
                    Greetings Earthlings, and welcome to Gluconia! A planet where Glucons and many more creature thrive and live in harmony! Want to adopt a chunky little fellow? Then this is the right place for you! (GLUCONS ARE CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION, PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ONE OR ASK FOR ONE UNTIL THEY ARE FULLY UP FOR THE PUBLIC, OR IF IVE GIVEN YOU PERMISSION)



Hello, and welcome to the world of Gluconia, where all Gluconians live and thrive on! Glucons are still In developpement so they’re not open to the public just yet, but I may let other people make one if I trust them enough 

Name Admin | Co-founder | Staff
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.
Name Admin | Co-founder | Staff
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.
Name Admin | Co-founder | Staff
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.
Name Admin | Co-founder | Staff
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.
Name Admin | Co-founder | Staff
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Cras turpis ex, cursus sed lacus vel, congue gravida dui.
  • Pellentesque sapien dolor, congue id sagittis id, ullamcorper in enim. Nunc pulvinar posuere sapien sit amet porta.

Free MYO || March1-15

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Prompt || Feb5

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Update || Feb1 

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

  • No fighting over Glucons or anything in general. This is a peaceful world, anyone disrespecting that will be banned
  • Be respectful
  • please do NOT sexualise or fetishize glucons IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE. Glucons are considered beasts, and we do not allow beastiality in here. Anyone doing this will be permanently banned off here forever.

  • Vore , inflation and fetishes like that will not be tolerated either. If it’s meant to turn on people, then it’s not allowed. 
  • Glucons heavily referenced off of copyrighted characters  will not be accepted. I don’t wanna get sued. (For ex: a sonic themed character, or a yoshi themed character)
  • Any art thiefs/character thiefs will be banned and blacklisted 
  • Do NOT disrespect, or go against mods, admins, the owner or the co owner(s)! If they disallow something, or say no, then respect that. If you feel as if you do not approve of a mod/admin’s demands/if the demands were truely wrong or incorrect, then you can contact the co-owner or the owner. I do not want to get repetitive notes about people complaining about mods/admins banning them because they “accidentally” stole a glucon, or “didnt rip off another artist”. Please make sure to provide real proof if you want to contact me or the co-owner about the problem
  • please follow the rules of the world carefully. Anyone breaking the rules will be temporarily banned. depending on what the rule you break is, you will have 3 strikes, after that you are gone, no more chances
  • anyone creating a new account or pretending to be someone else/a mod,admin,co-owner or owner will be automatically banned
  • any fights starting in the comments will result in both users getting a temporary ban. If the problem continues, both/the person who started the fight will be permenentally banned. We want Gluconia to be a peaceful area
  • people blocked from the owner will not be accepted in this group/species in general because if you’re blocked from me, then you’re either a troublemaker or an art thief.
  • do not try to bypass the approval by making up fake proof. Your Glucon will be denied. If you keep doing this it will result in a ban


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur h elit

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Cras turpis ex, cursus sed lacus vel, congue gravida dui.
  • Pellentesque sapien dolor, congue id sagittis id, ullamcorper in enim. Nunc pulvinar posuere sapien sit amet porta.

Are Glucons closed or open species?

Glucons are closed species. This is to make it easier to keep track of any Glucons created in case of anything bad happening

Is there a masterlist/Will a masterlist be ever added?

I doubt it since it’s pretty complicated to organize and care for one. Might make one but idk, I really doubt it.

How many glucons am I allowed to have?

As many as you’d like!

I got banned for no reason/i got falsely banned, what do I do?

If you have been falsely banned, or banned by mistake, please note or dm the mods/admins. But in order to know that you’ve been falsely banned, please provide clear and real proof of this, otherwise we cannot help you.

my Glucon wasn’t approved/has been ignored, why is that?

If your Glucon has been ignore or forgotten, this means that either we are currently busy , or that you have been  banned or muted from the group. If you feel that your unnaproved Glucon was ignored or forgotten, DM the mods/admins , and they’ll be sure to let you know if your Glucon is approved or not

Can I make a Glucon that is referenced off a fandom character/a character from a show/movie?

no. In order to not get sued, we will not accept glucons referenced off of copyrighted characters. Minimal referencing is fine, but if it’s (for example) a Glucon that looks exactly like Spinel from Steven Universe, or or a Glucon that looks exactly like Stitch,then it cannot be approved. 


Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.



Before Glucons were ever created, Gluconia used to be an empty, uninhabitable planet for years, until a strange liquid (some think it’s some sort of magma) produced, and grew itself on the planet, and created many creatures in the process, and grew to become the main specie on the planet, Glucons. But even back then, Glucons were still small and short, some even unable to move or live on their own. This problem grew more and more until the production of flavored magma first came. when the flavoured magma flowed around the planet, it soon became the main source of drinking, like “water”. Ever since then, Glucons were able to remain with the big and stable look that they have today

Extra Info

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam.


Breeding and birth of Glucons

Glucons breed quite differently from other animals. In case of them.. well.. breeding like animals, they go through these steps

1. Firstly, they find a partner to breed with. In order to breed, the Glucon needs to develop strong feelings and connections towards the other Glucon in order to start the breeding process. The stronger the relationship, the healthier, the stronger, and the prettier the Glucon baby will become

2. after they find their partners, they wait until the lava near them rise at a certain level of heat. The change of heat is called the “breeding heat”, which makes it so glucons can create their child with the perfect amount of heat developing in the air. If the heat is not at the certain level needed, then the child can die while the birthing process.

3. Next, the glucon couples both leak their flavoured magma goop from their mouths until the goop starts boiling up to a certain height.

4. then afterwards, they all await until the magma shapes into a ball(s). the height and mass of the ball depends on how much magma the Glucons produce.

5. and finally, the Glucon parents dip the ball(s) into the lava for approximately 3 days, or until the ball(s) is fully ready to start growing sprouts.


Newborn Glucons start out as little squishy balls of flavoured magma. They do not have heads, and do not move until their head has grown. The type of Glucon depends entirely on how big the ball is. If the ball is circular and small like a dodgeball, then its a pigmy Glucon. if the ball is oval like and long, then it’s a feral Glucon. If the ball is very squishy,thick and oval like (looks a bit like a pouch), then it’s a standard Glucon.

after a few weeks of a Glucon being born, sprouts (depending on the Glucon‘s head shape and ear shape) will start growing until the sprouts combine into a head. Some sprouts still remain on their bodies 

After they have finally grown their head, they are officially a baby Glucon. A baby Glucon is unable to walk since it’s only a head. They instead jump (Just Imagine a small little squishy ball hopping around, that’s how it looks like). Babies dont start growing their other body parts until a month after they turn baby.

after a month, a baby Glucon will start growing the rest of the body parts needed with the remaining sprouts on their bodies. They can now learn to walk sith the help of their parents. This means that they turn into children, and are now capable to exploring the world around them

after 5 years on the side of their parents, Glucons have a ritual called the ”bravery ceremony” in which most of the children that are ready to head out leave from their parents. but some Glucon children may stay.

Glucons can live up to 900 000 years old depending on its size, health, or growth. Pigmys are more likely to live longer because they don’t need to produce as much magma. 


Considering Glucons live near and around magma and volcanoes, their food source are usually warm flavored volcano rocks or magma jellies created from flavoured magma being exposed to too much heat. They completely hate cold food, and can and will possibly die if they consume anything that is frozen, considering their bodies live on heat. Crackers,cheese,bread or other foods are completely fine for them to eat (although it doesn’t really fill well), things like popsicles,ice cream,frozen dinners and cold drinks are extremely harmful to Glucons. They will hiss and even hurt you if you try to give them some. Don’t mess with them

Sleeping / habitats

Glucons are very heavy sleepers, but don’t really sleep much unless they need to hibernate. The habitats they usually live in are near volcanoes and very hot places, but some areas might experience snow storms, but those are very rare considering Glucons need to have a temperature of around 100 to be able to live properly. But in case of a snow storm, Glucons either hide under the flavoured magma oceans , or they dig a hole in a volcano and hibernate. 

the flavoured magma lakes/oceans start to freeze from the top if the temperature lowers to around 45 to 35.  Once the top freezes , the magma temperature under remains the same temperature, making it so that Glucons can hide themselves under the magma and wait until the temperature rises. Glucons are able to breath under magma or lava for years, but if they stay under for too long, they can drown, but this is almost impossible considering they can stay under lava for up to 100,000 years or more depending on how strong or large they are. If a  Baby Glucons (the unborn ones) remain under lava while they evolve, theres a chance they can turn into amphibian Glucons (Glucons that only remain in lava).

Powers , jobs, or specialties

Glucons have several special or inhuman like abilities that humans or animals don’t have. Here’s a list

- some Glucons are able to breath underwater for thousands or years

-Glucons do not have genders

- are able to eat volcano rocks and magma to survive cause of some of the rocks containing flavoured bits (humans are unable to consume it because of how hot it is)

- can croak, hiss and make weird noises to communicate with each other

- bounce or show off their condensed magma parts to attract other glucons


Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam.

World Map

World info

Suspendisse potenti. Nunc sed porttitor urna. Nullam eu rhoncus ligula. Praesent accumsan urna urna, sit amet varius lacus consectetur sit amet. Curabitur venenatis felis eu efficitur feugiat. Morbi id eros placerat, iaculis dolor sit amet, facilisis neque. Nunc at dolor sed tortor feugiat egestas.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.






Trait info

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.


Extra info?


Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam.


Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam.


How do Currency work?

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Rules on earning

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.


Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.


Ways to earn is....

Real Money
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Cras turpis ex, cursus sed lacus vel, congue gravida dui.
  • Pellentesque sapien dolor, congue id sagittis id, ullamcorper in enim. Nunc pulvinar posuere sapien sit amet porta.


Designed by Designer

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Seller: Username
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  • ToyHou.se
  • Discord
Looking for
  • Money
  • Art
  • Character
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Special Mention

Sed condimentum mauris non imperdiet lacinia. Donec venenatis risus eros, eget viverra lacus fringilla commodo. Praesent dapibus est vel risus tempor ultrices. Nullam vulputate congue libero at suscipit. Etiam nisl metus, tempor egestas metus eu, ultricies iaculis diam. Sed facilisis ac leo a auctor. Quisque aliquet nec ante eu vestibulum. Curabitur sapien dolor, volutpat eu sollicitudin nec, consequat a eros.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Cras turpis ex, cursus sed lacus vel, congue gravida dui.
  • Pellentesque sapien dolor, congue id sagittis id, ullamcorper in enim. Nunc pulvinar posuere sapien sit amet porta.

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