Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We have answers!

How do I get my first colonist?

When you join the group, admins will create a colony for you and will roll you a tsabhua to start off your colony. You will generally be given the option to have one free re-roll of the genetics and Native ancestor if you prefer, though the stat pool will remain the same.

What are Research Points and how do I get them?

Research Points are a form of currency for expanding your colony and what your colony can do. For every art piece or literature you submit to the group, you get Research Points, even if you don't own any of the colonists in the submission. These are stored and updated by the staff in the Colony Masterlist, so you don't have to worry about keeping track of these yourself. Research you buy for your colony using these points is stored in the tab called "Research Unlocked" on your colony's spreadsheet.

Can I do art/literature involving hunting, farming, etc, even if I don't have that research?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is yes, but unless you get the research, you can't claim that that art is that particular Action. For instance, you might draw your colonists hunting something and that would be fine. You'd get the RP and the Levels from it as usual, but unless you have the Research unlocked, you won't be able to get the bonus RP for including an Action and you won't get rolls for it.