Rose Kingdom (WIP)

The Rose kingdom


Koa Konstrictor, the Glass Rose

Features and Landmarks:

*Two Gateways

*Mount Harchis

*Circuit River

*The Quill

Towns and other Residencies:

**Rose Palace

*Village at Mt. Harchis



*Lone cottage


The Rose Kingdom is the Central-Eastern kingdom of Sallentine. Lead by Royal lines of Glass Roses since its foundation, it's not odd that most Honey Gliders living in Sallentine reside here.

The Quill is the Rose kingdom's Dream Totem. It represents Sallentine's Muse, and appears as a large marble statue of a classic feather quill. Coming near the Quill blesses one with intense creativity and inspiration.

The Rose Palace is famous for its classic architecture and impressiveness in still being standing, even after nearly six centuries. It was constructed to house roughly a thousand residents, not including the city built around it. The city is usually lumped in under the label 'Rose Palace'. At the Palace, international trade and economic growth is closely monitored. Taxes, bills, trade rules and other similar regulations are also managed and signed into law here, too. The Rose Palace is the mother Rose town.

Sparsewood is by far the most populated town, apart from the Rose Palace itself. The town's primary economy is centered around open air market trade, featuring goods made by the kingdom's artisan crafters. These goods often include deserts, paper, ornaments, and elaborate wooden or stone tools. The population is mostly made up of Honey Gliders, although there are a few other residents of differing ethnicity. Sparsewood trades primarily finished goods with other Rose towns.

Mt. Harchis village is the second most populous town in the Rose kingdom. Residents include mostly Honey Gliders, and a few other species. This town's economy focuses on raw goods such as timber, gold, rubies, stone, and pearls. The timber comes from the eastern woods. Stone and rubies are mined by workers from Harchis itself, while gold is panned and pearls are harvested from the Circuit River. The village trades primarily raw materials with other Rose towns.

Lakeside is the least populated town, being a small neighborhood of humans. Being so close to the border, Lakeside economy is shaped around fishing and minor agriculture. Lakeside trades primarily sugar cane and similar crops with other Rose towns.

Across the Circuit River, directly north of Mt. Harchis, lies a lone cottage. Nestled between the mountains on the eastern coast, Anna and Honey live mostly separate from the rest of Sallentine here. They are respected as urban legends mostly due to their hardiness and impeccable survival skills.

The Circuit River and Mt. Harchis have been around since Sallentine's creation, and haven't moved since, despite the numerous centuries that have passed. They're considered sacred and are reminders that some things never change, no matter what.

The Rose kingdom has two Gateways, one being in the mountains north of the Circuit, the other southwest of Sparsewood. The one in the woods is most commonly used by visitors to the kingdom, while the other is used by Anna and Honey.


In recent centuries, the Konstrictor family line was known for their Summer and Winter Solstice Festivals. During these festivals, practically everyone in the kingdom, and even visitors from the other kingdoms, came to the Rose Palace to celebrate the life of the year, on the longest or shortest day of the year. The festivities typically began a few weeks prior to the Summer/Winter Solstice, and ended at sunset on the day of. Specific events was also generally left up to the festival's host, which was always the male head of the Konstrictor line. Reoccurring events in the S/WS festivals includes Games, feasts for the common citizens, and galas.