interact with more than two members of the gang. Also, only characters that exist in a world just like ours are permitted (so no supernatural creatures etc) for the sake of consistency}

Lounge Gang The Big City human male female needs art Maryjane Boys lounge gang paradox casino wip the big city Doom Days Rocky Road Shanghai Heist Jupiter Landing supernatural human