
✦ Origins of Wishwings

Wishwings are a race that seemed to appear out of thin air, literally! Said to originate from early Japan Wishwings now thrive all across the world

A wishwing is a creature born from the hopes and dreams of humans. When a certain object is filled with enough wishes then a wishwing is born. The newly born creature then lets humans use their paintbrush tail to write their wishes on the talismans they pull from atop their heads. If it is within the wishwing's power than the wish will be granted. Each wishwing has a specialty that they excel at. Their talent is dependent on what wishes allowed them to exist. Most common was crop growth and health. However, as wishwings grant wishes they gain more power. With enough time and wishes a wishwing can become capable of granting wishes of things outside of their specialty.

For some inexplicable reason wishwings were only capable of being created in Japan. Experts often theorize that the influence of the yokai world may be to blame and some even consider wishwings to be a rare type of yokai. With the development of the world allowing faster travel and more exposure to other places wishwings began to be born all across the world. However some isolated areas with little to no contact to the outside world are still incapable of producing the species.

Shrines were the most common method of producing wishwings, but technically they can be created from any object as long as it is filled with enough desires. In feudal Japan many people believed wishwings to be gods that answered their prayers and would provide numerous offerings in exchange for wishes. There are recordings of wishwings born from other objects and were known for having a unique appearance differing from the usual shrine born. Unfortunately many of these records are badly damaged and haven't been officially accepted as truth.

It is even said that some wishwings had a hand in turning the tides of battle. Wishwings born from desires for victory are known throughout history and are what started the popular belief of Shinigami. Some of these Shinigami wishwings are said to still exist today, but no recent records of their appearances have been made.