Excerpt 1

“In the beginning there were two beings in a vast void where nothing happened. These beings would be known as Permanence and Impermanence. Permanence sought for nothing to ever happen - for the void to stay empty and uneventful. Impermanence, however hated Permanence’s plans. As his disgust of the empty void grew it yearned for something to happen. Out of his hatred he created a universe, filled with fleeting yet eventful existence. In this universe living beings would be born, live their lives and die. Everything would eventually die. Permanence, upon finding out about Impermanence’s creation, was outraged at its purity being disturbed. As a result it would claw and reach to destroy Impermanence’s universe, scattering fragments of itself into the universe. These fragments would become the only permanent beings amongst the fleeting lives in the universe. Beings who knew no death but still walked among the impermanent. As the universe evolved Permanence and Impermanence would fight over it, putting the universe’s fate at risk. In order to protect his creation, Impermanence swallowed it, shielding it from Permanence’s wrath. The universe would continue living within impermanence, filled with life and death, order and chaos. Eventually, Permanence will triumph over Impermanence, allowing it to finally put an end to Impermanence’s wretched child. At this point the universe will decay into complete obscurity, reaching its permanent death. The only survivors will be the immortals who will return to permanence, becoming one with the body they came from. After this nothing more will happen. The void will be dead eternally”

***A Record of Creations and Deaths*** Page 1
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