The Forge

Associated Medium Fragment (s): The Forger (and the Chimera)

Description: A vast forge, equipped with all the tools the Forger could use in order to work and shape fragments. The tools range from the small hammers and tongs to the huge bellows and furnaces. While not particularly clean, the forge is always organized - at least to the Forger. It’s usually rather warm in the Forge as there is always something going on. The Forger uses the Forge often to make slates, small fragments possessing unique powers, though it can occasionally use the Forge to shape and fuse existing Medium Fragments (like the Chimera) and extremely rarely will reshape a mortal’s soul.

Effect on Mortals: Tools found in the Forge are capable of directly shaping a mortal’s soul - able to rewrite both the physical and mental shape of a mortal. Mortals after extended residence in the Forge will be able to resist the Forge’s effect better than unexposed souls, in the same way a tougher metal is harder to shape than weaker metals. These effects are rarely taken advantage of, both because of the Forger’s lack of interaction with mortals, and the Forger’s reluctance to reshape mortals’ souls.

Notable Event - Chimera’s Birth:

While experimenting with the possibilities of fragments, the Forger came across the ability to fuse fragments. Though a difficult process, fragments could be fused, mixing the effects of the fragments and resulting in a larger fragment. In order to push the limits, the Forger collected several small fragments, most with psychological, poisonous or strength-enhancing effects and over the course of several months, fused them into the Chimera. The number of fragments used were approximately 200 - after which the main body started to form around the fragments. The Chimera’s tail snake formed after around 150 fragments, though incapable of living independent of the main body. The Chimera tends to hang around in the Forge after its creation, helping out with the work.