
The Capital City, Fallmoor is one of the oldest and richest places in the Archane world. It contains the Quartz Palace, home of the royal family and dating back to truly ancient times before humans evolved on the surface. The only thing older is the Fall temple Ruins to the north, which is treated as sacred and possibly haunted grounds.
Many wealthy and high class Archanes live within Fallmoor's grandiose and glittering walls. This city is also the headquarters of the Royal guard, where many young Archanes go to become swordsman. Fallmoor also boasts of being the biggest and "most advanced" city, as it has had the most time to grow and develop. The market places here are well worth the trek for Archanes of all social ranks, the Water Temple is the icon of many a religious pilgrimage for Archane priests and shamans, and the
Crystal Vale is some of the most bountiful forests in the realm. The Vale and the natural up-welling of pure water (on top of which the Water Temple was built) are the reasons the capital city was built there. As a security precaution, no surface gates are located here.